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What are the limitations of dynamic programming for sequence alignment? 

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Dynamic programming for sequence alignment has several limitations. One limitation is the high computational complexity, especially when dealing with large datasets such as DNA sequences . Another limitation is the difficulty in handling insertions and deletions, which are common errors in sequencing technologies . Additionally, there are mathematical mistakes in some implementations of dynamic programming algorithms, leading to sub-optimal alignments . These mistakes can have a detrimental impact on downstream analyses in bioinformatics . Another limitation is the need for additional calculations and analysis when dealing with wild card positions in sequences . Overall, these limitations highlight the challenges and potential errors associated with using dynamic programming for sequence alignment.

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The limitations of dynamic programming for sequence alignment are not mentioned in the provided paper.
The limitations of dynamic programming for sequence alignment are not mentioned in the provided paper.
The limitations of dynamic programming for sequence alignment are not mentioned in the provided paper.
The limitations of dynamic programming for sequence alignment are not mentioned in the provided paper.
The limitations of dynamic programming for sequence alignment are not mentioned in the provided paper.

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