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What are the most effective strategies for mitigating the negative impacts of culture wars on social media platforms? 

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To mitigate the negative impacts of culture wars on social media platforms, several effective strategies have been proposed. One approach involves utilizing Alternative Means of Conflict Resolution (MASC) to address emerging conflicts in digital social networks, employing coercive and sanctioning techniques to minimize issues among users . Additionally, deploying automatic approaches like machine learning and natural language processing can aid in detecting hate speech, a common instigator of culture wars, with a focus on mitigating biases towards identity terms like gender, race, and religion . Furthermore, implementing depolarization models based on modified linear threshold models and strategies such as building heterogeneous edges, embedding local neutral opinions, and introducing global neutral opinions can help reduce polarization effects on public opinions and societies . Lastly, promoting awareness of inappropriate behavior, diversifying arguments, and encouraging individual and collective responsibility based on social cognitive neuroscience theories can also aid in mitigating the harmful effects of polarization on social media platforms .

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Building heterogeneous edges, embedding local neutral opinion, and introducing global neutral opinion are effective strategies for reducing polarization on social media platforms, as proposed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Alternative Means of Conflict Resolution (MASC) applied in digital social networks, like Facebook and Instagram, offer effective strategies to mitigate culture wars' negative impacts through coercive and sanctioning techniques.

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