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What are the potential benefits of software-based self-tests with AI? 

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Software-based self-tests with AI offer several potential benefits. Firstly, AI can provide more accurate results and save time in software testing, leading to better quality assurance and reducing time to market . Secondly, AI can automate routine tasks in software development and testing, such as debugging and documentation, increasing productivity and reducing expenses . Additionally, AI can analyze large amounts of data to discover patterns and novel information clusters, enabling structured analysis of big data pools . Furthermore, AI can utilize neural networks to systematically evaluate data, enhancing the effectiveness of self-tests . Overall, software-based self-tests with AI have the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software testing, shorten development cycles, and reduce costs.

Answers from top 5 papers

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
09 Apr 2019
19 Citations
The potential benefits of software-based self-tests with AI include shorter software development life cycles, reduced time to market, and greater innovation and agility in the software testing industry.
The potential benefits of software-based self-tests with AI include shortening the development cycle, reducing expenses, and increasing productivity.
Roi Saltzman, Ory Segal 
04 Sep 2012
6 Citations
The provided paper does not mention AI or the potential benefits of software-based self-tests with AI.
The provided paper does not mention anything about the potential benefits of software-based self-tests with AI.
Book ChapterDOI
Jiun-Lang Huang, Kwang-Ting (Tim) 
01 Jan 2008
3 Citations
The provided paper does not mention anything about the potential benefits of software-based self-tests with AI.

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How can researchers and software developers provide testing procedures for AI systems?3 answersResearchers and software developers can provide testing procedures for AI systems by applying software engineering and testing practices. The complex nature of AI systems, which are based on software, can benefit from established procedures in software engineering for assessing their behavior and characteristics. By connecting the key requirements of Trustworthy AI defined by the European Commission's AI high-level expert group with software engineering procedures, researchers and developers can assess the trustworthiness of AI systems. This connection allows for the application of software testing techniques to evaluate the correctness, robustness, and stiffness of AI systems. The use of machine learning and AI techniques in software testing can also aid in extracting features, classifying screen types and elements, and implementing test sequences for app testing. Reusing classifiers across applications and platforms can further enhance the testing process.
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