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What are the rotary encoder? 

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Rotary encoders are devices used to detect and measure the rotation of an object. They consist of various components such as a code disk, reading head, and housing, which work together to track rotational movement . These encoders can be tested using specialized devices that ensure precision by aligning the sample and reference encoders on the same axis, reducing testing errors . Some rotary encoders incorporate magnetic features added through additive manufacturing, allowing for accurate detection of rotation using magnetic sensors positioned near the rotating shaft . Additionally, certain rotary encoders include a mechanical angle-electrical angle signal conversion unit and a nonvolatile memory to convert output information from sensors into signals for motor drive, enhancing versatility and cost-effectiveness .

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Rotary encoders are devices used to convert rotary motion into electrical signals. This paper introduces rotary encoders with magnetic features added through additive manufacturing for enhanced functionality.
Rotary encoders are devices, like the one described in the paper, used to detect rotation. They consist of a housing, shaft, code disk, and reading head for this purpose.
Rotary encoders are devices, like the one described in the paper, consisting of a rotor, stator, and casting compound, used to convert rotary motion into electrical signals for various applications.
Rotary encoders are devices used for measuring rotational motion. The "Rotary Encoder Testing Device" in the paper tests sample and reference encoders for precision on a common axis.
Rotary encoders are devices that convert mechanical rotation into electrical signals. This multipurpose rotary encoder includes signal conversion units and nonvolatile memory for versatile and cost-effective operation.

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