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What are the sensory sensitivities that characterize ASD people? 

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Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) exhibit sensory sensitivities that manifest in various ways. These sensitivities include hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, leading to feelings of being bombarded by intrusive stimuli and difficulties in distancing oneself from them . Sensory processing issues in ASD encompass hypersensitivity in multiple sensory areas, with disruptions increasingly reported in auditory and visual processing pathways . Research indicates that ASD individuals may experience higher sensory sensitivity and responsivity levels compared to neurotypicals, particularly in self-reported assessments . Moreover, sensory processing problems are recognized as a core symptom of ASD, influencing how individuals perceive and interact with their environment . These sensory sensitivities play a crucial role in shaping the daily challenges faced by individuals with ASD, impacting their experiences and interactions with the world around them.

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Autistic individuals experience hypersensitivity as intrusive stimuli invading their bodies, making the environment seem chaotic, unpredictable, and threatening, impacting daily interactions and perceptions.
Sensory sensitivity and responsivity, particularly visual, are heightened in autistic adults, impacting detection thresholds for spatial frequency but not contrast, with self-reported levels correlating with behavioral and emotional factors.
Individuals with ASD exhibit atypical sensory processing in auditory, visual, and tactile domains, as shown by EEG and fMRI studies, indicating increased sensitivity to stimuli and altered sensory responses.
Individuals with ASD commonly exhibit hypersensitivity in auditory, vestibular, and visual sensory processing, impacting educational outcomes due to difficulties in processing stimuli effectively.

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