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What are the specific features of smartboards that facilitate innovation in education? 

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Smartboards in education offer various features that drive innovation. These features include interactive whiteboards, smart acoustics, senteo collaborating reply structure, airliner digital tab, smooth manuscript camera , and integrated technological elements like Smart Board with hardware such as monitor, camera, raspberry, and cloud server . Additionally, smart boards enhance learning by enabling dynamic experiences, increasing student engagement, and improving attitudes and achievements from preschool to high school . However, the adoption of smart board technology faces challenges due to factors like low usage of smart board features, social influence, attitudes toward technology, and facilitating conditions . Overall, smartboards revolutionize teaching and learning by providing a digital and interactive platform that enhances the educational process.

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Smart boards offer interactive features like touch functionality and varied angles for educators, enhancing teaching innovation in education by enabling dynamic and engaging classroom interactions.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Soh Hon Mun, Abdul Halim Abdullah 
01 Dec 2016
10 Citations
Smart boards enhance education by enabling dynamic learning experiences, increasing student engagement, and aiding teachers in presenting concepts effectively, fostering innovation in education.
Smartboards in ubiquitous computing integrate monitor for displaying material, camera for capturing surroundings, Raspberry Pi for control, cloud server for computing, and user devices for interaction, enhancing interactive and efficient learning.
Smartboards in smart classrooms offer interactive whiteboard, smart acoustics, digital tablets, and more, enhancing teaching through multimedia tools for innovative and improved education delivery.

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