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What did the paper say about dynamic channel conditions? 

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The papers discuss the impact of dynamic channel conditions on various communication systems. They highlight that dynamic channel conditions, such as near-far problems, device heterogeneity, and multipath fading, can significantly affect the performance of communication schemes like inaudible aerial acoustic communication . The research introduces innovative approaches like the High-speed, long-range, and Robust Chirp Spread Spectrum (HRCSS) scheme to address these challenges by leveraging loose orthogonality conditions and lightweight rate adaptation algorithms to enhance data rates and system robustness under changing channel conditions . Additionally, the papers emphasize the importance of adapting to dynamic channel conditions in real-time applications like 5G-compliant Age of Information (AoI) scheduling to minimize delays and optimize information freshness .

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The paper discussed a dynamic channel selection system for vehicular communications that adapts to varying channel congestion levels to maintain link quality and avoid congestion in real-world experiments.
The paper addresses dynamic channel conditions such as near-far problem, device heterogeneity, and multipath fading, proposing a High-speed, long-range, and Robust Chirp Spread Spectrum (HRCSS) scheme for improved communication.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Chao Cao, Pete Trautman, Soshi Iba 
20 May 2019
42 Citations
The paper introduces Dynamic Channels as a planning framework for crowd navigation, combining topological path planning with motion planning to address dynamic pedestrian environments efficiently.
The paper introduced Kronos, a 5G scheduler, addressing dynamic channel conditions by optimizing RB allocation and MCS selection to minimize Age of Information (AoI) in real-time.
The paper proposed HRCSS for aerial acoustic communication to address dynamic channel conditions like near-far problem, device heterogeneity, and multipath fading, achieving adaptive performance with improved data rates.

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