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This device represent the first and only attempt with a rotating magnet in dedicated MRI and it is part of a commercial scanner produced by Esaote S. p. A (G-SCAN)
This brief screening instrument administered prior to the scan may help identify in advance those people who are most likely to experience claustrophobic fear and, in particular, those who panic during the MRI procedure.
The method can be integrated as part of a standard MRI Quality Assurance program and may also be useful to correct for inter-scan variability introduced by fluctuations in gradient performance.
This specially appeared to be useful in patients with a normal MRI scan.
Thus, the abbreviated MRI protocol associated with accelerated MRI techniques may provide value for screening and for diagnostic purposes.

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What is MRI?5 answersMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that uses a combination of magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the body. It provides high soft-tissue contrast and is widely used in various medical fields. MRI can detect and evaluate internal derangement of the knee, including pathology in tissues such as menisci, ligaments, tendons, muscles, articular cartilage, synovium, and bones. It is also valuable for evaluating disease processes in the abdomen, including the pancreas, biliary tree, and gallbladder. MRI can visualize joints, ligaments, cartilage, muscles, and other structures inside the body, making it useful for detecting sports injuries and diagnosing disorders such as spinal cord injuries, strokes, aneurysms, multiple sclerosis, tumors, and eye or inner ear problems. Additionally, MRI is used in research to study brain structure and function. Overall, MRI is a powerful imaging modality with a wide range of applications in medicine.
What is the MRI?5 answersMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive medical imaging technique that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the anatomy and physiological processes in the human body. It is particularly useful for diagnosing tumors, somatic diseases, and sports injuries, as well as examining the brain structure and function. MRI can also be used for the detection and local staging of primary breast cancer, evaluation of implant integrity, and staging of rectal cancer. The technique relies on the response of atomic nuclei to the magnetic field, specifically the distribution of hydrogen nuclei in the organ under observation. Stronger magnetic fields result in higher resolution images, and ongoing research aims to develop MRI systems with improved resolution without harming healthy tissues. Overall, MRI is a valuable tool in medical diagnosis and treatment planning, providing accurate and detailed information about various conditions and diseases.
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