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What factors contribute to the stability of savings among market vendors? 

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The stability of savings among market vendors can be influenced by various factors. Factors contributing to stability include the existence of diverse agents in economies, redistributing resources to ensure stable competitive equilibrium , the choice of numeraire in a multimarket competitive equilibrium, and the introduction of a market for credit alongside dated commodities markets . Additionally, understanding demographic characteristics, risk perception, and risk mitigation behaviors among market vendors is crucial for informing interventions to prevent disease transmission and emergence, which can impact their financial stability . Moreover, market vendors' knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to STD/AIDS can also affect their vulnerability to acquiring diseases, emphasizing the importance of implementing prevention interventions to maintain their stability .

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Not addressed in the paper.
Perception of low disease risk, minimal personal protective equipment use, and lack of association between risk perception and risk mitigation behaviors contribute to stability of savings among market vendors.
Discount factor size influences stability in a simplified version of Lee et al. (2005). A steady state exists for full support, close to (1, 0), with z as a parameter.
The stability of savings among market vendors is influenced by the choice of numeraire, equilibrium prices, and the introduction of a credit market, beyond just demand and supply curves.
Not addressed in the paper.

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