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What is geometry in properties of light? 

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Geometry in the properties of light encompasses various aspects explored in different contexts. Michael V Berry and Pragya Shukla discuss the geometric properties of nonparaxial electromagnetic waves, highlighting the interplay between electric and magnetic fields, wavevectors, and phases . Michael R. Evans introduces the concept of the Trion-Re' as a fundamental structural unit in a modified 3-D space without straight lines, impacting traditional Platonic Solids and space/time geometry . Guohui Wang et al. delve into symplectic geometry's formal verification and applications, establishing a theorem library in HOL-Light for symplectic vector spaces and matrices, extending the system's theory base . David L. Shealy emphasizes how geometrical optics laws, including intensity and wavefront properties, offer insights for optical design and nonimaging optics applications . Gabriel E. Topp et al. connect light-matter coupling to quantum geometry in flat-band systems, showcasing the intricate interplay between light and electronic properties in materials like moiré systems .

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Geometry in properties of light refers to geometrical optics, focusing on ray-like behavior, laws of reflection, Snell's law, and intensity. It aids in optical design through intensity invariance and wavefront analysis.
Symplectic geometry formalized in HOL-Light includes properties of light in matrix optics, demonstrating symplectic features for formal verification and application in engineering.
The geometry in properties of light involves wavevectors, phases, curl forces, and superoscillations, showcasing interconnections between electric and magnetic fields in nonparaxial electromagnetic waves.
Open access
01 Jan 2010
2 Citations
The paper introduces a new geometry of 3-D space, including the Trion-Re' as a fundamental unit, impacting the wave/particle theory of light and space/time structures.

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