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What is indirect profiling? 

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Indirect profiling is a method used to follow and quantify compounds without inherent detector response in high-performance liquid chromatography . It involves adding a detectable component to the mobile phase, which allows for the detection of peaks in injected solutes as well as mobile phase additives . This technique is particularly sensitive for ionic solutes and can be applied to uncharged compounds as well . Indirect detection is commonly used in fields such as pharmaceutical product determinations and quantification of impurities in substances . The underlying principle of indirect detection can be expressed in simple equations, which can optimize detection sensitivity and prevent disturbance effects when the mobile phase gives detector response . Understanding the principles of indirect detection is crucial for tracing or preventing disturbances that may arise from the presence of a detectable component in the mobile phase .

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Indirect profiling is not mentioned in the provided paper. The paper discusses indirect detection in high-performance liquid chromatography, which is a method to follow and quantify compounds without inherent detector response.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2023
The paper does not specifically mention "indirect profiling." The paper discusses criminal profiling, which is the practice of making inferences about the characteristics of suspected offenders based on indirect behavioral evidence.
The provided paper does not mention anything about "indirect profiling."
The provided paper does not mention anything about indirect profiling.

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