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What is the atomicity of matter? 

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Atomicity is a fundamental concept in various fields, including computer science and mathematics. In computer science, atomicity refers to the property of a multithreaded program where certain operations are indivisible and appear to occur instantaneously. This property is crucial for ensuring correctness and simplifying programming. Flanagan et al. present an algorithm for verifying atomicity in Java programs using type inference . In mathematics, atomicity is studied in the context of commutative domains and the ascending chain condition on principal ideals (ACCP). Tringali discusses the problem of finding a characterization of atomicity in commutative domains and settles it using the language of monoids and preorders . Hesselink presents a criterion for proving atomicity of read-write objects using ghost variables and invariants, which is verified using a mechanical theorem prover . Overall, atomicity plays a crucial role in ensuring correctness and simplifying systems in various domains.

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The provided paper does not discuss the atomicity of matter. It focuses on the concept of atomicity in computer science, specifically in the context of transactions in distributed systems and cloud services.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
10 Jan 2005
46 Citations
The provided paper does not discuss the atomicity of matter. The paper is about type inference for atomicity in multithreaded programs.
The provided paper does not discuss the atomicity of matter. It focuses on the characterization of atomicity in commutative domains.
The provided paper does not discuss the atomicity of matter. It focuses on the characterisation of atomicity in the context of commutative domains.

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