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What is the composition of dear? 

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The composition of DEAR (Differential Equation Associated Regression) models consists of two main components: a random function with a linear difference equation-wise regression as the central tendency and a variance bound specified by Gaussian error analysis theory . DEAR models were originally proposed on the random fuzzy theoretical foundation but can be defined on any measure theoretic platform . In the context of statistical machine learning (SML) algorithm developments, DEAR models can contribute significantly, particularly in developing robot movement systems where motion laws are expressed by differential equations . The DEAR learning algorithm incorporates a λ-global optimization scheme, making it one of the fastest, most efficient, and accurate SML algorithms .

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The paper does not provide information about the composition of DEAR.
The paper does not provide information about the composition of the word "dear." The paper is about the life of Jeanne Robert Foster and her circle of friends during the birth of the Age of Modernism.
The paper does not provide information about the composition of DEAR.
The composition of DEAR models includes a random function with a linear difference equation-wise regression as the central tendency and a variance bound specified by Gaussian error analysis theory.

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