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What is the current state of research on causal inference in the classification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis? 

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The current state of research on causal inference in the classification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis highlights the challenges in measuring genomic variation and its impact on transmission inferences. Different variant identification approaches yield inconsistent results, leading to conflicting transmission inferences . Additionally, the performance of variant calling approaches varies widely, affecting the accuracy of outbreak variation recovery . Causal inference analysis has shown promise in understanding the transmission of infectious diseases, emphasizing the quantifiable impact of complex interactions between infectious diseases and human behavior on transmission efficiency . While incorporating machine learning in causal inference can help address biases and uncover heterogeneous causal effects, caution is advised due to the complexity of causal pathways and potential biases in observational data .

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The research paper focuses on a Bayesian classification approach for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Uttarakhand, emphasizing posterior and prior probabilities in causal inference.
Not addressed in the paper.
Open accessPosted ContentDOI
Alex E. Yuan, Alex E. Yuan, Wenying Shou 
04 Aug 2020-bioRxiv
9 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Variant identification methods greatly impact Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission inferences. Consensus on genomic variation measurement is lacking, affecting transmission classification accuracy and phylogenetic structure.

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