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What is the effect of acoustic signals on group movements? 

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Acoustic signals play a crucial role in coordinating group movements among social animals. Research on Tibetan macaques revealed that vocalizations during group movements recruited more participants, with individuals in the front emitting more sounds during departures . In a study on mobile agents, it was found that noise in communication affects the collective inference capability, leading to ordered or disordered phases based on the fraction of informed individuals . Bats like Thyroptera tricolor use social signals for locating group members during flight and roosting, enhancing group cohesion through individual recognition and spatial memory . Similarly, in pair-living strepsirrhines, distinct call types are used for spacing and group coordination, indicating the importance of vocal signaling in decision-making and maintaining cohesiveness within the group .

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Acoustic signals, like "inquiry" and "response" calls, aid Spix's Disc-Winged Bats in group cohesion and movement by facilitating recognition and communication during flight and roosting.
Acoustic signals influence collective movement by aiding in aligning individuals' directions and facilitating group information acquisition, impacting order-disorder transitions and inference capabilities within the population.
Acoustic signals, particularly vocalizations, significantly impact group movements among Tibetan macaques by recruiting more participants, with females and socially central individuals emitting more sounds for coordination.
Noise in communication, particularly in signal production, can disrupt collective movement in populations of mobile agents, impacting their ability to infer environmental directions and increasing group fragmentation.

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