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What is the john fisher model? 

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The John Fisher model refers to a research study that explores the leadership qualities of Saint John Fisher, a prominent figure in the Roman Catholic Church during medieval and contemporary Europe. The study applies contemporary theories of leadership, specifically Kouzes and Posner's 5-point theoretical model of transformational leadership, to analyze Fisher's life and leadership qualities. The research demonstrates that all five practices of the model were present in Fisher's leadership, and also identifies additional traits of leadership not mentioned in the theoretical model. The study highlights the implications and limitations of the research, and provides recommendations for future scholarship and formation of clergy .

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Open accessDOI
Baker, John C 
01 Jan 2017
1 Citations
The provided paper does not mention the "John Fisher model."
The provided paper does not mention a "John Fisher model."
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2017
1 Citations
The provided paper does not mention the "John Fisher model."
The paper does not mention a "John Fisher model."

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5 answers
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