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What is the relationship between pre-operative dental prophylaxis and cardiac surgery outcomes? 

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Preoperative dental prophylaxis plays a crucial role in cardiac surgery outcomes. Studies have shown that implementing oral hygiene protocols before cardiac surgery can potentially reduce postoperative infections . Additionally, preoperative oral health status, including factors like the number of remaining teeth and periodontal status, significantly impacts postoperative complications and functional recovery in cardiovascular surgery patients . Evaluating different preoperative dental screening approaches, such as focused and comprehensive, revealed no significant difference in 90-day mortality post valve surgery, emphasizing the importance of dental clearance before cardiac procedures . Furthermore, dental treatment before advanced cardiac interventions does not increase the risk of adverse events, highlighting the safety and importance of addressing oral health before such procedures .

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Preoperative dental screening (PDS) approaches (FocA and CompA) showed no significant difference in 90-day mortality post cardiac valve surgery, but CompA had lower reoperation rates due to infection.
Pre-operative dental treatment before advanced cardiac surgeries in end-stage heart failure patients does not increase medical adverse events or mortality, indicating no negative impact on cardiac surgery outcomes.
Not addressed in the paper.
Preoperative periodontal treatment improves oral health status in cardiac valve surgery patients, potentially reducing postoperative infection risk and complications, as indicated by the study.
The study found that a standardized oral hygiene protocol before cardiac surgery did not significantly reduce postoperative infections compared to usual practices, highlighting the need for further research in this area.

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