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What is the relationship between yellow eyes and skin in humans? 

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Yellow eyes and skin in humans can be indicative of various conditions. Yellow eyelids, although uncommon, can be cosmetically concerning. The yellowish tinge observed in the skin can raise concerns of jaundice, as seen in a case study of a 1-year-old boy with yellow-orange discoloration in specific areas. The absorption of radiation, particularly UV radiation, plays a crucial role in triggering biochemical reactions and cellular responses that lead to biologic effects and microscopic alterations in the skin. Additionally, interactions between light exposure on the skin and cholecalciferol, along with the role of darkness in regulating various functions, highlight the complexity of factors influencing skin color and health. These insights emphasize the multifactorial nature of yellow discoloration in both the eyes and skin in humans.

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Journal ArticleDOI
M A Anjay, Vijay Palanivel, Stephen Nirmal 
1 Citations
Yellow skin in humans can be due to beta-carotenemia, not jaundice. Yellow eyes are indicative of jaundice, while yellow skin without yellow eyes suggests beta-carotenemia, as seen in infants.
Not addressed in the paper.
Open accessJournal Article
D Brown, S M Johnson, T D Horn 
1 Citations
Yellow eyelids can be a sign of underlying health issues like lymphoma. The paper discusses the causes and differential diagnosis of yellow eyelids, which can be cosmetically concerning for patients.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
M A Anjay, Vijay Palanivel, Stephen Nirmal 
01 Jan 2009-Case Reports
1 Citations
Yellow skin and yellow-orange discoloration of palms, feet, soles, knees, and nasolabial folds were observed in an infant, while the sclera remained white, indicating a discrepancy in pigmentation distribution.
Not addressed in the paper.

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