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What is the timestep of GENIE model? 

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The GENIE model utilizes a timestep for its simulations, which is crucial for studying ice age cycles, long-term human-induced global change, and other Earth System Models (ESMs) over multi-millennial timescales . Additionally, the development of GENIE involved the proposal of Higher-Order Denoising Diffusion Solvers (GENIE), which introduced a novel higher-order solver to accelerate synthesis in generative models. This solver relies on higher-order gradients of the perturbed data distribution and requires Jacobian-vector products (JVPs) for efficient computation during synthesis . Therefore, the timestep in the GENIE model plays a significant role in facilitating the simulation and analysis of complex Earth system dynamics and generative model synthesis.

Answers from top 4 papers

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
Tim Dockhorn, Arash Vahdat, Karsten Kreis 
11 Oct 2022
28 Citations
The GENIE model utilizes a novel higher-order solver based on truncated Taylor methods, significantly accelerating synthesis without explicitly mentioning the specific timestep used in the model.
Open accessPosted ContentDOI
11 Oct 2022
The GENIE model utilizes higher-order solvers to accelerate synthesis in denoising diffusion models, but the specific timestep information is not provided in the abstract.
The GENIE model can simulate over multi-millennial timescales, indicating a long timestep suitable for studying ice age cycles and long-term global change, but the specific timestep value is not provided.
Journal ArticleDOI
Malcolm Fridlund, Philippe Gondoin 
2 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.

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