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What mach number is compressibility effect significant? 

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The compressibility effect becomes significant at low Mach numbers. The artificial compressibility method is used to reduce the stiffness of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations by artificially decreasing the velocity of acoustic waves in the fluid . Plasma compressibility causes a significant reduction in the growth rate of an ideal interchange instability above the marginal stability criterion . The pseudo-compressibility method is applied to turbulent reactive flows at zero Mach number, and the results show the extreme sensitivity of the rate of convergence to the value of the pseudo-compressibility factor . An artificial compressibility method is developed for incompressible and low Mach number fluid flow problems, which provokes density perturbations and improves overall damping properties . The stability of ideal internal kink modes, ballooning modes, and infernal modes is not significantly affected by compressibility, but the linear growth rates are larger in calculations that include compressibility .

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The paper does not mention the specific Mach number at which compressibility effects become significant.
The compressibility effect is significant at non-zero Mach numbers, but this paper focuses on the pseudo-compressibility method for zero Mach number flows.
The compressibility effect is significant for low Mach number flows.

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