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What role does the school play in gender-specific differences in attitudes towards the use of computers? 

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The school environment significantly influences gender-specific differences in attitudes towards computer use. Research indicates that female students often exhibit less positive attitudes towards computing compared to male students. Studies suggest that despite intensive computer use in schools, boys tend to have higher levels of computer anxiety, self-confidence, and self-efficacy, while no differences are observed in computer enjoyment. Additionally, the availability of studies and theories on students' computer competencies is limited, with a focus on the 'gender gap' in computing attitudes. These findings underscore the importance of early interventions in schools to address confidence, attitudes, and perceptions among female students, aiming to increase their engagement with computing and encourage their pursuit of optional Computer Science qualifications.

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The school's influence on gender-specific differences in computer attitudes is discussed in the paper, focusing on socialization, gender-specific behavior, and teaching methods as potential factors.
The school setting intensively using computers tends to favor boys over girls in computer anxiety, self-confidence, and self-efficacy, with no significant impact on computer enjoyment.
Schools do not play a significant role in gender-specific differences in teachers' attitudes towards technology use in classrooms, as per the study conducted on 482 secondary school teachers in India.
Schools play a role in gender-specific differences in attitudes towards computing. Female pupils in mixed-sex schools had lower feelings of belonging, potentially impacting their engagement and choice of Computer Science qualifications.

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