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What's the latest science of reversing grey hair? 

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The latest science of reversing grey hair involves several approaches. One approach is the use of specific compounds such as enzymes and essential amino acids taken as oral dietary supplements . Another approach is the use of combination therapeutics like RT1640, which consists of drugs that stimulate hair growth and a non-immunosuppressive immunophilin ligand implicated in tissue regeneration . Additionally, adipose-derived autologous mesenchymal stem cells have been tested for their ability to regenerate tissues . Recent research has also shown that hair greying is reversible in humans, with white hairs naturally regaining pigmentation within days to weeks . Proteomic analysis has revealed that graying is marked by the upregulation of proteins related to energy metabolism, mitochondria, and antioxidant defenses . Furthermore, stress has been found to accelerate hair greying, and the reduction of stress can lead to the reversal of grey hair .

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Papers (4)Insight
The paper provides evidence that human hair graying is naturally reversible, but it does not discuss the latest science or methods for reversing gray hair.
The paper discusses a new method for measuring small changes in hair coloring and suggests that some white hairs naturally regain their color. However, it does not provide information on the latest science of reversing grey hair.
The paper discusses the use of specific compounds such as enzymes and essential amino acids taken as oral dietary supplements to slow, stop, or reverse human greying.
The provided paper does not discuss the latest science of reversing grey hair. It focuses on the incidental finding of hair greying reversal following autologous adipose mesenchymal stem cell transplantations for neurodegenerative disorders.

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