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The diversity and severity of the challenges in agriculture both on small farms and in agribusiness are enormous.
Too fine a distinction, therefore, will not be drawn between agricultural and nonagricultural jobs on the farm or even between employment "in agriculture" and employment which grows out of agricultural enterprise.
Agribusiness instruction in vocational agriculture programs can help prepare employees for service related job opportunities in agriculture.
This paper suggests why the intensification of agriculture is associated with a relative decline in women's participation in agriculture.
Consequently, farmers are distracted from agriculture and tend to migrate to cities to look for alternative jobs.
In both organic and conservation agriculture, different combinations of crops, climate and diversification practices outperformed industrial agriculture, and thus we find little evidence that high input systems always outperform alternative forms of agriculture.
Instead, this type of work appears to be the domain of asset-poor households that are marginally engaged in agriculture.
Agroecology and sustainable agriculture are good places for training in these skills.
The study further shows that growth of workforce in non-agriculture was higher than that in agriculture.
The findings suggest a differentiation between the types of policies that promote growth in agriculture generally and those that are more likely to assist the rural poor.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Berthold Herrendorf, Todd Schoellman 
57 Citations
We find that there are large productivity gaps between agriculture and non–agriculture.

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5 answers
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted mental health globally. Health workers face increased stress and burnout, necessitating support to prevent early exits from the workforce. Lifestyle changes due to government policies have led to anxiety, stress, depression, and even suicide among the general population. Adolescents have experienced both negative and positive impacts on mental health, with stressors like infection rates and quarantine affecting their well-being. The general population has seen a rise in mental disorders, substance abuse, and suicidal behavior, with vulnerable groups including adolescents and healthcare workers. Individuals with chronic illnesses have faced higher odds of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress, along with increased exposure to stressors like death of loved ones and financial problems.
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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4 answers
The availability and accessibility of traditional Chinese foods significantly impact Chinese overseas students' dietary choices. Research indicates that international students in Australia faced challenges in consuming authentic traditional foods due to limited availability and higher prices, leading to adaptations to the Australian food environment. Similarly, a study on international students in the US found that economic factors drove dietary acculturation, resulting in the consumption of more processed Westernized foods due to affordability and accessibility. Moreover, a study focusing on Mandarin-speaking Chinese international dietetic students highlighted that culture change significantly influenced their relationships with food and eating habits, emphasizing the impact of availability and accessibility of traditional foods on dietary choices among this population.
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5 answers
Resilience theory in landscape management and ecology is a multifaceted concept that emphasizes the capacity of landscapes to absorb disturbances, adapt to change, and retain essential functions and structures. The core components of resilience theory, as derived from the provided contexts, include diversity, redundancy, network connectivity, modularity, adaptability, the understanding of landscapes as complex adaptive systems, and the recognition of the importance of scale. Diversity and redundancy are crucial for enhancing the ability of landscapes to endure stressors and disturbances by providing multiple options for response and recovery, thereby increasing the overall resilience of the system. Network connectivity and modularity refer to the structure of landscapes and the connections between their components, which can either facilitate or hinder the flow of organisms, materials, and information, affecting the landscape's capacity to respond to changes. Adaptability, or the capacity of a landscape and its managers to learn from disturbances and to implement changes that support long-term resilience, is another vital component. Understanding landscapes as complex adaptive systems is essential for recognizing the dynamic interactions and feedback loops that influence resilience. This perspective frames landscapes as self-organizing entities that can adapt to external pressures and evolve over time, highlighting the importance of considering the socio-environmental relationships involved in landscape transformations. Finally, the importance of scale is emphasized in resilience theory, acknowledging that the dynamics of resilience can vary significantly across different spatial and temporal scales. This necessitates a comprehensive approach that integrates socio-ecological-economic influences to adequately address the complexity of agricultural systems and beyond. Together, these components form a robust framework for analyzing and enhancing the resilience of landscapes in the face of rapid environmental change, shifting land use patterns, and other global challenges.
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4 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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4 answers
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