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Which continent has the fewest people working in agriculture? 

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Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2004
468 Citations
As agriculture dominates in terms of direct contribution to GDP and numbers of people engaged in it, as well as accounting for the largest amount of public support expenditure, it is agriculture that will receive the greatest attention here.
The study further shows that growth of workforce in non-agriculture was higher than that in agriculture.
There appears to be a link to people working in the soil and as agricultural workers.
Journal ArticleDOI
Thomas G. Rawski, Robert W. Mead 
01 May 1998-World Development
90 Citations
Our calculations show that the number of “phantom farmers” actually working outside agriculture may easily surpass 100 million.
Results show that smallholder agriculture has the same potential to stimulate output growth as large-scale agriculture.
Indeed they suggest that migration is a supplement to agriculture and non-agriculture activities in richer regions a subsidy for agriculture and non-agriculture activities in mid-income regions and a substitute for agriculture in poor and remote regions.
The study reveals that high-level agricultural manpower training began in the early 1950s and that, at present, the country has seven institutions of higher learning, which train students in agriculture and related fields.
Using a purpose-designed sub-set of items within a large, omnibus-style survey of regional and rural Australia, we demonstrate that agrarianism exists as a scientifically quantifiable concept identifiable through responses to four key propositions: that Australians should support policies aimed at improving the position of the agricultural industries; that working in agriculture and associated industries brings out the best in people; that agricultural producers make a major contribution to environmental protection and biodiversity conservation; and that the development of agriculture in Australia contributed to the development of the national character.
Data from 36 countries in SSA show a significant relationship at the supra-national level between soil nutrient depletion (including erosion), reduced fallow periods, and population pressure and thus illustrate the unsustainable population-agriculture-environment nexus on the continent which so far has been described in case studies only.

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