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The right selection of software personnels helps keep project cost low, deliver better quality software and avoids the schedule slippage of a software project.
The AQUA provides software architects with a means for achieving software quality attributes through acquiring good software.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Jack Downey, Muhammad Ali Babar 
11 May 2008
5 Citations
We believe that socio-cognitive factors and artifacts with which software engineers work have a vital role in identifying the skill-set for software architects.
The software architect possesses a unique perspective and mental framework that guides the development of software systems.
; and choosing one of them is not an easy task according to need/criteria of the software projects because each technique pursues a specific objective or goal; and is less suitable for specific kind of software system.
As the system evolves over time, the role of the software architect evolves as well, and skills that enabled an architect to be successful during one phase of a system’s lifetime may not enable success in later phases.
The framework suggested in the paper should enable an architect and other key stakeholders of the software architecture to efficiently identify, evaluate and select the software architecture.

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How to evaluate project manager in AI projects?
9 answers
Evaluating project managers in AI projects requires a multifaceted approach that considers the unique challenges and competencies associated with artificial intelligence. A 'neo-traitist' framework suggests evaluating the impact of AI on project management, emphasizing the need for project managers to identify defensible traits against AI encroachment. This approach aligns with the necessity for project managers to possess not only traditional project management skills but also a deep understanding of AI technology and its application within projects. A competency framework developed for AI project managers in the context of Industry 4.0 highlights the importance of specific competencies, including both technical and soft skills, to effectively manage AI projects. This is further supported by the need for project managers to interpret vast amounts of data from various sources, requiring analytics skills and an up-to-date knowledge of AI technology to integrate it effectively into project management. The role of emotional intelligence (EI) in managing AI projects cannot be overlooked, as it significantly impacts project success, especially in industries like construction where AI can be used to manage costs and delays. Moreover, the application of AI in managing project processes and targets necessitates an understanding of AI's capabilities and limitations. The use of advanced AI models, such as BP neural networks, for project quality evaluation and management activities, indicates the technical depth required for managing AI projects. Additionally, selecting the appropriate project management methodology for AI transformation projects is crucial, as it must align with strategic business goals and support the integration of AI technologies. In summary, evaluating project managers in AI projects involves assessing their technical competencies in AI, project management skills, emotional intelligence, and their ability to choose and apply the appropriate project management methodologies to meet the unique demands of AI projects.
How to avaluate project managers?
4 answers
Evaluating project managers is a multifaceted process that involves assessing various competencies and performance metrics to ensure project success. The Project Manager Competency Development Framework (PMCDF) method is a structured approach that can objectively assess the performance competency of project managers, focusing on units like project quality, cost, and human resources management. Best practices for evaluating software project managers emphasize the importance of feedback in maximizing their potential, suggesting a continuous and interactive evaluation process. Leadership skills are paramount, as the project manager's ability to lead a team significantly contributes to project success. A practical approach to assessing leadership involves engaging students in multidisciplinary collaborative projects to simulate real-world project management scenarios. In collaborative construction projects, specific competencies such as group capabilities, language proficiency, and leveraging diversity are identified as core, with a set of supportive competencies forming the profile of project managers’ competencies for these projects. The leadership style and indicators are crucial in green building projects, where environmental and energy considerations are paramount. Evaluating project managers in this context involves identifying key success indicators and leadership styles that align with green building objectives. A comprehensive competency model that includes knowledge, performance, and behavioral criteria, combined with a proper interval decision-making method, can effectively evaluate and select competent project managers. NGO project managers, especially in public health projects, require competencies in knowledge of healthcare environment, evidence-informed decision making, and interpersonal communication. The performance of project managers can also be measured against criteria such as time, cost, quality, health and safety, and stakeholder satisfaction. Finally, a four-dimensional competency index system for construction managers, evaluated using advanced statistical methods like support vector machine (SVM), offers a reliable and practical evaluation system. In summary, evaluating project managers involves a comprehensive assessment of their competencies, leadership skills, and performance across various dimensions, tailored to the specific needs of the project and industry.
Is high reps lightweight better than low reps heavyweight?
5 answers
In the context of comparing high reps lightweight versus low reps heavyweight, the choice depends on the specific scenario. Lightweight meshes (LWM) have shown benefits in hernia repair by reducing postoperative pain and stiffness. In rowing, Heavyweight (HW) pairs exhibited higher force production compared to Lightweight (LW) pairs, with differences in handle force, work per stroke, and power per kilogram. Similarly, in ventral hernia repair, lightweight meshes like Ultrapro mesh have advantages over heavyweight meshes, including lower rates of chronic pain and complications like seroma and infection. Therefore, for activities like hernia repair and rowing, lightweight options may offer advantages in terms of reduced pain, complications, and potentially better outcomes.
What is a white label shop?
5 answers
A white label shop refers to a retail establishment that sells products under its own branding, which are actually produced by another company. This concept is prevalent in various industries, including e-commerce, where companies rebrand products or services to appear as if they were the creators. In the context of software startups, white label products are customized to adhere to the client's brand identity and visual language. This strategy allows successful brands to offer services without investing in developing the technology themselves. White label products have been applied in physical manufacturing and software development, enabling startups to create custom applications for different clients efficiently. The white label approach facilitates increased sales for manufacturers by allowing other companies to sell rebranded versions of their products.
White label shop?
5 answers
A white label shop refers to a business model where products are produced by one company but sold by another under their own brand name. This concept is prevalent in various industries, including financial services, fragrance market, and software startups. White label products allow companies to enter new markets quickly and offer customized solutions to customers without the need for extensive development time. In the context of financial services, innovative companies have adopted the white label model to navigate heavy regulations and enhance competition in the market. Similarly, in the fragrance market, White Label Fragrances leverages indigenous materials to create African-themed perfumes. Software startups also utilize white label software to develop custom applications efficiently for different clients. Overall, the white label concept facilitates market entry, customization, and innovation across diverse industries.
What are the skills needed for workers using AI?
5 answers
Workers using AI need a combination of technical and soft skills to adapt to the changing landscape. Technical skills in statistics, computer science, and machine learning are crucial for developing and maintaining AI systems. Additionally, workers must possess transversal skills such as problem-solving, interpersonal communication, and cognitive competencies to effectively integrate AI into their work environments. As AI transforms workplaces, workers need to be competent in programming, open to upskilling and reskilling, and equipped with social and emotional competencies to navigate the evolving job market. The demand for certain occupational skills may decline, necessitating a shift towards advanced competencies that align with the requirements of AI-driven industries.
How effective are current design education programs in preparing students for industry demands?
5 answers
Current design education programs face challenges in adequately preparing students for industry demands. The evolving landscape of design requires a balance of skills, knowledge, and creativity, which are crucial for professional designers. Employers expect universities to produce work-ready graduates capable of navigating complex working environments, placing pressure on institutions to enhance students' employability through internships and empowering learning conditions. The Fourth Industrial Revolution's rapid technological advancements necessitate a shift towards technological-enabled distant learning to equip students for remote work settings and evolving professional domains. To bridge the gap between education and industry needs, design programs must re-evaluate their curriculum, teaching methods, and assessment strategies to ensure students' readiness for the dynamic demands of the design industry.
How does cross-culture influence on teamwork?
5 answers
Cross-cultural influences on teamwork are significant factors affecting team dynamics and performance. Cultural differences impact various aspects such as communication styles, power distance, individualism vs. collectivism, and uncertainty avoidance. Working in culturally diverse teams can lead to the development of team-level cultural intelligence (CQ), positively influencing team performance over time. Factors like trust, cultural distance, team identification, knowledge tacitness, and complexity play crucial roles in knowledge transfer within cross-cultural teams, affecting transfer effectiveness. Ignoring cultural differences in multicultural teams can lead to misunderstandings and decreased productivity, emphasizing the importance of understanding and respecting diverse perspectives and work styles in cross-cultural settings. Culturally adapted questionnaires can assess healthcare professionals' attitudes, influencing team behavior and patient care quality.
What are the specific skills required for an individual to pursue an MSc in advanced computing after gardauting?
5 answers
To pursue an MSc in advanced computing after graduating, individuals need a combination of technical skills, graduate attributes, and a solid foundation in computing concepts. Technical skills such as programming in high-level languages, understanding abstract data structures, and professional practices are essential for success in the program. Additionally, possessing transferable skills like effective teamwork, communication, and critical thinking is crucial for industry readiness and overall career success. A reference curriculum for master's programs emphasizes the importance of acquiring the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to work on complex systems in the computing field. Furthermore, staying abreast of novel computing architectures, advanced algorithms, parallel computing, and software engineering methodologies is vital for bridging the gap between theoretical possibilities and practical achievements in Computational Science and Engineering.
How learning software developer?
5 answers
Learning to become a software developer involves acquiring knowledge and skills in software engineering principles, development life cycles, quality assurance techniques, continuous integration, version control, and teamwork. The Professional Software Development (PSD) course, offered in joint degree programs by the University of Glasgow and the Singapore Institute of Technology, focuses on teaching these essential concepts alongside practical experience through Team Projects (TP). By engaging in real-world projects during TP, students can apply the theory learned in PSD, enhancing their understanding and proficiency in software development processes. Emphasizing teamwork, agile methods, requirements discovery, system design, testing strategies, and industry best practices, students are equipped to excel in the dynamic field of software development.
What are the cost benefits of IoT in business?
5 answers
The Internet of Things (IoT) offers significant cost benefits in business operations. By enabling real-time monitoring of transportation operations, vehicles, drivers, and loads, IoT investments can lead to enhanced control, reduced setbacks, and increased efficiency in logistics, ultimately decreasing transportation costs. Additionally, IoT has the potential to generate substantial economic value globally, with estimates reaching up to $11+ trillion annually by 2025, transforming enterprises into digital businesses and fostering new business models that improve efficiency and customer engagement. Moreover, IoT can contribute to identifying and addressing issues like depression, which can impact public health and business interactions, ultimately enhancing social relations and increasing profitability in business interactions.