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Brand resonance — an intense, active loyalty relationship — is also suggested as an important outcome of brand relationships.
The results of this study contribute insights into the effect of each component of brand evidence and brand hearsay on brand citizenship behavior mediated by brand distinctiveness.
This study also illustrates a powerful, but simple and relatively inexpensive way for organisations and brand researchers to study the brand personalities actually being communicated.
Findings suggest complex considerations of loyalties, commitments, and stakes within the brand ambassador-organization relationship.
We propose that gender brand personality can be created with phonetic symbolism embedded in brand names.
We argue that this relationship is mediated by a sponsor's brand image and moderated by brand differentiation.
Going back to the roots of the underlying metaphor may help shed some light on which notions of a brand ambassador are more appropriate than others.
In an experiment focusing on brand names from Hungary and Vietnam, we find that this strategy neutralizes noise caused by the country of origin label and leads to favorable product evaluations.

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How does brand influence visual design choices?
4 answers
Brand influences visual design choices by shaping perceptions, personality, and recognition. Visual marketing communications leverage semantic content and visual design to reinforce brand claims and improve brand performance. Consistent design features across products help brands become unmistakable, nurture visible differences from competitors, and drive product differentiation. The design of visual brand elements, such as symmetry and facial imagery, affects brand personality perceptions and self-brand connections, with symmetry influencing consumer perceptions of brand personality and facial imagery impacting self-brand connections, especially among female consumers. Enterprise brand design aims to create memorable forms that enhance brand recognition and recall. Ultimately, brand identity guides the selection of visual elements to communicate and strengthen the brand's identity, influencing consumer perceptions and connections.
Have the risks and chances with using virtual influencers already been researched about enough?
4 answers
Research on virtual influencers has been growing, highlighting both risks and opportunities. Studies emphasize the rising popularity of virtual influencers in marketing strategies, with a focus on their appeal, role in consumer behavior, and potential for brand campaigns. Virtual influencer marketing is conceptualized, outlining benefits like customization and flexibility, but also discussing ethical implications and the need for careful evaluation by brands. Comparisons between real-person and virtual influencers in luxury fashion suggest that while virtual celebrities may currently lag behind in influencing customer decisions, advancements like meta-human virtual celebrities could enhance their effectiveness. Despite this progress, there is still a need for more comprehensive research to fully understand the risks and opportunities associated with using virtual influencers in marketing strategies.
How does the use of AI-generated content impact customer brand perception?
5 answers
The use of AI-generated content significantly influences customer brand perception. Research indicates that AI can act as a creative assistant in content development, enhancing the perceived humanness of AI-based conversational interfaces and promoting more intimate consumer-brand relationships. Consumers do not perceive AI-generated text as less authentic, emphasizing the potential for cost and time savings for brands while maintaining brand authenticity and attitude. Moreover, content created solely by AI is often perceived as higher quality, even when participants are informed about the involvement of AI in the creation process. Integrating visual content with AI is crucial for acquiring and retaining loyal customers, highlighting the importance of AI in marketing strategies to secure a larger market share.
What are the political personalities of candidates?
5 answers
The political personalities of candidates can vary based on their traits and behaviors. Research indicates that candidates' personalities play a significant role in their campaigns and electoral success. Populist candidates tend to score lower in agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability but higher in extraversion, narcissism, and psychopathy. Candidates with low agreeableness and high extraversion and low conscientiousness are more likely to engage in negative campaigning. Additionally, brand personality dimensions such as competence, credibility, and audacity influence voters' choices during elections. Specific assessments of individual candidates, like Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton, reveal traits such as conscientiousness, dominance, and ambition, which impact their leadership styles and potential success in high-level public office.
How does network-effect impact food delivery app performance?
4 answers
Network effects play a crucial role in influencing the performance of food delivery apps.These effects are intertwined with various factors such as service quality, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty.The relationship between customers and food delivery service providers significantly impacts brand equity and loyalty intentions, emphasizing the importance of customer-provider connections.Moreover, the spillover effects between online food delivery providers' performance and restaurant brands highlight the interconnected nature of the food delivery ecosystem, where service quality, delivery worker aspects, and perceived food quality all play vital roles.In the context of the evolving digital landscape, the effectiveness of mobile commerce platforms, including food delivery apps, is essential for sustainable growth and customer satisfaction.
What are the specific metrics used to measure a firm's brand reputation?
5 answers
Brand reputation of a firm is measured using various metrics such as brand equity value, sustainability scores, diversity measures, and environmental and social governance scores. Additionally, the analysis of brand equity determinants in the financial sector includes factors like ethical investments, sustainability, and firm behavior. Furthermore, the study of AI policy governance indicators and global rankings reveals the importance of competitiveness, openness, and talent competition in framing AI policies. These metrics and indicators play a crucial role in assessing and evaluating a firm's brand reputation, highlighting the significance of sustainability, ethical practices, and competitiveness in today's business landscape.
What is the relationship between brand image and customer behavior?
4 answers
Brand image plays a crucial role in influencing customer behavior. It is evident that a strong brand image attracts consumers, shapes their perceptions, and influences their purchasing decisions. Consumers tend to be drawn towards brands that fulfill their expectations, provide value for money, and establish trust and loyalty. Studies have shown that brand image significantly impacts consumer decisions, along with factors like customer behavior and perceived value. Additionally, brand image affects purchasing behavior through mediating variables like self-concept, highlighting the intricate relationship between how consumers perceive a brand and their buying decisions. Overall, a positive brand image not only influences consumer behavior but also contributes to brand loyalty, competitive advantage, and long-term success in the market.
How to measure brand reputation?
5 answers
Brand reputation can be measured through various methods such as brand indices like the Anholt-GMI Brand Index, social media analysis for detecting opinions and sentiments shared online, and probabilistic graphical models to collectively measure reputations of entities in social networks. Additionally, brand reputation can influence user studies, as seen in a study evaluating the impact of brand reputation on the evaluation of human-machine interfaces (HMI). This study utilized usability and user experience measures to assess the HMI, revealing relationships between brand reputation and hedonic measures. Overall, a combination of brand indices, social media analysis, and user experience evaluations can provide insights into measuring brand reputation effectively in real-time and over time.
How cleanliness affect customer satisfaction?
5 answers
Cleanliness plays a crucial role in influencing customer satisfaction across various sectors, including restaurants and hotels. In the restaurant sector, studies have shown that cleanliness significantly impacts customer satisfaction levels, with aspects such as scent, lighting, and staff behavior contributing to perceived cleanliness. Furthermore, the relationship between cleanliness and brand equity has been highlighted, indicating that cleanliness and brand equity influence customer well-being, brand experience, and ultimately customer satisfaction in restaurants. Similarly, in the hotel industry, the cleanliness of guest rooms and public areas is identified as a key factor in guest satisfaction and customer loyalty, emphasizing the importance of maintaining hygienic environments to ensure repeat purchases. Overall, maintaining high standards of cleanliness is essential for enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty in both the restaurant and hotel sectors.
What is partnership sustainability in business mean?
5 answers
Partnership sustainability in business refers to the long-term viability and effectiveness of collaborations between organizations to address social and environmental challenges. Such partnerships aim to create mutual benefits, establish stable positive behavior patterns, and institutionalize relationships that endure over time. They involve building ecosystems based on partnerships to mobilize resources, create opportunities, and ensure sustainable development for all stakeholders. These collaborations often focus on environmental and social sustainability dimensions, with findings suggesting that investing in environmental sustainability can directly enhance firm competitiveness, while social sustainability investments may require partnerships to promote competitiveness. Ultimately, partnership sustainability in business entails creating value chains, fostering innovation, and engaging in dynamic relationships that prioritize long-term value creation and societal impact.
How influential is the Halal logo on imported food packaging in Indonesia in increasing purchase intention confidence?
5 answers
The presence of the Halal logo on imported food packaging in Indonesia significantly influences purchase intention confidence. Studies highlight that the Halal label perceived importance (HPI) acts as a mediator, enhancing buying intention for Halal-labeled products among Muslim consumers. Additionally, religiosity plays a crucial role as a moderator, affecting attitudes, subjective norms, and purchase intentions towards Halal products. Furthermore, research on Millennial consumer behavior emphasizes that Halal awareness, pricing, and brand image are key factors shaping purchase decisions for imported food labeled as Halal. These findings collectively underscore the substantial impact of the Halal logo on imported food packaging in Indonesia, bolstering consumer confidence and driving purchase intentions.