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Who is the most successful entrepreneurs in India? 

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First, despite some reports to the contrary, many successful entrepreneurs live in Indian Country.
The study, which relies on data collected in a 1971 survey of entrepreneurs in South India and a follow-up survey of surviving firms in 1993, finds that entrepreneurial human capital greatly influences firm survival.
This paper, based on what the author regards as a pilot study centred around a major city in India, concludes that the factors impinging on the entrepreneurial manifestation of women are no different from those affecting men entrepreneurs.
There are tremendous opportunities for Start up entrepreneurs in India.
The results indicate that firms founded by older entrepreneurs in higher castes are most likely to survive, but that increased education of the founding entrepreneur reduces survival.
This article provides useful information on the complex business environment, aimed to help foreign businessmen and investors to develop a good understanding on key background knowledge for being successful in India.
We have evidence of one group of high-technology entrepreneurs who achieved success without placing much decision weight on attainment of personal wealth.
We suggest that Thai entrepreneurs who can perform entrepreneurial activities that match the market opportunities(market-driven entrepreneurs) better than competitors are likely to succeed, as opposed to those who rely merely on product-driven strategies.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
31 Dec 2013
10 Citations
Finally, an important learning is that the Indian entrepreneurs in this study are similar to ethnic entrepreneurs reviewed in literature.

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