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Why agent based models don't work? 

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Agent-based models (ABMs) face challenges due to the intractability of likelihood functions and non-differentiability of mathematical operations, hindering their real-world applicability . ABMs can be opaque, impeding critical assessment and reproducibility, jeopardizing study conclusions . Despite being a powerful tool for modeling complex systems, ABMs struggle with chaotic and sensitive macro-level social phenomena due to the lack of empirical data and the difficulty in forecasting such phenomena . Additionally, when dealing with epistemic uncertainty, ABMs may not provide detailed insights into expected outcomes and trends, as demonstrated in a battleship simulation model comparing Monte Carlo and interval implementations . These challenges highlight the need for improved inference methods, standardization in methodology, and consideration of multiple analysis approaches to enhance the effectiveness of ABMs.

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Agent-based models face challenges due to intractable likelihood functions and non-differentiability, hindering real-world applicability. Approximate Bayesian inference methods are being developed to address these limitations.
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