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Why is there a necessity for a more intricate and truthful depiction of the problem of climate change? 

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A more intricate and truthful depiction of the problem of climate change is essential due to the epistemic crisis surrounding its representation, which is resistant to easy comprehension . Climate action needs to acknowledge the plurality of people's motivations and connect the facts of climate change to individual subjective sets of motivations, requiring additional reason giving . Artistic visualizations have been shown to elicit stronger positive emotions and mitigate political divisions in perceived relevance, emphasizing the importance of engaging emotions and expanding psychological capacity to perceive climate change's relevance . Effective visual communication of climate change involves user-centered co-design processes, adapting content to audience needs, integrating relatable information and formats, and utilizing storytelling, aesthetics, uncertainty representation, and interactive techniques .

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A more intricate and truthful depiction of climate change is necessary to effectively communicate its complexities, stimulate engagement, and prompt action among diverse audiences.
Enhancing the portrayal of climate change with visual art can engage emotions, expand perception, and bridge political divides, making it crucial for a more effective communication strategy.
A more intricate and truthful depiction of climate change is necessary to connect facts to people's diverse motivations, as internal reasons play a crucial role in driving climate action.
Artistic representations of data can evoke stronger positive emotions and help mitigate political divides, enhancing public engagement and understanding of climate change, necessitating a more intricate and truthful depiction.
The complexity and resistance to full comprehension of climate change require a more nuanced representation, akin to Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle, to address the epistemic crisis effectively.

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