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Why there is a peak shift in Xrd while doing? 

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Peak shifts in X-ray diffraction (XRD) can occur due to various factors such as instrumental effects, specimen geometry, surface charge fluctuation, and lattice strains. Factors like Lorentz-polarization, diffraction geometry, and structural factors can lead to profile distortions and peak maxima shifts . Specimen geometry, beam divergence, and surface curvature influence peak shifts, with shifts increasing with beam divergence and depending on specimen tilt angle and curvature radius . Surface charge fluctuation can cause peak shifts in X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), which are tracked and compensated for during measurements . Additionally, lattice strains induced by nano-sized structures can lead to apparent peak shifts in XRD patterns, affecting cell-edge lengths . The peak shift method can be used to determine stacking fault probability in alloys, with results showing variations based on alloy composition and thermomechanical cycling .

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The peak shift in XRD occurs due to the stacking fault probability determination in Fe Mn Si alloys, influenced by Mn content and thermomechanical cycling, aiding in deformation fault analysis.
Peak shifts in XRD occur due to variations in structure factors across broad peaks, leading to apparent shifts in cell-edge lengths, especially in nano-sized hematite, goethite, and lepidocrocite.
Peak shift in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) occurs due to surface charge fluctuation. A reference element peak is tracked to compensate for this shift in semiconductor environments.
Peak shifts in XRD occur due to specimen geometry and beam divergence, influenced by factors like Bragg angle, incident beam divergence, specimen curvature, and tilt angle, as outlined in the paper.
Peak shifts in XRD occur due to instrumental and physical factors like Lorentz-polarization, diffraction geometry, structural factors, and absorption effects, especially prominent at low angles and broadened lines.

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