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Will lower price could increase the willingness of buying based on price elasticity? 

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Lowering prices can indeed increase the willingness to purchase based on price elasticity. When the price elasticity of demand exceeds 1, firms might lower prices to boost revenue, as seen in the case of Chunghwa Telecom in Taiwan . Elastic demand, where a change in price leads to a significant change in quantity demanded, is evident in products like consumer durables, where price reductions, such as automobile rebates, have successfully increased sales . The relationship between perceived price and willingness to purchase is complex, influenced by factors like perceived brand quality, fairness, vanity, and consumer sophistication, varying across countries like the U.S. and India . Understanding these dynamics is crucial for businesses to optimize pricing strategies and drive consumer behavior effectively.

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Open accessDOI
10 Nov 2016
14 Citations
Yes, lower prices can increase buying willingness based on price elasticity. Elastic demand shows that a decrease in price leads to a significant increase in quantity demanded, as seen in consumer durables.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2013
6 Citations
Yes, a lower price can increase willingness to buy if the demand is elastic, as a small price drop can lead to a significant increase in purchases due to the elasticity of wants.
Perceived price's impact on willingness to purchase varies; lower prices don't always increase buying intent. Factors like brand quality, fairness, and consumer traits influence this relationship.
Yes, lowering prices can increase revenue if the price elasticity of demand exceeds 1, as seen with Chunghwa Telecom in Taiwan, leading to more subscribers and improved revenues.

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