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Showing papers in "Archivos De Bronconeumologia in 2011"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A Unidad del Sueño, Servicio de Neumología, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, España, (Ciberes) and Servei de Pneumologia, Hospital del Mar-IMIM, Hospital de Sabadell, UPF, UAB, Barcelona and Barcelona, Spain.

228 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This presentation aims to demonstrate the efforts towards in-situ applicability of the EMMARM, as well as the potential for future co-operation and co-ordination between the Spanish government and the private sector.
Abstract: a Unidad del Sueno, Servicio de Neumologia, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain, (Ciberes) b Unidad Multidisciplinar de Trastornos del Sueno, Hospital Txagorritxu, Vitoria, Spain, (Ciberes) c Unidad de Neumologia, Hospital de Requena, Valencia, Spain, (Ciberes) d Servicio de Neumologia, Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, IACS, Zaragoza, Spain, (Ciberes) e Servei de Pneumologia, Hospital del Mar-IMIM, Hospital de Sabadell, UPF, UAB, Barcelona, Spain, (Ciberes) f Servicio de Neumologia, Hospital San Pedro de Alcantara, Caceres, Spain, (Ciberes) g Servei de Pneumologia, Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor, UB, Barcelona, Spain, (Ciberes) h Unidad de Sueno, Hospital Universitario Complejo Asistencial de Burgos, Spain, (Ciberes) i Servicio de Neumologia, Hospital Universitario Complejo Asistencial de Burgos, Spain, (Ciberes)

102 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Changes were observed in different pulmonary and systemic inflammatory markers during COPD exacerbation, which did not completely resolve during stable phase, however, current treatment does not allow for HDAC activity to be modified, which limits its anti-inflammatory effects.
Abstract: Introduction Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are characterised by an inflammatory and systemic response that persists for some time after their clinical resolution. The mechanisms of this inflammatory process are not well known. Objectives To explore the inflammatory changes and possible mechanisms during COPD exacerbation. Methods We determined the inflammatory cell concentrations in blood and sputum, nitric oxide in exhaled air (FeNO), C-reactive protein (CRP) in plasma, cytokines (IL-6, 8, 1β, 10, 12, TNF-α) and SLPI (leukocyte protease inhibitor) and total antioxidant status (TAS) in blood and sputum, the activity of nuclear kappa B factor (NF-κ B) and of the histone deacetylase enzyme (HDAC) in 17 patients during COPD exacerbation and in stable phase, as well as in 17 smoker and 11 non-smoker controls. Results COPD exacerbations are characterised by high levels of FeNO (p Conclusions Changes were observed in different pulmonary and systemic inflammatory markers during COPD exacerbation, which did not completely resolve during stable phase. However, current treatment does not allow for HDAC activity to be modified, which limits its anti-inflammatory effects.

64 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: La ultima clasificacion tumor, ganglio, metastasis (TNM), elaborada por la Asociacion Internacional para el Estudio del Cancer de Pulmon (IASLC), introduces cambios en los descriptores, especialmente en lo referente al tamano del tumor, y propone una nueva agrupacion de estadios.
Abstract: Resumen La ultima clasificacion tumor, ganglio, metastasis (TNM), elaborada por la Asociacion Internacional para el Estudio del Cancer de Pulmon (IASLC) y basada en el analisis de pacientes procedentes de todo el mundo, introduce cambios en los descriptores, especialmente en lo referente al tamano del tumor, y propone una nueva agrupacion de estadios. Tambien ha elaborado un nuevo mapa ganglionar que pretende facilitar la clasificacion del componente «N». SEPAR recomienda utilizar esta nueva clasificacion. En cuanto a los procedimientos recomendados para la estadificacion, ademas del uso generalizado de la tomografia computarizada (TC), se senala el papel de la tomografia de emision de positrones (PET) o los metodos de fusion de imagenes (PET/TC), que permiten una mejor evaluacion del mediastino y de las metastasis extratoracicas. Se recomienda la incorporacion de la ecobroncoscopia (EBUS) y de la ultrasonografia esofagica (EUS), para la obtencion de muestra citohistologica, en el algoritmo de estadificacion y se destaca la importancia de una reestadificacion precisa despues del tratamiento de induccion para tomar nuevas decisiones terapeuticas. Se comenta la previsible incorporacion en el futuro proximo de la estadificacion molecular y se recomienda la diseccion ganglionar sistematica con vistas a una mas exacta clasificacion quirurgico-patologica.

56 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The latest tumor, lymph node and metastasis (TNM) classification by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) has incorporated changes in the descriptors, especially those regarding tumor size, while proposing new group staging.
Abstract: The latest tumor, lymph node and metastasis (TNM) classification by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), based on the analysis of patients from all over the world, has incorporated changes in the descriptors, especially those regarding tumor size, while proposing new group staging. A new lymph node map has also been developed with the intention of facilitating the classification of the “N” component. SEPAR recommends using this new classification. As for the procedures recommended for staging, in addition to the generalized use of computed tomography (CT), it points to the role of positron emission tomography (PET) or image fusion methods (PET/CT), which provide a better evaluation of the mediastinum and extrathoracic metastases. Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) and esophageal ultrasound (EUS) for obtaining cytohistological samples have been incorporated in the staging algorithm, and it emphasizes the importance of precise re-staging after induction treatment in order to make new therapeutic decisions. Comment is made on the foreseeable incorporation in the near future of molecular staging, and systematic lymph node dissection is recommended with the intention of making a more exact surgical-pathological classification.

54 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Tanto the VNI como the CPAP han mostrado su eficacia no solo en el control of las alteraciones gasometricas, sino tambien in the mejora of the calidad of vida y in the supervivencia of los pacientes.
Abstract: Resumen La obesidad, bien conocida como factor de riesgo cardiovascular, puede asimismo comportar una importante afectacion respiratoria. Las alteraciones respiratorias relacionadas con la obesidad abarcan desde la simple alteracion de la funcion ventilatoria, sin consecuencias sobre el intercambio gaseoso, hasta la situacion mas grave, la insuficiencia respiratoria hipercapnica caracteristica del sindrome de obesidad hipoventilacion. Mas recientemente se ha senalado la presencia de un incremento de prevalencia de asma de probable etiologia multifactorial pero en el que puede desempenar un papel importante la inflamacion. La hipoventilacion en el sujeto obeso es el resultado de complejas interacciones que implican a las alteraciones de la mecanica ventilatoria y a anomalias del control ventilatorio. Otras dos entidades (enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cronica y sindrome de apnea hipopnea del sueno [SAHS]), frecuentemente presentes en los pacientes obesos, pueden potenciarla o agravarla. La prevalencia de hipoventilacion en el obeso se encuentra subestimada y es frecuente que el diagnostico solo se establezca con motivo de una exacerbacion o cuando el paciente es estudiado por sospecha de SAHS. El manejo ventilatorio de estos pacientes, mediante CPAP o ventilacion no invasiva (VNI) dependera de la situacion clinica subyacente y de la presencia o no de otra comorbilidad. Tanto la VNI como la CPAP han mostrado su eficacia no solo en el control de las alteraciones gasometricas, sino tambien en la mejora de la calidad de vida y en la supervivencia de los pacientes.

53 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Durante las AEPOC se observan cambios en marcadores inflamatorios pulmonares y sistemicos que no se resuelven por completo en fase estable, y el tratamiento actual no permite modificar la actividad HDAC lo that limita sus efectos antiinflamatorio.
Abstract: Resumen Introduccion Las agudizaciones de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cronica (AEPOC) se caracterizan por una respuesta inflamatoria pulmonar y sistemica, que persiste tiempo despues de la resolucion clinica. Los mecanismos de este proceso inflamatorio no son bien conocidos. Objetivos Investigar los cambios inflamatorios y sus mecanismos durante las agudizaciones de la EPOC. Metodos Se determinaron las concentraciones de celulas inflamatorias en sangre y esputo, oxido nitrico en aire exhalado (FeNO), proteina C reactiva (PCR) en plasma, citocinas (interleucinas [IL] 6, 8, 1β, 10, 12, TNF-α) y SLPI (inhibidor de la leucoproteasa), marcadores de estres oxidativo, la actividad del factor nuclear kappa B (NF-κB) y de la enzima histona deacetilasa (HDAC) a 17 pacientes durante una AEPOC, en fase estable y a 17 controles fumadores y 11 no fumadores. Resultados Las AEPOC se caracterizaron por presentar niveles elevados de FeNO (p Conclusiones Durante las AEPOC se observan cambios en marcadores inflamatorios pulmonares y sistemicos que no se resuelven por completo en fase estable. El tratamiento actual no permite modificar la actividad HDAC lo que limita sus efectos antiinflamatorios.

51 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This review establishes the conceptual bases and discusses the principal aspects of this new medicine, known as "P4 Medicine" standing for personalized, predictive, preventive and participatory, based on health.
Abstract: Traditional medical practice has been "reactive" (doctor takes part when disease appears). The theoretical (scale free networks and complex systems), technological (high efficiency "omic" technologies) and conceptual (biology systems) advances throughout the last decade, allow us to anticipate the transition to an "anticipatory" medicine, based on health (not on disease). This review establishes the conceptual bases and discusses the principal aspects of this new medicine, known as "P4 Medicine" standing for personalized, predictive, preventive and participatory.

49 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The summary index of this questionnaire, based on seven short questions, shows the best validity properties and suggests that it should be considered as a screening tool to identify patients at risk for sedentarism.
Abstract: Background Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) perform limited physical activity. Surprisingly, there is a lack of research in COPD about the validity of physical activity questionnaires. Our aim was to validate the Yale Physical Activity Survey in COPD patients in order to quantify and classify their levels of physical activity. Methods 172 COPD patients from 8 university hospitals in Spain wore an accelerometer (SenseWear® Pro2 Armband) for 8 days and answered the questionnaire 15 days later. Statistical analyses used to compare both tools measures included: (i) Spearman's correlation coefficient, (ii) intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland–Altman plots, (iii) distribution of accelerometer measurements according to tertiles of the questionnaire, and (iv) receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves to detect sedentary patients. Results 94% of participants were men, 28% were active smokers and 7% were currently working. Mean (standard deviation) age was 70 (8) years, mean post-bronchodilator FEV1 was 52 (15)% predicted, and median (p25–p75) steps taken was 5702 (3273–9253) steps per day−1. Spearman correlations were low to moderate (from 0.29 to 0.52, all P Conclusions The Yale Physical Activity Survey may be a valid tool to classify, but not to quantify, physical activity performed by COPD patients. The summary index of this questionnaire, based on seven short questions, shows the best validity properties. This suggests that it should be considered as a screening tool to identify patients at risk for sedentarism.

47 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The mechanisms of diminished breathing in the obese are complex and involve central control, peripheral drive, airway calibre and probably metabolic pathways.
Abstract: Obesity, well known as a cardiovascular risk factor, can also lead to significant respiratory complications. The respiratory changes associated with obesity extend from a simple change in respiratory function, with no effect on gas exchange, to the more serious condition of hypercapnic respiratory failure, characteristic of obesity hypoventilation syndrome. More recently, it has been reported that there is an increased prevalence of asthma which is probably multifactorial in origin, but in which inflammation may play an important role. Hypoventilation in the obese subject is the result of complex interactions that involve changes in the ventilatory mechanics and anomalies in breathing control. Two other conditions (COPD and sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome [SAHS], often present in obese patients, can trigger or aggravate it. The prevalence of hypoventilation in the obese is under-estimated and the diagnosis is usually established during an exacerbation, or when the patient is studied due to suspicion of SAHS. Ventilatory management of these patients includes either CPAP or NIV. The choice of one or another will depend on the underlying clinical condition and whether or not there is another comorbidity. Both NIV and CPAP have demonstrated their effectiveness, not only in the control of gas exchange, but also in improving the quality of life and survival of these patients.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A 72 year-old woman with established rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed with pulmonary granulomatosis compatible with sarcoidosis is reported, with etanercept being more frequent in comparison with the anti-TNF monoclonal antibodies infliximab and adalimumab.
Abstract: We report the case of a 72 year-old woman with established rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed with pulmonary granulomatosis compatible with sarcoidosis after 49 months of treatment with etanercept. The symptoms and radiology remitted after the suspension of treatment against tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and with a course of steroids. To date, 27 cases of histologically-proven pulmonary sarcoidosis have been reported in relation to anti-TNF therapy, with etanercept being more frequent in comparison with the anti-TNF monoclonal antibodies infliximab and adalimumab. Probable pathogenic mechanisms of the paradoxical effect of anti-TNF treatment are discussed. It is important for clinicians to be aware of this potential and uncommon complication of biological therapy with TNF antagonists.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Spirometry is underused in PC and performing it during follow-up is not associated with the different treatments guidelines or with a more complete approach to the disease.
Abstract: Background: Several studies have dealt with the use of spirometry in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Primary Care (PC), but few have analyzed its impact on the treatment of the patient with COPD. Objectives: To evaluate the use of spirometry in the diagnosis and follow-up of COPD patients in PC, and its impact on treatment. To analyze the variation in the performing of spirometry between PC centers. Methodology: A multicenter, observational and cross-sectional study of COPD patients seen in PC in Catalonia (Spain) during 2004-2005. A multilevel logistic regression model was used to identify factors associated with having spirometry and to determine the variation between the different centers. Results: Twenty-one centers, including 801 patients, participated. Only 53.2% of them had diagnostic spirometry and the mean (standard deviation) FEV1(%) was 54.8% (18%). The registers of smoking habits, complementary tests and spirometry follow-up were more common among patients who had a diagnostic spirometry available compared with those who did not. No statistically significant differences were found regarding demographic, clinical, treatment and quality of life variables between patients with and without follow-up spirometry. Significant variation was observed in the percentage of diagnostic spirometries between different PC centers (variance = 0.217; p < 0.001). Conclusion: Spirometry is underused in PC and performing it during follow-up is not associated with the different treatments guidelines or with a more complete approach to the disease. There is significant variation in the performing of spirometry among PC centers.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: El cuestionario Yale Physical Activity Survey es una herramienta valida para clasificar la actividad fisica that realizan los pacientes con EPOC, pero no para cuantificarla.
Abstract: Introduccion Los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cronica (EPOC) se caracterizan por una actividad fisica limitada. Sorprendentemente, apenas se dispone de investigacion sobre los cuestionarios para medir la actividad fisica en la EPOC. El objetivo del presente estudio fue validar el cuestionario Yale Physical Activity Survey en pacientes con EPOC. Metodos Un total de 172 pacientes de 8 hospitales universitarios espanoles usaron un acelerometro (SenseWear®PrO2Armband) durante 8 dias y contestaron el cuestionario. Los analisis estadisticos de comparacion de ambos instrumentos incluyeron: a) correlacion de Spearman; b) coeficiente de correlacion intraclase (CCI) y graficos de Bland-Altman; c) distribucion de las medidas del acelerometro segun los terciles del cuestionario, y d) la curva receiver operating characteristic (ROC) para detectar a los pacientes sedentarios. Resultados El 94% de los participantes eran hombres, el 28% eran fumadores y el 7% eran trabajadores activos; la edad media (±DE) fue de 70 (8) anos, el volumen espiratorio medio en el primer segundo (VEMS) posbroncodilatador fue de 52 (15) como porcentaje del valor de referencia, y la mediana (p25-p75) de pasos fue de 5.702 (3.273-9.253) pasos/dia. Las correlaciones de Spearman fueron debiles o moderadas (desde 0,29 hasta 0,52, todas las p<0,001). Los CCI mostraron concordancias debiles (desde 0,34 hasta 0,40, todas las p<0,001). Los graficos de Bland-Altman mostraron una gran variabilidad en la concordancia. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en las medidas del acelerometro segun los terciles del cuestionario (todas las p<0,001). El area bajo la curva ROC para identificar el sedentarismo fue de 0,71 (intervalo de confianza del 95%: 0,63-0,79). Conclusion El cuestionario Yale Physical Activity Survey es una herramienta valida para clasificar la actividad fisica que realizan los pacientes con EPOC, pero no para cuantificarla. El indice resumen del cuestionario, originado de tan solo 7 preguntas, muestra los mejores resultados de validez, sugiriendo que deberia considerarse un instrumento de cribado para identificar a los pacientes que corren riesgo de sedentarismo.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It has become clear from studies on cough hypersensitivity syndrome that much reflux of importance in the airways has been missed, since it is either non- or weakly acid and gaseous in composition.
Abstract: Our understanding of the relationship between gastro-oesophageal reflux and respiratory disease has recently undergone important changes. The previous paradigm of airway reflux as synonymous with the classic gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) causing heartburn has been overturned. Numerous epidemiological studies have shown a highly significant association of the acid, liquid, and gaseous reflux of GORD with conditions such as laryngeal diseases, chronic rhinosinusitis, treatment resistant asthma, COPD and even idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. However, it has become clear from studies on cough hypersensitivity syndrome that much reflux of importance in the airways has been missed, since it is either non- or weakly acid and gaseous in composition. The evidence for such a relationship relies on the clinical history pointing to symptom associations with known precipitants of reflux. The tools for the diagnosis of extra-oesophageal reflux, in contrast to the oesophageal reflux of GORD, lack sensitivity and reproducibility. Unfortunately, methodology for detecting such reflux is only just becoming available and much additional work is required to properly delineate its role.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Hoy se sabe que gracias a estudios del sindrome de hipersensibilidad tusigena gran parte del reflujo that llega a the via aerea no es diagnosticado debido a su escaso o nulo contenido de acido o a su composicion gaseosa.
Abstract: Resumen Nuestro conocimiento sobre la relacion entre el reflujo gastroesofagico (RGE) y las enfermedades respiratorias ha conllevado recientemente a cambios importantes. El paradigma previo del reflujo a via aerea (RVA) o RGE que llega hasta la via aerea como sinonimo de la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofagico clasica (ERGE) con la pirosis como sintoma imprescindible ha sido definitivamente rechazado. Numerosos estudios epidemiologicos han mostrado una asociacion altamente significativa entre el reflujo acido, liquido y gaseoso de la ERGE con condiciones tales como enfermedades laringeas, rinosinusitis cronica, asma resistente al tratamiento, EPOC e inclusive fibrosis pulmonar idiopatica. Hoy se sabe que gracias a estudios del sindrome de hipersensibilidad tusigena gran parte del reflujo que llega a la via aerea no es diagnosticado debido a su escaso o nulo contenido de acido o a su composicion gaseosa. La evidencia para esta relacion se basa en la historia clinica que senala una asociacion sintomatica con factores precipitantes conocidos del reflujo. Las exploraciones para el diagnostico del RA no poseen la sensibilidad o la reproducibilidad que han demostrado las del reflujo esofagico de la ERGE. Desafortunadamente, el acceso a la metodologia para la deteccion de tal reflujo empezo a ser posible hace muy poco tiempo y se requiere aun muchos trabajos de investigacion para perfilar correctamente su papel.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: To evaluate the use of spirometry in the diagnosis and follow-up of COPD patients in PC, and its impact on treatment, and to analyse the variation in the performing of Spirometry between PC centres.
Abstract: Background: Several studies have approached the use of spirometry in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Primary Care (PC), but few have analysed its impact on the treatment of the patient with COPD. Objectives: To evaluate the use of spirometry in the diagnosis and follow-up of COPD patients in PC, and its impact on treatment. To analyse the variation in the performing of spirometry between PC centres.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Esta revision establece las bases conceptuales fundamentales y discute los principales aspectos de esta nueva medicina, denominada “Medicina P4” por ser personalizada, predictiva, preventiva y participatoria.
Abstract: Resumen La practica medica tradicional ha sido “reactiva” (el medico interviene cuando hay enfermedad). Los avances teoricos (redes libres de escala y sistemas complejos), tecnologicos (tecnologias “omicas” de alta eficiencia) y conceptuales (biologia de sistemas) habidos en la ultima decada, permiten anticipar la transicion hacia una medicina “anticipatoria”, centrada en la salud (no en la enfermedad). Esta revision establece las bases conceptuales fundamentales y discute los principales aspectos de esta nueva medicina, denominada “Medicina P4” por ser personalizada, predictiva, preventiva y participatoria.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Las normativas aconsejan introducir los corticoides inhalados (CI) cuando el FEV1 disminuye por debajo del 50% del predicho1,2 y la han hecho extensiva a los CI usados en combinacion con un betaadrenergico de larga duracion (LABA)12.
Abstract: La aproximacion habitual al tratamiento de las enfermedades cronicas es la de incrementar la dosis de farmacos o anadir nuevos farmacos al tratamiento a medida que aumenta la gravedad. La EPOC no es una excepcion y las normativas aconsejan introducir los corticoides inhalados (CI) cuando el FEV1 disminuye por debajo del 50% del predicho1,2. Obviamente, las normativas se basan en la mejor evidencia disponible y estudios como el ISOLDE mostraron que fluticasona (FLU) 500mg/12h era capaz de reducir de forma significativa las agudizaciones en pacientes con un FEV1 50%, de hecho la reduccion fue aun mayor, de 0,92 episodios/ano en el grupo placebo a 0,67 con FLU, una reduccion del 27%, no significativa por el bajo numero de episodios que hace que no exista suficiente potencia estadistica, frente a una reduccion del 16% en pacientes con FEV1 <50% (de 1,75 episodios/ano con placebo a 1,47 con FLU; p=0,022 gracias al mayor numero de episodios)3, b) estas cifras son un resultado promedio de toda la poblacion y no sabemos si existen pacientes en los que la reduccion es muy importante y otros en los que es nula, algo que es crucial a la hora de tomar decisiones terapeuticas con cada paciente concreto en nuestra practica diaria. La identificacion de respondedores es clave en el caso del uso de los CI en la EPOC. Esta perfectamente descrita la resistencia de la inflamacion neutrofilica tipica de la EPOC a la accion de los corticoides4, ademas la inactivacion de la histona diacetilasa en la EPOC es un mecanismo adicional de resistencia a los CI5. No obstante, la EPOCesun «cajonde sastre»donde todo cabe6 y la indefinida definicion de un FEV1/FVC<0,7 abre la puerta a diagnosticar como EPOC a multitud de pacientes diversos, algunos de los cuales pueden tener un patron inflamatorio distinto y responder a los CI7. Desde inicios de los anos noventa sabemos que los pacientes con EPOC que presentan una prueba broncodilatadora (PBD) positiva responden con mayor frecuencia e intensidad a los CI8,9. Estudios posteriores han confirmado esta observacion10,11 y la han hecho extensiva a los CI usados en combinacion con un betaadrenergico de larga duracion (LABA)12. El eslabon que une la PBD y la respuesta

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Las normativas aconsejan introducir os corticoides inhalados (CI) cuando el FEV1 disminuye por debajo el 50% del predicho1,2 y la han hecho xtensiva a los CI usados en combinacion con un betaadrenergico e larga duracion (LABA)12.
Abstract: Obviously, the guidelines are based on the best evidence available and studies such as ISOLDE showed that fluticasone (FLU) 500mg/12h was capable of significantly reducing exacerbations in patients with FEV1 50%; in fact, the reduction was even greater, from 0.92 episodes/year in the placebo group to 0.67 with FLU, a reduction of 27%, not significant due to the low number of episodes and lack of sufficient statistical power, compared with a reduction of 16% in patients with FEV1 <50% (from 1.75 episodes/year with placebo to 1.47 with FLU; p= .022, thanks to a greater number of episodes)3; (b) these numbers are an average result for the whole population, and we do not knowwhether there are patients in whom the reduction is very important and others in whom it is inexistent, a fact which is crucial in making therapeutic decisions with each specific patient in our daily practice. The identification of responders is key in the case of the use of ICS inCOPD. The resistanceof theneutrophilic inflammation typical of COPD to the action of the corticosteroids is perfectly described.4 In addition, the inactivation of histone deacetylase in COPD is an additionalmechanismof resistance to ICS.5 However, COPD is a sort of ragbag where anything goes,6 and the undefined definition of a FEV1/FVC<0.7 opens the door to diagnosing as COPD a multitude of diverse patients, some of whom may have a different inflam-

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A 72 year-old woman with long-standing rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed as granulomatosis due to pulmonary sarcoidosis after 49 months of treatment with etanercept was seen after tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonist withdrawal plus a course of steroids.
Abstract: We report on a 72 year-old woman with long-standing rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed as granulomatosis due to pulmonary sarcoidosis after 49 months of treatment with etanercept. A clinical and radiological improvement was seen after tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonist withdrawal plus a course of steroids. Currently, 27 cases of histological proven sarcoidosis with pulmonary involvement have been reported in relation to anti-TNF therapy, with etanercept being more frequent in comparison with the anti-TNF monoclonal antibodies infliximab and adalimumab. Potential pathogenic mechanisms of the paradoxical effect of anti-TNF treatment is discussed. It is important for clinicians to be aware of this potential and uncommon complication of biological therapy with TNF antagonists.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Se ha propuesto de una forma consensuada un documento that recoge de forma estructurada los datos del paciente potencial candidato a trasplante pulmonar that son relevantes para poder tomar la mejor decision.
Abstract: Resumen La presente normativa ha sido elaborada con el consenso de, al menos, un representante de cada uno de los hospitales con programa de trasplante pulmonar en Espana. Ademas, previamente a su publicacion, ha sido revisada por un grupo de revisores destacados por su reconocida trayectoria en el campo del trasplante pulmonar. En las siguientes paginas, el lector encontrara los criterios de seleccion de pacientes candidatos a trasplante pulmonar, cuando y como remitir un paciente a un centro trasplantador y, finalmente, cuando incluir al paciente en lista de espera. Se ha atribuido un nivel de evidencia a las cuestiones mas relevantes. Este documento pretende ser una guia practica para los neumologos que no participan directamente en el trasplante pulmonar pero que deben considerar este tratamiento para sus pacientes. Finalmente, se ha propuesto de una forma consensuada un documento que recoge de forma estructurada los datos del paciente potencial candidato a trasplante pulmonar que son relevantes para poder tomar la mejor decision.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Respiratorios, Hospital Clinic Universitari, Valencia, Espana Neumologia, Hospital Universitario La Princesa, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Espanas Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine, South Texas Veterans Health Care System, Audie L. Murphy Division.
Abstract: Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Respiratorios, Hospital Clinic Universitari, Valencia, Espana Neumologia, Hospital Universitario La Princesa, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Espana Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine, South Texas Veterans Health Care System, Audie L Murphy Division; University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, an Antonio, Texas, USA Unidad de Vigilancia Intensiva e Intermedia Respiratoria, Servicio de Neumologia, Instituto del Torax, Hospital Clinic, IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Espana Neumologia, Corporacio Sanitaria Parc Tauli, Sabadell, Barcelona, Espana UCI, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, VHIR Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, CibeRes, Barcelona, Espana Neumologia, Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr Negrin, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Espana descargado de http://wwwarchbronconeumolorg el 04/10/2012 Copia para uso personal, se prohibe la transmision de este documento por cualquier medio o formato

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: La reduccion del contenido en miosina observado en el diafragma de ratones con enfisema podria explicar su menor tamano, y el estres oxidativo, the miostatina y FoxO podrian estar implicados en the perdida de esta proteina estructural.
Abstract: Resumen Introduccion Entre las manifestaciones extrapulmonares de la EPOC, la disfuncion y la perdida de peso muscular son las de mayor repercusion en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar los mecanismos moleculares potencialmente implicados en el menor desarrollo de masa muscular en el diafragma y gastrocnemio de ratones con enfisema inducido experimentalmente. Metodos Modelo experimental en ratones, a los que se les indujo un enfisema mediante instilacion local de elastasa (n = 6), administrandose suero fisiologico en los controles (n = 7). Se determinaron los niveles de estres oxidativo, sistemas de proteolisis, vias de senalizacion, factores de crecimiento y diferenciacion celular (western-blot) en el diafragma y el gastrocnemio de todos los ratones tras 34 semanas. Resultados En los ratones con enfisema respecto de los controles, se observaron los siguientes hallazgos: a) una menor ganancia de peso corporal total y un menor peso del diafragma y del gastrocnemio; b) en el diafragma, los niveles de oxidacion proteica estaban aumentados, los sistemas antioxidantes mitocondriales disminuidos, los niveles de miostatina y los de las vias de senalizacion ERK1/2 y FoxO1 fueron superiores, y el contenido de miosina fue menor (67%), y c) en el gastrocnemio de los ratones enfisematosos, los antioxidantes citosolicos estaban disminuidos, y los niveles de miostatina y los de las vias de senalizacion JNK y NF-kB estaban incrementados. Conclusiones La reduccion del contenido en miosina observado en el diafragma de ratones con enfisema podria explicar su menor tamano. El estres oxidativo, la miostatina y FoxO podrian estar implicados en la perdida de esta proteina estructural.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The reduction of the myosin content observed in the diaphragm of mice with emphysema could explain their smaller size.
Abstract: a b s t r a c t Introduction: Among the extrapulmonary manifestations of COPD, dysfunction and loss of muscle mass/weight are those that have the greatest impact on the quality of life of patients. Our objective was to evaluate the molecular mechanisms that are potentially implicated in the limited development of muscle mass in the diaphragm and gastrocnemius of mice with experimentally induced emphysema. Methods: An experimental model in mice, in which emphysema was induced by means of the local instillation of elastase (n=6), while saline was administered to the controls (n=7). We determined the levels of oxidative stress, proteolytic systems, signalling pathways, growth factors and cell differentiation (Western blot) in the diaphragm and gastrocnemius of all the mice after 34 weeks. Results: Upon comparing the mice with emphysema with the controls, the following findings were observed: (1) lower total body weight and lower weight of the diaphragm and gastrocnemius; (2) in the diaphragm, the levels of protein oxidation were increased, the mitochondrial antioxidant systems reduced, the levels of myostatin and of the ERK1/2 and FoxO1 signalling pathways were higher, and the myosin content was lower (67%); and (3) in the gastrocnemius of the emphysematous mice, the cytosolic antioxidants were decreased and the levels of myostatin and of the JNK and NF-kB signalling pathways were increased. Conclusions: The reduction of the myosin content observed in the diaphragm of mice with emphysema could explain their smaller size. Oxidative stress, myostatin and FoxO could be implicated in the loss of this structural protein.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: El elevado riesgo of desarrollo de silicosis en el manejo of los diversos productos that conforman the gama of superficies de cuarzo que conforman la gama de superficie de cuerzo es destacamos.
Abstract: Resumen En esta nota mostramos la elevada prevalencia de silicosis encontrada en una marmoleria tras una exposicion a una novedosa presentacion de silice. Se trata de un estudio observacional, prospectivo, en el que se han estudiado 11 trabajadores que se exponen desde 1995 a diversas presentaciones de superficies de cuarzo. Los puestos de trabajo se dividen en dos grupos: por una parte 4 sujetos desarrollan trabajos de corte en el taller; el resto de los trabajadores trabaja en el montaje. Hasta la fecha no han utilizado sistemas de proteccion respiratoria especificos. Se han diagnosticado 6 casos de silicosis, lo que supone una prevalencia de enfermedad para este ambito del 54,5%. De los 6 afectados, 5 (83,33%) son montadores. Destacamos el elevado riesgo de desarrollo de silicosis en el manejo de los diversos productos que conforman la gama de superficies de cuarzo.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Combination of serum CRP and BODE score has higher predictive value in clinical practice and are independent predictors of survival in stable COPD patients.
Abstract: Introduction Both BODE score (body mass index, degree of airflow obstruction, functional dyspnea, and exercise capacity) and serum C-reactive protein (CRP) are validated predictors of mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The aim of this study is to investigate the predictive value of combined serum CRP and BODE score for mortality in COPD patients. Patients and methods A cohort of 114 clinically stable COPD patients was assessed for predictors of longitudinal mortality. Variables included age, gender, current smoking status, pack-years, maximal inspiratory/expiratory pressure, BODE score (body mass index, degree of airflow obstruction, functional dyspnea, and exercise capacity), serum CRP, and fibrinogen. Predictors were assessed by Cox proportional hazards regression model. Survival was estimated by Kaplan–Meier method and log-rank test. Results Serum CRP ( P =.005; HR=1.042; 95% CI=1.019–1.066) and BODE score ( P =.032; HR=1.333; 95% CI=1.025–1.734) were independent predictors of survival in the multivariate analysis. The cumulative survival rates of COPD patients were sorted from the worst to the best as following: serum CRP>3 mg/l and quartile 3–4; serum CRP>3 mg/l and quartile 1–2; serum CRP ≤3 mg/l and quartile 3–4; serum CRP≤3 mg/l and quartile 1–2 ( P Conclusions Serum CRP and BODE score are independent predictors of survival in stable COPD patients. Combination of serum CRP and BODE score has higher predictive value in clinical practice.