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Showing papers in "Educar Em Revista in 2003"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors present the synthesis of the results which have been obtained by the research on the Productive restructuring and new work ways: the new pedagogical project for the scientific-technological education.
Abstract: Este artigo apresenta uma sintese dos resultados que vem sendo obtidos com a pesquisa Reestruturacao produtiva e novas formas de trabalho: o novo projeto pedagogico para a educacao cientifico-tecnologica financiada pelo Plano Sul de Pesquisa e Pos-graduacao/CNPq/Fundacao Araucaria, que tem por objetivo delinear as novas dimensoes que passam a integrar a categoria competencia a partir da introducao da base microeletronica nos processos produtivos e sociais, com vistas a identificacao dos principios pedagogicos que devem orientar os projetos educativos que objetivam a inclusao dos que vivem do trabalho.1 Para tanto, sera discutida a categoria competencia tal como historicamente vem sendo construida nos modos taylorista/fordista e toyotista de organizar e gerir a producao, buscando compreender os seus limites e possibilidades para uma possivel inclusao dos que vivem do trabalho, com particular destaque para a relacao entre teoria e pratica e entre conhecimento tacito e conhecimento cientifico. Finalmente, sera apontada a funcao mediadora da educacao no estabelecimento de articulacoes entre trabalho e conhecimento. Relations between tacit knowledge and scientific knowledge from a microelectronic base: first approaches Abstract This article presents the synthesis of the results which have been obtained by the research on the Productive restructuring and new work ways: the new pedagogical project for the scientific-technological education. Such work has been financed by the South Plan of Research and Pos-graduation/CNPq/ Fundacao Araucaria, and it aims to outline the new dimensions that start making part of the competence category through the introduction of the microelectronic basis into the productive and social processes, focusing on the identification of the pedagogical principles that must guide the educative projects aiming the inclusion of the ones who live from the work.2 Thus, the competence category will be discussed in the same way it has historically been built through the taylorist/fordist and toyotist ways of organizing and administrating the production, searching for the understanding of its limits and possibilities for a possible inclusion of the ones who live from the work, and outstanding the relationship between theory and practice and between tacit and scientific knowledge. Finally, the mediation function of the education in the setting up of articulations between work and knowledge will be pointed out.

17 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The role of teachers and students as protagonists of a distance education model mediated by computers is discussed in this article, where some tools that allow a relationship of interaction and cooperation between them, enphasized by the videoconferencia.
Abstract: A aprendizagem no ambiente virtual utilizando as tecnologias de informacao e de comunicacao (TIC’s) na Educacao Aberta e a Distância (EAD) possibilita uma maior interacao entre professor-alunos e alunos-alunos e uma mudanca do perfil de ambos Este artigo aborda uma breve explicacao do significado de EAD, os protagonistas da educacao virtual – professor e alunos – e os coadjuvantes – as direcoes e/ou coordenacoes, os supervisores pedagogicos, os orientadores educacionais, os bibliotecarios, os pais, a familia, os dirigentes do sistema educacional, os governantes, os legisladores Traca-se entao um comparativo entre o papel do professor tradicional e o professor da modalidade a distância, e entre o aluno tradicional e o aluno aprendiz Apresenta algumas ferramentas que permitem uma relacao de cooperacao e de interacao destacando a videoconferencia The role of teachers and students as protagonists of a distance education model mediated by computers Abstract The learning in the virtual environment using new technologies o long Distance Learning makes possible for a bigger interaction between professors and pupils and a change of profile on both The article briefly explains the meaning of Distance Education and the virtual education´s participants: students, professors, administrators, pedagogical supervisors, educational tutors, librarians, parents, governants and legislators A comparative study is traced between the role of the traditional professor and the distance education’s professor and between the traditional pupil and the distance learning’s pupil It presents some tools that allow a relationship of interaction and cooperation between them, enphasized by the videoconferencia

13 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors present an effort to show the concepts of education reforms and their pattern of uniformity in Latin America and their axis on Politics of decentralization whose are related to the autonomy of the school.
Abstract: Este artigo apresenta, por meio de estudo bibliografico, um esforco de conceituacao das reformas educacionais, pautando o seu padrao uniformizador na America Latina e discutindo o seu eixo a partir das politicas de descentralizacao e as relacoes da descentralizacao com a autonomia da escola. O texto busca diferenciar as diversas formas pelas quais a descentralizacao se apresenta na politica educacional. Education reforms: decentralization, management and school autonomy Abstract This article presents, on a bibliographical research, an effort to show the concepts of education reforms. It also points their pattern of uniformity in Latin America and their axis on Politics of decentralization whose are related to the autonomy of the school. The text intends to identify the several ways in which decentralization is presented by education politics.

11 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a mediator of this process, the tutor assumes papel relevante, atuando como interprete do curso, esclarecendo suas duvidas, estimulando o a prosseguir e a mesmo tempo participando do processo de avaliacao da aprendizagem.
Abstract: A educacao a distância parte da exigencia de uma nova concepcao de ensino, e de docentes, ate entao desvelada sobre o manto da didatica no espaco presencial da sala de aula. Novas posturas pedagogicas e metodologicas sao exigidas para responder ao atual conjunto de conhecimentos exigidos pelas transformacoes do mundo contemporâneo. A EAD exige uma interlocucao continuada mediante o dialogo efetivo entre alunos, docentes e tutores ou orientadores academicos e traz consigo a possibilidade da adocao de um novo tempo escolar, com um maior respeito aos ritmos pessoais de cada estudante. Como mediador neste processo, o professor tutor assume papel relevante, atuando como interprete do curso junto ao aluno, esclarecendo suas duvidas, estimulando-o a prosseguir e ao mesmo tempo participando do processo de avaliacao da aprendizagem. Distance education´s tutoring practice and theory Abstract Distance learning requires a new conception towards education, teaching and students, up to now veiled under the didactical relationships built within the existing espace and presence on classroom. New pedagogical and metodological standpoints are posed to answer the kind of knowledge required by contemporary transformations on society. Distance Education demands an continuing exchange between students, teachers and tutors and opens possibilities for the adoption of a new timing for learning, based on the students’ individual pace. As a mediator of this process the tutor have an important role helping the students in advancing their learning processes.

11 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a teaching-learning environment adaptable in web is presented, which allows the adequacy of tactics and enables the students from different graduation courses to present the contents to each course and to the individual preferences of the participating students.
Abstract: Este artigo, com enfase nos aspectos tecnicos, apresenta os resultados obtidos no âmbito dos projetos Electra e Adaptweb, voltados para a autoria e apresentacao adaptativa de disciplinas integrantes de cursos EAD na Web. O objetivo e permitir a adequacao de taticas e formas de apresentacao de conteudos para alunos de diferentes cursos de graduacao e com diferentes estilos de aprendizagem, possibilitando diferentes formas de apresentacao de cada conteudo, de forma adequada a cada curso e as preferencias individuais dos alunos participantes. Esta proposta foi validada atraves de um estudo de caso real, envolvendo a disciplina de Metodos Numericos da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL). Esta disciplina e oferecida para tres cursos universitarios: Matematica, Engenharia e Ciencia da Computacao. Em cada curso, o professor-autor configura uma sequencia de conceitos, com seus respectivos niveis de profundidade, bem como exemplos, exercicios e materiais complementares apropriados. Os alunos podem utilizar diferentes estilos de aprendizagem atraves da selecao do modo de navegacao e dos estilos de apresentacao. Os aspectos de adaptabilidade navegacional incluem navegacao em modo tutorial ou livre, oferecendo diferentes alternativas de taticas de ensino. O ambiente completo para autoria e apresentacao de cursos encontra- se atualmente disponivel na fase de prototipo operacional. Este prototipo esta sendo incorporado na plataforma de EAD em software livre da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). O ambiente esta baseado em um conjunto de componentes que suportam as fases de pre-autoria, adaptacao de conteudo e navegacao. A implementacao utiliza primordialmente a linguagem de programacao PHP, o gerenciador de banco de dados MySQL e a linguagem XML. Adaptweb: a teaching-learning environment adaptable in Web Abstract This article, which emphasizes the technical aspects, presents the results obtained within the ambit of Electra and Adaptweb projects, applied to the authorship and the adaptable presentation of the disciplines that compound the courses EAD in the Web. The aim is to allow the adequacy of tactics and ways to present the contents to the students from different graduation courses and with different learning styles, enabling different ways of presenting each one of the contents, adjusting it to each course and to the individual preferences of the participating students. This proposal was validated through a real case study, involving the Numeric Methods discipline at the State University of Londrina (UEL). This discipline is offered to three university courses: Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science. In each course, the author-professor sets a sequence of concepts, with their respective levels of complexity, as well as with their respective examples, exercises and suitable complementary materials. The students may use different learning styles through the selection of the navigation way and of the presentation styles. The navigational adjustment aspects include navigation in a tutorial or in a free way, offering different alternatives of teaching tactics. The complete environment for the authorship and presentation of courses is available at the present moment at the phase of operational prototype. This prototype is being incorporated to the platform of EAD into some free software from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The environment is based on a set of components that back up the pre-authorship, adaptation of content and navigation phases. The implementation primordially uses the language of PHP programming, the database carrier MySOL and the XML language.

10 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the World Bank and education policy: cooperation or expansion of international capital interests are discussed. But the authors focus on the negative effects of the international capital on education policies.
Abstract: O atual contexto economico evidencia uma situacao de crise do sistema capitalista, frente ao qual os representantes do interesses do capital internacional, particularmente o Banco Mundial e o FMI, intervem na organizacao politica e economica dos paises em desenvolvimento, na perspectiva de expandir os interesses dos paises hegemonicos por meio de politicas que visam a abertura comercial e financeira, a desregulamentacao das relacoes trabalhistas e a diminuicao do tamanho e do papel do Estado na sociedade. Os interesses do capital internacional tambem permeiam as propostas educacionais propagadas pelo Banco Mundial por meio de acordos intitulados de “cooperacao internacional”, mais precisamente emprestimos por meio dos quais o banco impoe modelos de politicas e projetos educacionais e normas e regras que condicionam o processo de implementacao das parcerias, instituindo uma logica que favorece a abertura de mercado e a propagacao da ideologia neoliberal. O presente artigo aborda o contexto de avanco da intervencao dos organismos internacionais, o historico do Banco Mundial, a concepcao de politicas sociais adotada e a presenca efetiva desse organismo nas politicas educacionais, apresentado como exemplos o Projeto Nordeste para a Educacao Basica e o Fundo de Desenvolvimento da Escola (Fundescola). World Bank and education policy: cooperation or expansion of international capital interests? Abstract The current economical context shows up a crisis of the capitalist system, in which the representatives of the interests of the international capital, particularly the World Bank and IMF, intervene on political and economical organization of developing countries, from the central countries perspective of interests expansion through politics that seek commercial and financial opening, absence of labor rules and the weight decrease of State on society. The interests of international capital also permeate education proposals, which are spread by the World Bank through agreements called “international cooperation”, more precisely loans which are used by the Bank to impose models of education policy, projects and norms and rules that condition the partnership process implementation and institutes a logic that is favorable to market opening and the propagation of new-liberal ideology. The present article approaches to the context of intervention progresses of International Organisms, the report of the World Bank, the conception of social politics adopted and the effective presence of that organism in the education politics, for example the Northeast Project for the Basic Education and Fund of Development of the School (Fundescola).

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors have verified that professionals who work in early intervention feel themselves as unprepared in their professional performance, this feeling exists in relation to children as well as to family.
Abstract: O estudo verificou que os profissionais que atuam em estimulacao precoce sentem-se despreparados no desempenho profissional, tanto para atuar com a crianca quanto com a familia. Constatou que a escassez de literatura especifica e os poucos cursos existentes comprometem a formacao, a especializacao e a atualizacao destes profissionais. Propoe, assim, entre outras medidas: a) a mobilizacao da universidade para participar ativamente na melhoria deste atendimento, por meio da pesquisa, ensino e extensao; b) a implantacao de um modelo referencial de pesquisa e formacao profissional em estimulacao precoce, tanto em ambiente presencial quanto em ambiente virtual, composto de biblioteca digital/virtual e de banco de dados especializado; c) a criacao de cursos de formacao presencial e a distância nesta area. Estas medidas buscariam promover a constante formacao e atualizacao tecnico- pedagogica destes profissionais, a fim de propiciar um atendimento de qualidade na estimulacao precoce. Concepts about intervention and assessement strategies in early intervention professionals Abstract This research has verified that professionals who works in early intervention feel themselves as unprepared in their professional performance, this feeling exists in relation to children as to family. This work also noticed that the lack of specified literature and the little number of offered courses produce a commitment of those professionals in relation to formation, specialization and updating. In this way, this work proposes some measures as: a) University mobilization in order to have, in the way of research, teaching and extension, an active participation in professionals updating; b) a referential model implantation of research and formation of professionals of early intervention, in a presencial and virtual environment composed by digital library and specialized data bank; c) presencial and distance education courses creation for this area. These measures intend to promote a constantly formation and technical-pedagogical updating of these professionals, in order to proportionate a high quality answer in early intervention.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The author analyzed some possibilities offered to teachers’ permanent education in the field of Distance Learning, leading to some conclusions taken from her personal and professional experience and presents suggestions aimed at improving permanent education at Distance Learning.
Abstract: A autora analisou algumas possibilidades para a formacao continuada do professor no ambiente da educacao a distância. No seu artigo sao considerados importantes aspectos apresentados pela educacao a distância e algumas conclusoes geradas a partir de sua experiencia pessoal e profissional e, ainda, sugestoes que visam o aprimoramento da formacao continuada no ambiente da educacao a distância. The role of distance learning on the teacher´s continuing education Abstract The author analyzed some possibilities offered to teachers’ permanent education in the field of Distance Learning. The article, the author considered some important aspects of Distance Learning leading to some conclusions taken from her personal and professional experience. She also presents suggestions aimed at improving permanent education in the field of Distance Learning.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors discuss the national inequality on education and the role of federal sphere in education financing and its intervention possibilities in order to reduce inequalities between the Brazilian states.
Abstract: O objetivo deste texto e discutir a desigualdade nacional em educacao, tomando como referencia o papel da esfera federal no financiamento da educacao e de sua possivel acao com vistas a diminuir as desigualdades intrafederativas. Toma-se como objeto de reflexao o Fundo de Manutencao e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e de Valorizacao do Magisterio – Fundef , de modo que na analise aqui desenvolvida tambem ha uma dimensao de avaliacao dessa iniciativa de politica publica. An evaluative dimension of Fundef: regional inequality Abstract The objective of this text is to discuss the national inequality on education having as reference the role of federal sphere in Education Financing and its intervention possibilities in order to reduce inequalities between the Brazilian states. Fundef – Fund of Maintenance and Development of the Fundamental Teaching and of Valorization of the Teaching is taken, here, as the reflection object, then, in this analysis there is also an evaluation dimension of that initiative of public politics.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Teixeira's contribution to postgraduate studies in Brazil is discussed in this article, where the authors present a research project entitled “The Training of teachers: the Contribution of Anisio TeixEira for the Institutionalization of Postgraduate Studies in Brazil”.
Abstract: Este trabalho se relaciona com a pesquisa A formacao dos mestres: a contribuicao de Anisio Teixeira para a institucionalizacao da pos-graduacao no Brasil, que examina a politica desenvolvida pelo educador brasileiro Anisio Teixeira na direcao da CAPES (Campanha de Aperfeicoamento do Pessoal de Nivel Superior), atualmente uma fundacao vinculada ao Ministerio da Educacao, em seus primeiros anos de funcionamento (1951- 1964). Trata-se de uma pesquisa historica que tem como seu corpus documental basico: a) a producao bibliografica de Anisio Teixeira, de 1946 a 1971; b) a documentacao existente nos arquivos da CAPES e no arquivo pessoal de Anisio Teixeira, no Centro de Investigacao e Documentacao em Historia Contemporânea do Brasil, na Fundacao Getulio Vargas e no Programa de Estudos e Documentacao Educacao e Sociedade, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; c) os boletins da CAPES publicados, mensalmente, de 1952 a 1964; d) entrevistas realizadas com antigos colaboradores de Anisio Teixeira na CAPES, durante o periodo estudado. Os resultados da pesquisa confirmam nossa hipotese inicial que a atuacao de Anisio Teixeira frente a esta instituicao foi fundamental para que ela adquirisse a configuracao que assumiu, transformando-se em um instrumento de promocao dos estudos de pos-graduacao no Brasil. Sob este prisma, a CAPES desenvolveu, em seus primeiros anos, um conjunto de iniciativas e politicas que tiveram como pressuposto basico a ideia de que a pos-graduacao era a principal estrategia de reconstrucao da universidade brasileira, como locus adequado para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa cientifica e como espaco de formacao do professor universitario. The postgraduate studies with strategy for the reconstruction of the Brazilian university system Abstract This article is the result of a research project entitled “The Training of Teachers: the Contribution of Anisio Teixeira for the Institutionalization of Postgraduate Studies in Brazil” (A formacao dos mestres: a contribuicao de Anisio Teixeira para a institucionalizacao da pos-graduacao no Brasil), which analyzed the policies developed by the Brazilian educator Anisio Teixeira, while acting as head of CAPES - Campaign for the Improvement of University Personnel (Campanha de Aperfeicoamento do Pessoal de Nivel Superior) - now a foundation linked to the Ministry of Education, during its initial years of operation, from 1951-1964. The research is historical, its basic corpus of documents being: a) texts published by Anisio Teixeira, from 1946 to 1971; b) documents in the archives of CAPES, in the personal archives of Anisio Teixeira, in the Centre for Research and Documentation in Contemporary Brazilian History, at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, and in the Programme of Studies and Documentation in Education and Society, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; c) the Bulletins of CAPES, published monthly from 1952 to 1964; d) interviews with contemporary collaborators of Anisio Teixeira, in CAPES, during the period studied. The results of the research confirm our initial hypothesis, that the role of Anisio Teixeira at the head of this institution was fundamental in giving it the form and function it ended up assuming, turning it into an instrument for the promotion of postgraduate studies in Brazil. Within this perspective, CAPES developed, in its initial years, a set of initiatives and policies which had, as a basic presupposition, the idea that postgraduate study should constitute the principal strategy for the reconstruction of the Brazilian university system, as an adequate locus for the development of scientific research and as a space for the education of university professors.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a proposal based on educating through research is presented, where three categories of resistance emerge when assuming the research approach in teacher education courses: the traditional inertia, the restrictive dialog and the understandings of teaching, learning and evaluation.
Abstract: A partir de uma proposta de educacao pela pesquisa em sala de aula, apresentamos tres categorias de resistencias que podem surgir ao fazer da pesquisa proposta metodologica em cursos de formacao de professores: a inercia tradicional, a restricao ao dialogo, e as teorias de ensino, de aprendizagem e de avaliacao. Propomos aos professores formadores estarem atentos as resistencias em suas aulas, porque elas sinalizam para a superacao das teorias de todos os envolvidos, possibilitando intervir de modo consciente e critico no encaminhamento do processo de profissionalizacao dos futuros professores. Educating through research: resistances as possibilities for the evolution of teachers’ personal classroom theories Abstract Starting from a proposal based on educating through research, we present three cathegories of resistance that may emerge when assuming the research as a methodological approach in teacher education courses: the traditional inertia, the restrictive dialog and the understandings of teaching, learning and evaluation. From this we insist that teacher educators be attentive to the resistances in their classes because they signal to the overcoming of the theories of the involved, allowing conscious and critical interventions in the conduction of professionalization of the future teachers.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss the process of municipal management in the State of Parana and the directions of the politics called ''municipalizacao'' (kind of decentralization to the counties based on municipal management'' have been discussed because were defined with anteriority to the constitution of the Fund of Maintenance and Development of the Fundamental Teaching (Fundef).
Abstract: Discutem-se os rumos da municipalizacao do ensino nas series iniciais do ensino fundamental, definidos com anterioridade a constituicao do Fundo de Manutencao e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e de Valorizacao do Magisterio – Fundef, de forma a demonstrar que a transferencia de tal responsabilidade aos municipios paranaenses antecede a criacao do referido Fundo, ainda que esta intensificacao da municipalizacao tenha sido uma das suas principais finalidades. The process of municipal management in the State of Parana Abstract The directions of the politics called “municipalizacao” (kind of decentralization to the counties based on municipal management) of initial series teaching have been discussed because were defined with anteriority to the constitution of Fund of Maintenance and Development of the Fundamental Teaching – Fundef, in a way that demonstrates the transfer of such responsibility to the municipality in state of Parana precedes the creation of the referred Found, although this, the intensification of the “municipalizacao” have been one of their main purposes.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The Projeto Interinstitucional Comunidades Virtuais de Aprendizagem (provia) as mentioned in this paper is an interinstitutional project for e-learning communities.
Abstract: O Projeto Interinstitucional Comunidades Virtuais de Aprendizagem – Provia –, integrando pesquisadores proponentes e seus respectivos grupos de pesquisa, originarios de diferentes areas do conhecimento e com problemas diferenciados de investigacao, mas reunidos sob um mesmo eixo – o dos efeitos das Novas Tecnologias da Comunicacao e da Informacao (NTCI) e da Informatica Educativa (IE) e seus modos de subjetivacao no amplo campo educativo –, buscou constituir uma rede de pesquisas que reunisse iniciativas de avaliacao inerentes a esta tematica. O principal objetivo foi, entao, a geracao de conhecimento relevante na area especifica, com vistas a contribuir para acoes politico-pedagogicas de insercao e de intervencao. Em outras palavras, o Provia pretendeu desafiar a reflexao critica acerca das mudancas que estao ocorrendo na Educacao (a Distância) no seu sentido mais abrangente, incluindo questoes relativas aos modos de producao das subjetividades e aos rumos da nova sociedade do conhecimento. E-learning technologies in education: some trends Abstract PROVIA – Projeto Interinstitucional Comunidades Virtuais de Aprendizagem – is an Interinstitutional Project for E-Learning Communities, supposed to joining and integrating researchers from different areas of knowledge, and as well their respective research groups, around a same intriguing investigative problem – evaluation of what may be some effects the Information and Communication Technologies provoke when implicated with the Educational Field and their subjects. The aim has been to produce knowledge from different theoretical perspectives, so it may give relevant support to politicalpedagogical decisions and actions in (Distance) Education thought in its broad sense, including new ways in which subjectivity is conforming and knowledge is being produced.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a form of semi-presence education mediated by new technology is discussed as an innovative strategy to the learning process, and the role of media as a facilatator on building the learning in semi-Presence education is discussed.
Abstract: Apresenta o ensino semi-presencial mediado pelas novas tecnologias de comunicacao, especialmente a internet, apontando-o como estrategia de inovacao para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Ressalta algumas diferencas entre ensino presencial e semi-presencial, e as peculiaridades de ambas as modalidades. Expoe as caracteristicas do ensino semi-presencial, observando mudancas no papel do professor e na postura do aluno. Enfoca a importância do material didatico e das ferramentas da internet como facilitadores da construcao do conhecimento no ensino semi-presencial. Alerta para as transformacoes que vem ocorrendo no campo da educacao, propondo a inclusao urgente das tecnologias na aprendizagem, e sugerindo o ensino semi-presencial como uma alternativa na busca constante de aperfeicoamento. The semi-presence education as answer to growing needs to permanent education Abstract This article discusses a form of semi-presence education mediated by new technology as an innovative strategy to the learning process. It emphasizes some differences between presencial and semi-presencial learning and describes some peculiarities on both. The text examines semi-presence education, from point of view of change that occur on the role of teachers and students. It also focus on the role of media as a facilatator on building the learning in semi-presence education. Alerts for the transformations that are happening in education, and proposes the use of new technologies to help the learning processes. It suggests the semi-presence education as an alternative for the development of new methods of education.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The case of the lycEes in Paris illustrates this slow evolution as mentioned in this paper, where the conflictual relationship between schools and cities gradually died down and the two became real partners with an increasing number of contracts between the two.
Abstract: No seculo XIX, os liceus experimentam a atencao das cidades que os abrigam, provocando sentimentos ambivalentes, entre a atracao e a rejeicao. Ao procurar multiplos recursos, as cidades provocam, com efeito, prejuizos que ameacam sem cessar a saude, a seguranca e a moral dos alunos, como tambem o curso de seus estudos. Durante muito tempo, os estabelecimentos sofrem para fazer entender suas reivindicacoes e devem, entao, se adaptar sozinhos ao contexto urbano. Mas pouco a pouco estas relacoes conflituosas diminuem: no final do seculo XIX, apos o fracasso do governo em sua tentativa de transportar para o campo os estabelecimentos de internos, a cidade torna-se uma verdadeira associada, com a qual os liceus nao hesitam em multiplicar suas trocas. Pelo seu exemplo, o caso dos liceus parisienses ilustra esta lenta evolucao. The lycees in cities: the example of Paris (1802-1914) Abstract In the 19th century, lycEes experienced ambivalent feelings towards the cities that harboured them, ranging from attraction to rejection. Cities offered many resources to schools, on the other hand they caused threatening damage to the health, safety and moral standards of the pupils, as well as to the course of their studies. For a long time, schools struggled to put forward these conflictual relationships gradually died down. Towards the end of the cities, lycEes and cities became real partners with an increasing number of contracts between the two. Because of its exemplary nature, the case of the lycEes in Paris illustrate this slow evolution.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In spite of the acquired ambiguity of the term ''public'' as mentioned in this paper, the education is a social task under responsibility of the state, not a public task under the control of the public.
Abstract: Apesar da ambiguidade adquirida pelo termo “publico”, partimos do pressuposto de que a educacao e tarefa social sob responsabilidade do Estado. O federalismo brasileiro reparte o atendimento a educacao nas diversas instâncias federativas. A ausencia da efetivacao do regime de cooperacao e colaboracao, apesar da existencia de preceitos legais que a exigiriam, acentuou a fragmentacao das politicas educacionais e a nao constituicao de um sistema nacional de educacao. A municipalizacao do ensino fundamental tem sido instrumento de descentralizacao e tem reforcado a atomizacao das acoes pedagogicas. Por outro lado, ferteis experiencias no âmbito da gestao municipal tem apresentado alternativas democraticas, particularmente no que se refere a gestao educacional. Municipal education management, organization of the national system and collaboration regime: some questions Abstract In spite of the acquired ambiguity of the term “public”, we broke of the presupposition that the education is social task under responsibility of the State. The Brazilian federalism distributes the service to the education in the several federal instances. The absence of execution of the cooperation regime and collaboration, in spite of the existence of legal precepts that were necessary, accentuated the fragmentation of the education politics and the non-constitution of a national system of education. The “municipalizacao” (kind of decentralization to the counties based on municipal management) of the fundamental teaching has been an instrument to reinforce the atomization of the pedagogic actions. On the other hand, fertile experiences in the extent of the municipal administration have presented democratic alternatives, particularly in which is referred to the education administration.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The first undergraduate course at the Federal University of Parana, Brazil, has been analyzed in this paper, focusing on the historical, political, and pedagogic aspects of its implantation process.
Abstract: O presente artigo pretende evidenciar o processo de implantacao do primeiro curso de graduacao na modalidade de educacao a distância da Universidade Federal do Parana. Considerou os aspectos historicos, politicos e pedagogicos de seu processo de implantacao, procurando retratar a concepcao do projeto politico pedagogico construido ate o presente momento. The distance education undergraduation course teaching licence in pedagogy – initial levels of primary education: a possible historical construction at Federal University of Parana, Brazil Abstract The present article intends to analise the first undergraduate course at the Federal University of Parana, Brazil. It has considered the historical, political, and pedagogic aspects of its implantation process, aiming at portraiting the conceptual framework within its pedagogical project developed up to the end of 2002.

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Abstract: Este estudo apresenta uma reflexao das relacoes entre a literatura infantil e a educacao ressaltando a singularidade dos textos de Clarice Lispector que desconstroem a relacao hegemonica adulto-crianca e privilegiam o mundo das criancas e dos bichos ao inverter os pressupostos pedagogicomoralizantes que sempre estiveram presentes neste genero literario. Pedagogy and literature: children and animals in Clarice Lispector’s children books Abstract This study presents some thoughts about the relationship between children literature and education to project the singularity of Clarice Lispector’s texts deconstructing the hegemony adult-children and distinguishing children and animals world by the inversion of the moral-pedagogical motives that always have been conected to this kind of literary genre.

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TL;DR: ModelCiencias as discussed by the authors is a portal for the Semi Quantitative and Quantitative Computational Modeling in Science Education Project (SQQEMEP), which is a semi-semiquantitative and quantitative computational modeling in science education.
Abstract: O artigo apresenta alguns fundamentos da modelagem computacional, bem como algumas das ferramentas que estarao disponiveis no ModelCiencias, que e um portal do projeto Modelagem Computacional Semiquantitativa e Quantitativa na Educacao em Ciencias do Plano Sul de Pesquisa e Posgraduacao do CNPq. O artigo apresenta, tambem, as caracteristicas dos cursos a serem disponibilizados no portal, aspectos tecnicos de sua construcao e o atual estagio de desenvolvimento do projeto. The ModelCiencias – a portal for the Semi Quantitative and Quantitative Computational Modeling in Science Education Project Abstract This paper presents some computational modeling basis and also some modeling tools that will be available in ModelCiencias, which is a portal for the project Semiquantitative and Quantitative Computational Modeling in Science Education of CNPq’s Research and Post-graduation Southern Plan. The article presents, also, the characteristics of the courses that will be avaliable in the portal, technical aspects of its construction and the current stage of development of the project.

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TL;DR: In this article, a pesquisa and an analise of the culture of escolar education in Brazil is presented, with a focus on the evolution of the pedagogical model of escolares.
Abstract: O foco desta pesquisa e a analise da cultura escolar, tendo como eixo principal a investigacao sobre o tempo, enquanto elemento substancial da pratica educacional e a analise da organizacao dos modelos de extensao da jornada escolar. O trabalho aborda as concepcoes temporais, mesclando as interpretacoes mitologicas e os esclarecimentos da ciencia que fizeram do tempo um elemento substantivo tanto na vida social e cultural da humanidade quanto na proposta de preparacao do individuo para o desenvolvimento de seus papeis. A historia dos tempos escolares no Parana, a adocao de politicas publicas em relacao a jornada escolar e, em especial, os programas das decadas de 1980 e 1990, possibilitam a analise de uma forma de organizacao educacional, nao so imposta pelas politicas, mas nascida e construida na dinâmica de relacoes internas da escola, nas crencas, nas formas aprendidas de se fazer o trabalho educacional e dos elementos que se agregam as funcoes escolares. A investigacao se da no sistema publico da Rede Municipal de Educacao da Prefeitura de Curitiba, por apresentar uma historia educacional fortemente marcada pela politica de ampliacao do tempo de permanencia diaria dos alunos, nas escolas do Ensino Fundamental e, por ser Curitiba a cidade que tem implantado os Centros de Educacao Integral ja ha 15 anos. Neles foram realizadas entrevistas, observacoes e coleta de documentos que forneceram dados sobre como a organizacao temporal que interferiu nas formas escolares, proposta curricular, vida cotidiana da instituicao e pratica discente, docente, assim como nas familias e comunidades envolvidas. A pesquisa aponta a mudanca lenta e gradual nas escolas de tempo integral, criando uma nova cultura escolar com continuidades e inovacoes, revelando discordâncias entre o que foi prescrito e a realidade, entre os tempos estabelecidos ou propostos e os vividos. Enfim, a pesquisa de interacao entre as propostas teoricas, as prescricoes legais e a realidade encontrada na distribuicao do tempo dos professores e alunos conduziram as reflexoes sobre o novo modelo educacional, traduzido pela cultura da escola e pela extensao da jornada, a qual nao pode passar despercebida pelos educadores, pelas familias, pela sociedade e, especialmente, pelos dirigentes das politicas publicas, posto que as evidencias indicam para a democratizacao da educacao, objeto central de luta da sociedade e o elemento norteador da proposta desta tese.

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TL;DR: In this paper, the formation process of student autonomy and identity on a distance education undergraduate course in the field of pedagogy with major in fundamental education at the Federal University of Parana, Brazil is discussed.
Abstract: Este artigo procurou levantar algumas reflexoes a respeito do processo de formacao da identidade e da autonomia do aluno do curso de graduacao “Formacao de professores das series iniciais do ensino fundamental na modalidade a distância” na UFPR. Sendo esta uma modalidade nova dentro da universidade, este processo oferece uma serie de experiencias de recriacao da identidade nao so de alunos, mas de professores e funcionarios envolvidos no projeto. As experiencias deste curso vem renovando concepcoes e praticas pedagogicas para uma modalidade ainda pouco vivenciada no Brasil. The distance learning student´s identity formation: reflections for a debate Abstract This article intends to raise some reflexions about the formation process of student´s autonomy and identity on a distance education undergraduate course in the field of Pedagogy with major in fundamental education at Federal University of Parana, Brazil. Because this is a new modality of education within university, this process offers a series of experiences on the identity recriation, not only for students, as well as to professors and other professionals involved in this project. The experiences in this course are renewing the pedagogical practices and conceptions in a educational modality which is still new in Brazil.