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Showing papers in "Estudos Semióticos in 2021"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This article analyzed the international impact of A. J. Greimas (1917-1992) and his work, by studying the practices of communication, displacement, and translation, and assessed the importance played by personal contact, the socio-historical context, and the sociolinguistic and didactic status of French for the worldwide reception of GreIMAS.
Abstract: This case study in the history of language sciences is part of the methodological perspective of intellectual history, in which we analyzed the international impact of A. J. Greimas (1917-1992) and his work, by studying the practices of communication, displacement, and translation. The scientific missions conducted outside France, the number and origin of foreign students enrolled in his seminar in Paris, as well as the chronology and linguistic geography of the translations carried out of his work help to trace, evaluate and explain the dissemination and worldwide development of his ideas. His project inspired distinctive appropriations and sometimes institutional structures in several cultural and linguistic contexts, including Romance, Anglo-American, Germanic, Slavic, Lithuanian, and East Asian contexts. The conclusion of this essay assesses the importance played by personal contact, the socio-historical context, and the sociolinguistic and didactic status of French for the worldwide reception of Greimas. Besides, this work is based on published scientific work, archival documents, interviews, and personal communications with translators and editors, with Greimas and his collaborators, and with specialists from the different cultures studied.

25 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a semiotica discursiva não recusa a history, nao recus a dimensao social e cultural do discurso, porque toma o sentido como seu objeto, na tensao entre o social e o individual, na temporalidade do world, and do proprio discuroso.
Abstract: Este trabalho se divide em duas partes. Uma primeira discussao, de base teorica, cujo objetivo e apresentar os contornos e desafios de uma semiotica contemporânea, que se debruca sobre as novas demandas da sociedade, descrevendo como se constroi o sentido das praticas e das formas de vida. Nesse caso, queremos demonstrar que a semiotica discursiva nao recusa a historia, nao recusa a dimensao social e cultural do discurso, porque toma o sentido como seu objeto, na tensao entre o social e o individual, na temporalidade do mundo e do proprio discurso. Uma segunda parte que apresenta uma reflexao sobre o estatuto semiotico do lexema “domestica”, buscando dar conta das espessas e resistentes camadas de sentido que sustentam os seus usos na sociedade brasileira, ligados a universos de valores, praticas sociais e formas de vida profundamente marcados pelo racismo e pelo preconceito de classe.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors analyzed two texts with very different origins: the story The Two Kings and the Two Labyrinths of the Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges and the song Dime Store Mystery by the New York singer-songwriter Lou Reed.
Abstract: This essay analyses two texts with very different origins. On one hand, the story The two kings and the two labyrinths of the Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges; on the other, the song Dime Store Mystery by the New York singer-songwriter Lou Reed. The analysis uses methodological instruments from French semiotics, specifically the contributions of the tensive hypothesis, which allow a methodical approach to the function of affectivity in the process of semiosis. Through both discourses, the dichotomy between the divine and the human prevails as the primordial semantic category of the universe of meaning, belief being the fundamental cause of the tensive magnitude´s variations that affect and transform the body of the actant.

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors highlight how the criterion of truth of the discourses has radically changed (the "regime of truth", as Foucault would say) and how a "confusive" regime has emerged that focuses on a criterion of authenticity based on experience, rather than a criteria of truth based on verification.
Abstract: What is post-truth? What are fake news? A pure pathology of information, or a phenomenon that reveals a different logic of social signification? Thanks to the tools of the semiotics of culture (in particular the semiotics of Umberto Eco and Juri Lotman), the text highlights how the criterion of truth of the discourses has radically changed (the “regime of truth”, as Foucault would say) and how a “confusive” regime has emerged that focuses on a criterion of authenticity based on experience, rather than a criterion of truth based on verification.

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a quadrado semiotico-based approach is proposed for the analysis of identidades geoculturais (i.e., coletivas ancoradas in uma materialidade geografica especifica, ou fato).
Abstract: Como parte dos nossos esforcos por desenvolver uma semiotica social para o estudo das identidades geoculturais – as identidades coletivas ancoradas em uma materialidade geografica especifica, ou fato –, este artigo apresenta as bases teoricas para essa perspectiva e, mediante o uso do quadrado semiotico, propoe uma tipologia inicial em relacao aos objetos de estudo dos quais um enfoque assim poderia se ocupar. Apos a argumentacao sobre aquilo no que um enfoque semiotico das identidades coletivas poderia consistir, o artigo se dirige ao caso especifico das identidades geoculturais como um subtipo distinto dessas, e propoe uma tipologia baseada no quadrado semiotico. Essa tipologia, construida sobre a base das categorias de continuidade e descontinuidade, e composta de quatro posicoes: identidades nacionais, transnacionais, subnacionais e supranacionais.

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a synthese generale de ces travaux d'explicitation avec comme ambition of rendre la notion la plus claire et operatoire possible for des recherches semiotiques renouvelees et ancrees dans les sciences de la culture.
Abstract: La notion de formes de vie a ete introduite par Greimas il y a tres exactement 30 ans dans le champ des etudes semiotiques. Depuis, cette notion est devenue un concept integre a l’organon semiotique, mais sa signification est restee equivoque, et ce, bien que des propositions de definitions soient apparues au fil des decennies (Fontanille, 1993 ; 2008 ; 2015 ; Perusset, 2020). Cet article vise a offrir une synthese generale de ces travaux d’explicitation avec comme ambition de rendre la notion la plus claire et operatoire possible pour des recherches semiotiques renouvelees et ancrees dans les sciences de la culture. A cet egard, cette contribution vise aussi a confronter les formes de vie avec d’autres notions proches telles celles de semiosphere (Lotman, 1966), de styles de vie (Landowski, 1997; 2004) et d’ideal de vie (Perusset, 2020).

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors consider the risks of the overthrow of central values for the Democratic Rule of Law, from the rise of authoritarian political discourses, hate speech and the multiplication of intolerance in the contemporary world.
Abstract: This article deals with the risks of the overthrow of central values ​​for the Democratic Rule of Law, from the rise of authoritarian political discourses, hate speech and the multiplication of intolerance in the contemporary world. Therefore, it considers the importance of the analytical-discursive contribution of General Semiotics, Semiotics of Power and Semiotics of Law. The analysis of the speeches reveals the way in which populist propaganda manipulates individuals through the appeal to esthesic and manipulation regimes. Thus, the rationality of democratic institutions, time and dialogue as preconditions for democratic exercise, the guarantee of diversity and pluralism are being eroded, while concessions to power and manifestations of intolerance are growing. Hence the importance that Semiotics has for the promotion of the participation regime, essential for the Democratic Rule of Law, once it is significantly affected by the contemporary crisis.

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, Ruiz Moreno et Zinna propose a reinterpretation of Débattu as the principe d’immanence in the sémiotique greimassienne.
Abstract: n des socles de la sémiotique greimassienne est, on le sait, le principe d’immanence. Débattu, critiqué, amendé, ce principe résiste ; il a donné lieu récemment à d’importants travaux de nature à stimuler son développement (Ruiz Moreno et Zinna, 2014). Ainsi, l’extension du principe d’immanence a ouvert deux grandes voies de recherche qui semblent marquer les réflexions contemporaines : la voie phénoménologique et la voie que nous appelons praxéologique. Cette dernière est centrée sur les pratiques et les échanges communicatifs qui structurent des communautés d’appartenance. Ces deux orientations – contenues en germe dans les réflexions d’A. J. Greimas –, ont mobilisé des notions provenant de l’usage courant ou d’autres domaines de spécialité et qui, une fois (ré)définies, approfondies et conceptualisées, ont pu voir leur statut enrichi et leur fonction réarticulée au sein de la théorie sémiotique. Ce fut le cas, lors du tournant phénoménologique, de termes comme celui de « perception », de « figure » ou de « corps » ; et, au sein du tournant praxéologique, de termes tels que « justesse » (Bertrand), « ajustement », « contagion » (Landowski) ou « forme de vie » (Greimas, Fontanille). Le présent numéro d’Estudos Semióticos, consacré à la notion de « culture », s’oriente dans ce même sens : si ce terme flou, polysémique et usé jusqu’à la corde, est couramment employé dans notre domaine (comme dans beaucoup d’autres) en rapport avec tel ou tel objet, est-il possible de le revivifier en le sémiotisant afin de l’intégrer au métalangage ? On doit aussi se demander si la sémiotique a vraiment besoin d’un tel outil conceptuel... Et si la réponse était négative, quelle

1 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a concetto di "longevita della cultura" della scuola di Tartu-Mosca is presented, in which a processi traduttivi del filtraggio e della dimenticanza are discussed.
Abstract: L’obiettivo di questo articolo e di indagare la correlazione tra cultura e memoria cosi come proposta nella teoria semiotica di Juri M. Lotman e dagli altri studiosi della scuola di Tartu-Mosca. In queste pagine, particolare spazio e dato alla disamina del concetto di “longevita della cultura”, intesa come la “durata” semantica di testi e codici. Questo concetto, proposto per la prima volta da Lotman e Uspenskij, viene messo in dialogo con specifici aspetti comuni al binomio cultura/memoria: il carattere relazionale e retrospettivo, la comune diacronia. Inoltre, con l’obiettivo finale di enfatizzare la componente politica nella teoria semiotica della memoria e della cultura, in questo articolo la longevita e posta in relazione ai processi traduttivi del filtraggio e della dimenticanza.

1 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a problematizacao de questoes envolvidas na formacao profissional de professores, propomos discutir as contribuicoes that a Semiotica Discursiva tem a oferecer a eficiencia qualitativa da acao docente no contexto atual.
Abstract: Com base em uma problematizacao de questoes envolvidas na formacao profissional de professores, propomos discutir as contribuicoes que a Semiotica Discursiva tem a oferecer a eficiencia qualitativa da acao docente no contexto atual. Trataremos tanto do que se refere a competencializacao no dominio de conhecimentos especificos do ensino de lingua materna, quanto da preparacao didatica para isso, procurando mostrar que, por aumentar a competencia de analise dos diferentes tipos de texto, a proposta teorico-metodologica da Semiotica favorece um modo eficaz de trabalha-los em sala de aula. A atencao ao processo de formacao docente e ao que se pode trazer para essa etapa como alguma colaboracao importa, sobretudo, quando constatamos que o professor e a peca-chave no processo de transposicao didatica, ponto de articulacao entre os saberes ai em jogo: o saber academico-cientifico de referencia, o saber a ensinar e o saber ensinado.

1 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a trabalho analisa producoes de tres series de pequenas cronicas escritas by Jose Roberto Torero Fernandes Junior and ilustradas by Ivo Minkovicius, publicadas diariamente no Facebook, ao longo de 2020, cobrindo o que pode ser compreendido como tres momentos de percepcao da pandemia provocada pelo Covid-19 no Brazil.
Abstract: Este trabalho analisa producoes de tres series de pequenas cronicas escritas por Jose Roberto Torero Fernandes Junior e ilustradas por Ivo Minkovicius, publicadas diariamente no Facebook, ao longo de 2020, cobrindo o que pode ser compreendido como tres momentos de percepcao da pandemia provocada pelo Covid-19 no Brasil, ao menos no que diz respeito a sua experiencia nas metropoles. Intitulam-se respectivamente como Quarentenas, Quarenteninhas e Quaquarentenas. Mobilizando reflexoes produzidas pelos estudos da literatura de testemunho e da semiotica, sao analisadas, a partir da leitura de uma literatura vinculada ao cotidiano, as “traducoes” da experiencia de viver e sentir o acontecimento. A medida que se vivencia a duracao da pandemia, muito alem das previsoes mais pessimistas, observa-se a atenuacao do sentir o efeito inicialmente impactante de sua aparicao, caminhando para uma anestesia que concorre para a indiferenca quanto aos seus efeitos. Escrever, contudo, e ainda insistir no sentido sentido.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In 2018, Jair Bolsonaro, entao candidato do Partido Social Liberal (PSL) as mentioned in this paper, fez uso de uma estetica atrelada ao domestico e ao improviso, ‘dando-se a conhecer’ na expressao do bufonismo, de modo isolado e em oposicao ao lulismo, fenomeno politico de esquerda representado pela figura de Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, lider do Part
Abstract: O artigo trata de procedimentos esteticos relacionados, nos termos da sociossemiotica, as construcoes figurativas do bufao e do heroi (Landowski, 2002), a partir da selecao e da analise de imagens de opositores politicos divulgadas em redes sociais ou veiculos jornalisticos. Em 2018, Jair Bolsonaro, entao candidato do Partido Social Liberal (PSL), fez uso de uma estetica atrelada ao domestico e ao improviso, ‘dando-se a conhecer’ na expressao do bufonismo, de modo isolado e em oposicao ao lulismo, fenomeno politico de esquerda representado pela figura de Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, lider do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), que constroi uma estetica do ‘ser e estar junto’ em acoes coletivistas, associando-se aos preceitos do heroico. O estudo apresenta reflexoes concernentes ao imaginario bolsonarista em contraposicao ao imaginario lulista.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors argue that symbolic appropriation underlies such economic-political appropriation of traditional knowledge, made by non-indigenous agents, thanks to the process of translation and transmutation of symbols and changes of beliefs through the abductive method in accordance with the semiotic-pragmatic proposal of Charles Peirce.
Abstract: Knowledge of traditional medicine in Mexico is a distinctive element of Mexican cultural diversity. Due to its long existence and conventionality, it is part of the symbols that make up the cultures that have developed and used it from generation to generation. However, today it is being legally appropriated by agents who seek to profit from such knowledge, and from other elements of indigenous cultures. This appropriation is possible thanks to the process of translation and transmutation of symbols and changes of beliefs through the abductive method, in accordance with the semiotic-pragmatic proposal of Charles Peirce. In this article we argue that symbolic appropriation underlies such economic-political appropriation of traditional knowledge, made by non-indigenous agents.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A. J. Greimas as discussed by the authors discute, em primeiro lugar, a possibilidade de reinterpretar suas chamadas "estruturas elementares" nao apenas em termos of uma inspiracao "logica", na continuidade da tradicao aristotelica, nem tampouco de uma inspiration "fonologica", apoiada nos trabalhos do Circulo linguistico de Praga, mas, radicalizando as intuicoes dos linguistas
Abstract: Tendo por referencia o modelo do "percurso gerativo do sentido" (A. J. Greimas), este artigo discute, em primeiro lugar, a possibilidade de reinterpretar suas chamadas "estruturas elementares" nao apenas em termos de uma inspiracao "logica", na continuidade da tradicao aristotelica, nem tampouco de uma inspiracao "fonologica", apoiada nos trabalhos do Circulo linguistico de Praga, mas, radicalizando as intuicoes dos linguistas dinamarqueses, em uma direcao topologizante, que (i) concede aos termos confrontados a deformabilidade que lhes falta nas interpretacoes anteriores, e (ii) dando a primazia epistemologica ao complexo, leva a repensar os valores como posicoes em um fluxo, havendo "menores" ou "maiores" intervalos a separa-los. Tais cifras infracategoriais de "menos" e "mais" sao lidas, enfim, como um convite a retorizacao da semiotica, pois a retorica tropologica, que sempre trabalhou sobre a dimensao do discurso e sempre se interessou pelas intensificacoes de seus efeitos, pode trazer ricos esclarecimentos a esse ponto teorico.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a saggio analizza una serie di prese di posizione antropologiche, quelle di Levi-Strauss, Geertz, Clifford, Appadurai, Latour, Viveiros de Castro, Descola in particolare, that hanno al centro il rapporto natura/cultura.
Abstract: Il saggio analizza una serie di prese di posizione antropologiche – quelle di Levi-Strauss, Geertz, Clifford, Appadurai, Latour, Viveiros de Castro, Descola in particolare – che hanno al centro il rapporto natura/cultura. Esso mostra la ricchezza di visioni e strategie insite in queste posizioni, quanto le loro complesse e spesso inavvertite correlazioni. Il saggio mostra come i raddoppiamenti della natura e della cultura, cosi come i tentativi di trovare scappatoie all’opposizione, assumano significato in relazione alla semiotica e possano ispirare nuovi modelli per pensare la cultura. In particolare il lavoro antropologico ci dara modo di individuare nel semiotico quella dimensione relazionale che sta al fondo tanto della natura quanto della cultura, che attraversa l’umano e il non umano, che ci sfida come semiotici a ripensare il valore e la forma del nostro stesso relazionalismo.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a cultural-semiotic approach to the studies of glocalization is used to analyze the bond between populism and conspiracy theories in contemporary Brazilian political context, arguing that these particular narrative features have taken on, in Bolsonaro's case, shapes and tones which are related to the local religious semiosphere, especially to the neo-Pentecostal evangelical messianism.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the bond between populism and conspiracy theories in contemporary Brazilian political context. Using a cultural-semiotic approach to the studies of glocalization, I tackle two recurrent motifs of global conspiracy theories: the domination of the elites over the people – which contributed, in 2018, to the election of Jair Bolsonaro – and the one of the leaders seem like national saviors. I argue that these particular narrative features have taken on, in Bolsonaro’s case, shapes and tones which are related to the local religious semiosphere, especially to the neo-Pentecostal evangelical messianism. Just as the discourses promoted by these figures, Bolsonaro’s messianic utterance is characterized by a high rate of mysticism, eschatology and aesthetic load.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a semiotica discursiva, in seus desdobramentos mais atuais, assim como a semiatica da cultura and a nocao de semiosfera, is presented as a proposta inicial for comecar a compreender como interculturalidade e um espaco proficuo for se observar os encaixes e os acolhimentos de significacoes by culturas muitas vezes distintas e distantes.
Abstract: O encontro entre culturas produzido pela imigracao pode gerar diferentes tipos de reacao da sociedade receptora. Dentre as possibilidades existentes, este trabalho examina dois processos desenvolvidos em diferentes momentos. O primeiro, mais recente, se refere a uma indeterminacao de sentidos ligados a traducoes de uma figura religiosa pertinente na cultura aimara. O segundo se liga a um processo de normalizacao da presenca de um prato tipicamente original e incomum no Ocidente: o sashimi. Identificar o que elementos tao diferentes tem em comum e um dos objetivos deste trabalho, que discutira os estranhamentos e as familiaridades de sentidos que o encontro entre duas culturas pode produzir. Para isso, recorremos a semiotica discursiva, em seus desdobramentos mais atuais, assim como a semiotica da cultura e a sua nocao de semiosfera. Por fim, tomamos este trabalho como uma proposta inicial para comecar a compreender como a interculturalidade e um espaco proficuo para se observar os encaixes e os acolhimentos de significacoes por culturas muitas vezes distintas e distantes.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A partir de esos niveles integradores, nos aproximamos a la dimension religiosa, de caracter ambiguo y a veces francamente marginal, dentro del narcotrafico as discussed by the authors.
Abstract: El trabajo tiene como objeto de reflexion y analisis el narcotrafico en Mexico. Desde la semiotica de la cultura propuesta por I. Lotman y la semiotica de corte estructural iniciada por A. J. Greimas, consideramos el narcotrafico como una practica que obedece a sus propias reglas y cuyo sentido esta regido por ciertos codigos, normas, asi como por un sistema de valores especifico. Esta practica remite a una forma de vida (que incluye signos, expresiones, textos, significaciones); una subestructura que se opone, pero permea, a una semiosfera que es la cultura mexicana contemporanea. A partir de esos niveles integradores, nos aproximamos a la dimension religiosa ​​–de caracter ambiguo y a veces francamente marginal– dentro del narcotrafico.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors propose an examiner le projet d'une semiotique de la culture en considerant les contacts entre the semiotiques greimassienne and l'anthropologie.
Abstract: Cet article se propose d’examiner le projet d’une semiotique de la culture en considerant les contacts entre la semiotique greimassienne et l’anthropologie. Les differences entre Greimas et Levi-Strauss dans les annees 1960 ont conduit la semiotique a abandonner l’idee d’approcher la culture. Ces dernieres annees, la semiotique post-greimassienne, tournee vers les pratiques et l’experience, a renoue le dialogue en s’inspirant des propositions de Latour et de Descola pour rediscuter la notion de culture du point de vue des collectifs et des ontologies. A contre-courant de la recherche actuelle, nous defendons ici l’idee que le projet d’une semiotique de la culture est deja incarne par l’anthropologie structurale. Du fait de son heritage des methodes linguistiques, qu’elle applique au terrain, et de son ouverture aux modelisations formelles comme aux approches phenomenologiques ou cognitives, elle nous parait constituer un cadre sur et suffisant pour etudier les cultures. Au croisement des approches de Greimas, Lotman et Levi-Strauss, la theorie structurale en anthropologie et semiotique parait toujours d’actualite et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de recherches avec les « cultures numeriques ».

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors take the proposals of Dondero and Reyes (2016) on the question of support in semiotics to address the development of urban inscription practices in relation to the use of support and its impact on the plasticity of the enunciated texts.
Abstract: According to Correa (2016), urban inscriptions can be understood as a set of semiotic practices whose social dynamics show the interdependence among “levels of pertinence” (Fontanille, 2008). Thus, when assessing the history of urban inscriptions, a core of transformations driven by practices, and a trigger for tensions that promote change and conservation over time are identified in the support. Thus, we take the proposals of Dondero and Reyes (2016) on the question of support in semiotics to address the development of urban inscription practices in relation to the use of support and its impact on the plasticity of the enunciated texts. In this way, it is possible to take another step towards the analysis of a social phenomenon whose dynamism and multiplicity defy theoretical understanding.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Barros et al. as mentioned in this paper analyzed Brazilian ex-Minister of Education's personal Twitter posts, collected between September and October 2019, and sites aligned with the Slow Movement (such as Ciclo Vivo) that advocate atony and values of contemplation, balance and harmony, in addition to related reports in Portuguese and Brazilian newspapers.
Abstract: From the perspective of French Semiotics, this study aims to contribute to the understanding of discourses that circulate on websites and social networks, which are mainly characterized by political altercations, polarization and excesses in enunciative relations through entrenched and passionate ideological positions (Barros, 2014; 2015; 2016). On the other hand, other websites and texts, such as the Slow Movement, are moving in the opposite direction– searching, apparently, for deceleration. To this end, we will analyze Brazilian ex-Minister of Education’s personal Twitter posts, collected between September and October 2019, and sites aligned with the Slow Movement (such as Ciclo Vivo) that advocate atony and values ​​of contemplation, balance and harmony, in addition to related reports in Portuguese and Brazilian newspapers. The analysis will mainly consider intensive syntax and the tensive categories of blending and sorting to determine ideological values, while observing the discursive aspects of aspectualization and argumentation. The analysis points to different degrees of convergence regarding thematics and intensification.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a comparison between the semiotic perspective and the Cultural Studies approach is presented, taking up previous reflections developed in collaboration with Raphael Horrein, in the face of "extreme" cultural phenomena linked to political violence.
Abstract: Principle of pertinence, plane of immanence, objectifying distance: these are rules of semiotics perfectly integrated into the researcher’s methodology. These rules are presented as evidence in the face of relatively “neutral” objects from an ethical and political point of view. However, within the cultural phenomena that semiotics can consider as a “corpus”, there are some that challenge us directly, and in such a radical way that our first impulse would be to develop a militant discourse, far (far, really?) from the possibilities that this discipline offers us. Mass murders, crimes against humanity: how to refer to such “objects”, so axiologically marked, without breaking with the rules of analysis and at the same time without producing a “stiff”, cold, “dehumanized” discourse? To what extent is it possible in these cases to resort to the “theoretical gesture” characteristic of semiotics? Cultural Studies have tackled the problem head-on: motivated by a “political gesture”, the researcher builds his legitimacy around his direct involvement in the issues he is working on. In this context, the semiotician can only question the basis of his position, asking himself what he can contribute from his discipline, while respecting (or not) the principles that define it. This is the aim of this contribution, which presents a comparison between the semiotic perspective and the Cultural Studies’ approach, taking up previous reflections developed in collaboration with Raphael Horrein. On this basis, I intend to address the challenges facing our discipline, as well as its possible contributions, in the face of “extreme” cultural phenomena linked to political violence.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a reflection on the Covid 19 epidemic is proposed to understand whether they generate a paradigmatically distinct "world according to", and whether the transformation of proxemic relations, the modifications due to the wearing of the mask on the phatic quality of the interaction, can be traced to the emergence of an alternative subculture to that preceded the onset of the epidemic.
Abstract: The reflection proposed here starts from the upheavals caused by the Covid 19 epidemic to try to understand whether they generate a paradigmatically distinct "world according to". Thus are studied the floating of the genre, the dissemination of the Sender, the proliferation of variants of the Anti-subject. But it is above all the truthful crisis and the disappearance of certainties that marks the emergence, perhaps, of an alternative subculture to that which preceded the onset of the epidemic. More precisely, we examine the radical transformation of proxemic relations, the modifications due to the wearing of the mask on the phatic quality of the interaction. But, in spite of imposed re-categorizations, this epidemic could provoke the resurrection of Humanity, collective actantial unit unanimously engaged, within a new culture and a new narrative, in the fight against a far more dangerous enemy threatening the world, that of climate change.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors define the historical-epistemological place that the sensitive (contagion) occupies in Brazilian semiotics, to explore not only the theoretical and methodological continuities but also the existing ruptures.
Abstract: In this work, we seek to understand the concept of “sensitive”, more specifically the issue of contagion, in semiotics, through the semi-historiographical approach (Santos, 2020), contextualizing, at first, its emergence. Then, in the studies of French and Brazilian semioticians, recovered through groups of semiotics specialties – institutionalized in different universities in the international and Brazilian territories –, according to Murray’s (1994, 1998) and Moreira’s (2019) theories. These groups of specialties understood in the periods we call Greimasian and post-Greimasian are the reception of French semiotic theory from the founding discourse found in the works of A. J. Greimas and its continuity with his collaborators, especially in the works of Fontanille, Landowski, and Zilberberg. Allying the semiotic-historiographic principles defined by Portela (2018), Koerner (1996, 2014), Swiggers (2009, 2015), Moreira (2019), Santos (2020), and Auroux (2008) with the concept of “sensitive” in their conceptual network, we investigated in the Brazilian reception, to what extent contagion appears in the rhetoric and/or in the immanence of the analyzed works. Finally, departing from these first reflections, we were able to provisionally define the historical-epistemological place that the sensitive (contagion) occupies in Brazilian semiotics, to explore not only the theoretical and methodological continuities but also the existing ruptures.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Aproximating discursos mentirosos, poeticos, e humoristicos for tratar, no quadro dos estudos semioticos sobre a veridiccao, dos dois tipos de estrategias discursivas mais usadas atualmente nos discurusos politicos brasileiros, are discussed in this article.
Abstract: Neste artigo, nossa proposta e a de aproximar discursos mentirosos, poeticos e humoristicos para tratar, no quadro dos estudos semioticos sobre a veridiccao, dos dois tipos de estrategias discursivas mais usadas atualmente nos discursos politicos brasileiros. Sao elas as estrategias dos discursos mentirosos e os procedimentos de humor e poeticidade de charges, memes e outros, divulgados, nos dois casos, sobretudo, nas redes sociais. Cada um dos tipos de estrategia e usado preferencialmente pelos adeptos de posicoes politicas diferentes. A extrema direita no Brasil emprega nas redes sociais, com mais frequencia, os discursos baseados na mentira, enquanto a esquerda brasileira tem preferido os recursos do humor e do poetico.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the place of culture in semiotic architecture is discussed, and a concept of culture with which it can constitute it is proposed, based on the principle that culture is a semiotics-object.
Abstract: This paper presents the place of culture in semiotic architecture. It starts by examining classic texts that have examined the notion and by considering insufficient the concepts that they operationalize. Drawing on the principle that culture is a semiotics-object, this paper turns to anthropology to find a concept of culture with which it can constitute it. Finally, this paper examines the relations between language and culture, by taking into account that the former is part of the latter but, at the same time, that language renders culture categories and a principle of structurality – the reason why language plays a central role in culture.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors examine a set of articulacoes semioticas internas ao proprio campo do conhecimento, do que despontara o cotejo entre a literatura and a historiografia.
Abstract: Neste ensaio examinaremos campos do conhecimento, concebidos como articulacoes semioticas da cultura. Partindo de pressupostos relativos a definicao de campo apresentada por Bakhtin (2003), atentaremos para as articulacoes semioticas internas ao proprio campo – do que despontara o cotejo entre a literatura e a historiografia. Reinterpretado, o conceito de campo remetera a condicoes de producao de uma semiose alargada para alem dos limites de cada texto, sem que o texto seja descartado como unidade de analise. As condicoes de producao textual serao observadas conforme a vinculacao delas a determinada praxis enunciativa (Bertrand, 1993), e conforme o entendimento de que a cada campo corresponde um modo estavel de mobilizar a estesia da linguagem. Tal estabilidade favorecera a depreensao do ethos da literatura e do ethos da historiografia, concebidos cada qual como determinada hexis corporal (Fontanille, 2008).

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a semiotica Francesa and the estudo do genero na perspectiva bakhtiniana have been associados como duas correntes that se complementam nas investigacoes sobre o discurso.
Abstract: A Semiotica Francesa e os estudos do genero na perspectiva bakhtiniana tem sido associados como duas correntes que se complementam nas investigacoes sobre o discurso. A Semiotica, nascida de relacoes interdisciplinares entre a linguistica, os estudos da narrativa e da filosofia, tambem se abre a alargamentos coerentes com seus pressupostos teoricos. Assim e que Bakhtin e, em sua concepcao do signo como social, visto como relacao proveitosa teoricamente para os estudos do estilo do genero, que levam em conta a recorrencia de um modo de ser de um determinado genero em suas varias realizacoes. Para compreendermos melhor esse percurso de estudos, fizemos uma pesquisa bibliografica nos principais trabalhos de Discini e de outros pesquisadores que vem adotando essa articulacao teorica para identificarmos concepcoes presentes e a proposta teorico-metodologica nessa perspectiva. Para demonstrar como a proposta pode ser aplicada, analisamos o genero video-resenha, a partir de tres exemplares coletados na internet. Com essa pesquisa, resgatamos os principais avancos teoricos, bem como os desafios do que ainda precisa ser desenvolvido teorico-metodologicamente no estudo do estilo dos generos.