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Showing papers in "Hystrix-italian Journal of Mammalogy in 1995"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the Gliridae are classified into five subfamilies: Bransatoglirinae, Graphiurinae and Graphiurus and Leithia.
Abstract: The supra-familiar relationships of the Gliridae are discussed. The criterion used for subdividing the Gliridae is the morphology of the cheek teeth because this is the only character known for all taxa. This limitation leads to the undesirable "synonymy" of Glamys and Gliravus , two genera whose type species have a very different skull morphology, and to the incorporation into the Dryomyinae of Graphiurus and Leithia , despite the fact that Dryomys has a myomorph, Graphiurus a hystricomorph and Leithia a sciuromorph skull. The hundred and seventy-seven species and thirty eight genera of dormice are grouped into five subfamilies. One of these, the Bransatoglirinae, is new. The subfamily Graphiurinae is supressed and Graphiurus is assigned to the Dryomyinae. The genera of the Gliridae and the species allocated to them are listed in the appendix in alphabetical order. The original diagnoses of the genera are given in English and the type locality, type level and synonymy of each species is given. Riassunto Una classificazione di Gliridae (Rodentia) sulla base della morfologia dentale - Vengono discusse le relazioni soprafamiliari dei Gliridi. I1 criterio utilizzato per la suddivisione dei Gliridi e la morfologia dei denti molari poiche e l'unico carattere noto per tutti i taxa. Questa limitazione porta alla "sinonimia" non voluta di Glamys e Gliravus , due generi le cui specie tipiche presentano una struttura del cranio molto diversa, ed alla incorporazione di Graphiurus e Leithia nei Dryomyinae, sebbene Dryomys abbia un cranio miomorfo, Graphiurus un cranio istricomorfo e Leithia un cranio sciuromorfo. Le centosettantasette specie ed i trentotto generi di Gliridi sono raggruppati in cinque sottofamiglie. Una di queste, Bransatoglirinae, e nuova. La sottofamiglia Graphiurinae viene soppressa e Graphiurus e incluso nei Dryomyinae. I generi dei Gliridi e le specie in essi incluse sono elencati in appendice in ordine alfabetico. Le diagnosi originali dei generi sono date in inglese e vengono date localita tipica, livello stratigrafico tipico e sinonimie di ogni specie.

97 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper reviews literature on food, foraging behaviour and feeding ecology of Lutra lutra and on the behaviour of their prey species and summarizes some recent advances in research to highlight gaps in current knowledge and suggest some areas of future research.
Abstract: This paper reviews literature on food, foraging behaviour and feeding ecology of Lutra lutra and on the behaviour of their prey species. Otters have a diverse diet, forage in a wide variety of different habitats and have a relatively complex social system. Similarly, their strategies for obtaining food are complex and varied. Three aspects of foraging behaviour (i, ii, iii) and two of feeding ecology (iv, v) are discussed: i) adaptations and ontogeny, ii) energetics and food-limitation, iii) human disturbance, and periods of prey vulnerability, iv) assessing diet, and v) changes in prey vulnerability and selection. The review has three main aims: (a) to summarize some recent advances in research, (b) to highlight gaps in current knowledge, and (c) to suggest some areas of future research. The need for such a review arises from a necessity to direct further research effort towards carnivore predator-prey relationships in general, and those of otters in particular, and also to meet demands for conservation management. Riassunto Foraggiamento ed ecologia alimentare della lontra Lutra lutra : un'analisi selettiva della letteratura disponibile - Questo lavoro prende in esame la letteratura riguardante dieta, foraggiamento ed ecologia alimentare della lontra Lutra lutra e il comportamento delle sue prede. La lontra ha una dieta varia, ricerca il cibo in un'ampia gamma di ambienti e ha un'organizzazione sociale relativamentc complessa. Similarmente, le sue strategie di ricerca del cibo sono complesse e varie. Tre aspetti del foraggiamento (i, ii, iii) e due di ecologia alimentare (iv, v) sono qui discussi: i) adattamenti e ontogenesi, ii) richiesta energetica e fattori limitanti la disponibilita di cibo, iii) disturbo antropico e periodi di vulnerabilita delle prede, iv) analisi della dieta, e v) cambiamenti nella vulnerabilita delle prede e selezione. Il presente lavoro ha tre principali obiettivi: (a) riassumere alcune recenti acquisizioni scientifiche, (b) sottolineare le attuali lacune conoscitive, e (c) suggerire alcuni temi di ricerca futura. Questo lavoro e dettato dalla necessita di orientare i futuri sforzi di ricerca sulle relazioni preda-predatore, con particolare riferimento alla lontra, e di soddisfare le richieste di gestione conservazionistica di questo mustelide.

81 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The absence during Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene of the continental species present today suggests that these carnivores are allochthonous, most of which were related to the Lutrinae sublamily.
Abstract: Five taxa of the Mustelidae family now occur on the Mediterranean islands: the pine marten, Martes martes L., 1758, distributed on some of the Balearic and Tyrrhenian islands, the stone marten, M. foina Erxleben, 1777, which occurs on many islands of the basin, the badger, Meles nzeles Brisson, 1762, that has been only reported from some Greek islands, the weasel, Musteln nivalis L., 1766, common to many of the islands, and the otter, Lutra lutra L., 1758, recorded from the Greek islands. During Late Pleistocene times, only few carnivores seem to have occurred, however, on these islands and none is referable to the species that are present today. Paleontological evidence attests only to the occurrence of endemic elements, most of which were related to the Lutrinae sublamily. Apart from L. lutrn, the absence during Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene of the continental species present today suggests that these carnivores are allochthonous. They wcre imported by man, for various

42 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors present a set of standards for the protection of otters from bioaccumulating contaminants, such as PCBs, which are likely to be inhibiting recolonization in many areas.
Abstract: In recent decades the otter ( Lutra lutra ) has declined over much of Europe. Good habitat has been shown to be essential to otters. Specific elements of cover have been identified in some studies but the minimum cover requirements to support otter populations are not known. These are likely to vary in relation to other factors, such as disturbance. Habitat destruction has been severe in many areas of Europe. Water quantity is important to otters, especially where low flows destroy the food base, namely fish. However the minimum food requirements to support populations are not known. The main cause of the decline in otter populations is almost certainly bioaccumulating pollutants, especially PCBs. These are likely to be inhibiting recolonization in many areas. In Britain, catchment distribution of otters within regions is negatively correlated to mean PCB levels in otter spraints, and these are indicative of tissue levels. PCBs have been found in all samples studied. Current EC statutory monitoring is inadequate to protect otter populations from bioaccumulating contaminants. Standards are presented here for otter protection. More fundamental research is required to refine our understanding of the requirements of the otter. Riassunto Qualita ambientale, qualita dell'acqua e distribuzione della lontra - Negli ultimi decenni la lontra ( Lutra lutra ) e diminuita su buona parte del suo areale europeo, dove particolarmente pesante e stata la distruzione di ambienti favorevoli. Habitat qualitativamente idonei sono essenziali per la sopravvivenza della specie. In alcuni studi, specifici parametri di copertura vegetale dei corpi idrici sono stati ritenuti importanti per la specie, ma quale sia il valore minimo di copertura riparia in grado di supportare una popolazione resta sconosciuto. I parametri di copertura variano probabilmente in relazione ad altri fattori, quali, ad esempio, il disturbo. La quantita d'acqua e importante per la lontra, specialmente in situazioni di bassa portata dei corsi idrici che ha come conseguenza il depauperamento delle disponibilita trofiche di base e quindi del popolamento ittico. Comunque, il livello minimo di disponibilita di cibo in grado di soddisfarc le esigenze di una popolazione di lontra non e noto. La principale causa del declino della lontra e quasi certamente il bioaccumulo di sostanze tossiche, specialmente dei PCB. Questi probabilmente inibiscono la riproduzione e di conseguenza limitano la possibilita di ricolonizzazione di molte zone. In Gran Bretagna, la distribuzione della lontra in bacini idrografici e negativamente correlata ai livelli medi di PCB nelle feci della specie che riflettono indicativamente il tasso di accumulo nei tessuti degli animali. I PCB sono stati trovati in tutti i campioni fecali esaminati. Gli attuali livelli di contaminazione stabiliti dalla Comunita Europea sono inadeguati per proteggere la specie contro l'effetto del bioaccumulo. Nel presente studio sono riportati gli standard cui fare riferimento per la conservazione della specie. Ulteriori ricerche sono di fondamentale importanza per approfondire le conoscenze sulle esigenze ecologiche della lontra.

36 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the pine martora is found to be a generalist predator and varies its diet according to local and seasonal food availability, and the importance of different food items is discussed.
Abstract: Twenty-nine studies on the diet of the pine marten Martes martes in Europe are reviewed. Feeding ecology of the mainland and island populations of the species is compared. Most of these studies are based on data collected during a single season; only a few were carried out over a whole year. It was found that the pine marten is a generalist predator and varies its diet according to local and seasonal food availability. The importance of different food items is discussed. Riassunto Ecologia alimentare della martora ( Martes martes ) L., 1758, in Europa - La dieta della martora Martes martes viene analizzata attraverso i risultati di 29 ricerche condotte in Europa. La descrizione dell'ecologia alimentare della specie e stata condotta confrontando le caratteristiche delle popolazioni continentali con quelle delle popolazioni insulari. La maggior parte degli studi e stata svolta nel corso di una sola stagione, soltanto pochi lavori si basano su dati raccolti durante un intero anno. La martora e un predatore generalista che varia la propria dieta in relazione alle disponibilita alimentari sia locali che stagionali. Viene analizzato il ruolo svolto dalle diverse categorie alimentari nella dieta del predatore.

35 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The seasonal variation in diet and trophic niche breadth of the European badger have been studied in a high-elevation Alpine ecosystem from March 1990 to October 1991.
Abstract: The seasonal variation in diet and trophic niche breadth of the European badger (Meles meles) have been studied in a high-elevation Alpine ecosystem from March 1990 to October 1991. The analysis of 76 faecal samples showed that Orthoptera, Coleoptera, insect larvae (mainly Coleoptera and Lepidoptera), earthworms and small mammals were the main food items. Both inter- and intra-year differences in food habits were detected. These differences seem

34 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The past and present relations between dormice (Myoxidae) and man were reviewed through an interdisciplinary approach to consider the influence of human civilisation on dormice as well as the importance of these rodents in ancient and rural economies.
Abstract: The past and present relations between dormice (Myoxidae) and man were reviewed through an interdisciplinary approach. All the data available from several fields of research have been assembled in order to consider the influence of human civilisation on dormice as well as the importance of these rodents in ancient and rural economies. A remarkable human impact on the geographical distribution of some dormouse species (Myoxus @is and Muscardinus avellanarius) and their population density was suggested through an historical and biogeographical analysis, supported by paleontological data. An ethnozoological enquiry was carried out to describe the utilisation of dormice as food or medicine and the traditional hunting techniques, in Mediterranean and Afrotropical areas. An archaeozoological survey was attempted to describe the captive husbandry of dormice by the ancient Romans and to arrange an updated checklist of so called "glirariri". The role of dormice as pests in agroforestry and in the transmission of diseases is discussed together with perspectives on wildlife management and conservation.

25 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the presence and abundance of the species were assessed by looking for the signs as scats and tracks along 1 km transects in the southern slope of northern Apennines (Genoa province, NW Italy).
Abstract: Habitat requirements of stone martens ( Martes foina ) were studied in southern slope of northern Apennines (Genoa province, NW Italy) in autumn 1992. One hundred two sample areas each of 1 km² were randomly selected in the different habitat types of the region. In each sample area the presence and abundance of the species were assessed by looking for the signs as scats and tracks along 1 km transects. Twenty five habitat variables were then measured by aerial photographs at 1:10 000 scale. The proportion of signs in the different habitat types was also calculated. The influence of habitat variables on presence-absence and abundance of stone martens was studied by discriminant function and correlation analyses; besides habitat selection was analyzed by x ² test and Bonferroni simultaneous confidence intervals. The density of isolated houses, the wood fragmentation index, the percentage of Mediterranean shrubs and that of conifer forests were the habitat variables that mainly contributed to the discrimination of the squares with stone marten signs from those without signs. The abundance index averaged 0.8 signs per km (SE = 0.15; min-max = 0 - 11) and was positively correlated to the density of isolated houses (r = 0.392; P = 0.0) and to the percentage of cultivated areas (r = 0.221; P = 0.025); a negative correlation with altitude was found (r = - 0.221; P = 0.025). Stone martens selected shrubs and avoided deciduous forest and pastures. Riassunto Preferenze ambientali della faina ( Martes foina ) nel versante tirrenico dell'Appennino settentrionale - Nell'autunno 1992 sono state studiate le preferenze ambientali della faina ( Martes foina ) nell'Appennino settentrionale in provincia di Genova. Sono stati esaminati 102 quadrati campione, ognuno con superficie di 1 km², distribuiti in maniera casuale. Per ogni area campione sono state misurate, da fotografie aeree in scala 1:10.000, 25 variabili ambientali ed e stato percorso un transetto di 1 Km dove venivano ricercati i segni di presenza della specie quali orme e feci. L'influenza delle variabili ambientali su presenza-assenza della specie e sull'abbondanza dei segni rilevati e stata studiata utilizzando le analisi di funzione discriminante e di correlazione rispettivamente; in aggiunta, l'uso dell'habitat e stato analizzato tramite il test del x ² e gli intervalli fiduciali di Bonferroni. La densita delle case isolate, l'indice di frammentazione dei boschi, la percentuale di arbusteti mediterranei e i boschi di conifere crano le variabili ambientali che contribuivano in misura maggiore alla discriminazione delle aree campione con segni di presenza della faina da quelle in cui la specie non era accertata. L'indice di abbondanza, media = 0,8 segni per Km (ES = 0,15; min-max = 0-11) e risultato correlato positivamente con la densita di case isolate (r = 0,392; P = 0,0) e con la percentuale di zone coltivate (r = 0,221; P = 0,025): una correlazione negativa e invece risultata con l'altitudine (r = - 0,221; P = 0,025). Dall'analisi dell'uso dell'habitat risulta che la faina seleziona gli arbusteti, mentre sembra evitare le estese superfici boscate di latifoglie e i pascoli.

25 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A comparison among Italian and European populations across the entire Palearctic range of the polecat Mustela putorius provided an overall view of the pattern of geographic variation.
Abstract: Craniometrical investigation was performed on 53 skulls of the polecat Mustela putorius from Northcrn and Ccntral Italy (31 males, 17 females and 5 individuals of unknown sex). Sixteen measurements were taken on each specimen. On average males were 15.2% larger than females. Masticatory apparatus exhibited the most significant sex dimorphism. Skull size (PCI) greatly contributed to differentiate sexes explaining 80.46% of thc total variancc. Thc rcsults arc discusscd in relation to the existing theories on sexual dimorphism in mustelids. A discriminant function which used only two skull measurements allowed a 100% of correct sex classification. A comparison among Italian and European populations across the entire Palearctic range of the species, provided an overall view of the pattern of geographic variation.

24 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The diet of the stone marten (Murtesfoina) was studied by the analysis of 215 scats gathered during 1990 and 1991 in "La Mandria" Regional Park (north-western Italy).
Abstract: Diparfirizcrzto di Biologia Aniiizale, Uriiversifii di Toriuo, via Accadernia Albertiria 17, 10123 Toritio ABSTRACT - The diet of the stone marten (Murtesfoina) was studied by the analysis of 215 scats gathered during 1990 and 1991 in "La Mandria" Regional Park (north-western Italy). The results were expressed as percentage Prcquency of occurrence (F% = (number of occurrences of each food/number of scats) x 1001 and relative percentage of frequency (Fr% = (number of occurrences of each food/total number of prey items) x 1001. Mammals were the predominant food category in each season (annual mean in Fr% = 60.5) and were mainly represented by rodents (Fr% = 44.8) and lagomorphs (Fr% = 15.4). Myoxus glis was the most preyed species (Fr% = 15.7) and its use was higher in autumn than in other seasons. Vegetables, mainly Rosaceae and Vitis vinifera fruits, were an important food resource in summer (Fr% = 41.1) and in autumn (Fr% = 17.2). Birds integrated the stone marten's diet mainly in winter (Fr% = 22.6), while insects were scarcely consumed throughout the year (Fr% = 4.3).

23 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Three stone martens (2 males, 1 female) Martes foina Erxlebcn, 1777, were radio-tracked for 4, 2.5 and 12 months respectively, in a rural hilly area in Siena County, Central Italy, finding food does not seem to be the primary factor responsible for variation in activity patterns.
Abstract: Three stone martens (2 males, 1 female) Martes foina Erxlebcn, 1777, were radio-tracked for 4, 2.5 and 12 months respectively, in a rural hilly area in Siena County, Central Italy. Food habits were assessed by faecal analysis, as pcrccnlagc of occurrence and estimated volume. Diel, nocturnal, diurnal and crepuscular activity were mcasured as the proportion of active fixes on a 48 houdfortnight basis. Scasonal variation of all activities was assessed and correlated to mean T'C, daylcngth, food and trophic niche breadth. Daily time budgets were also measured and compared between months and seasons. Fruits were the staple food in summer/autumn, followed by vcrtcbratcs and invertebrates. Vertebrates and invertebrates were the main food source in winter and spring. No significant difference of activity could be found between the three animals. Diel activity reached its maximum in summer, and decreased significantly throughout the rest of the ycar. Die1 activity did not differ significantly between subsequent seasons, whereas a statistically significant difference was found between every other season. Nocturnal activity peaked in winter and dropped in summer. It significantly differed between seasons but for spring vs. summer and autumn vs. winter. Diurnal activity differed significantly between seasons, but for spring vs. summer, when it reached its maximum, and for autumn vs. winter when it was at its minimum. Crepuscular activity remained constant throughout the year. The 24-hour distribution of active fixes showed a bimodal pattern in spring and summer, while in autumn and winter thc activity pattern was unimodal, with a nocturnal peak. Time budget differed between seasons, but (or autumn and winter vs. spring. Significant correlations between activities and abiotical variables (except rainfall) were direct, but for nocturnal activity. No significant correlation was found with precipitation. Activity was not significantly correlated to any food category, except reptiles, a spring and summer prey. Coleoptera and Orthoptera, the main invertebrate food, and fruits, correlated poorly to activity. Surprisingly, food does not seem to be the primary factor responsible for variation in activity patterns.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Based on the experiences of the last decades, "husbandry guidelines" have been developed within the " European Breeding P rogram " (EEP) for this species, with recommendations for enclosures, brecding, veterinary care etc.
Abstract: Due to different reasons (bad condition of collcclcd wild animals, poor food and housing conditions etc.) the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) has been among the most difficult species to kept and bred successfully under captive conditions. Only in the seventies of this century regular captive breeding of this species has been achieved in very few European Zoos and Private Centres. Based on the experiences of the last decades, "husbandry guidelines" have been developed within the " European Breeding P rogram " (EEP) for this s pecies, g iving recommendations for enclosures, brecding, I'ccding, veterinary care etc. Now in the early nineties the number of institutions breeding otters regularly grew to more than twenty. In 1992, 43 viable births have occurred. The problem of small number of founders (many potcntial founders are not in a situation to breed due to the absence of suitable facilities) and the question of subspecies in captive otter population are

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors used audible calls emitted by edible dormice for estimation of the population density in some forest habitats of the Roztoczanski National Park (Poland).
Abstract: Audible calls emitted by edible dormice were used for estimation of the population density in some forest habitats of the Roztoczanski National Park (Poland). Attempts were made to devise a method of assessing population density and to check in which weather conditions the assessment would be most reliable. Based on the preliminary observations, it appears that dormice called more frequently during windless nights than on windy ones, and more in August than July. The density estimates obtained during favourable weather (no wind and no rain) were from 1.0 to 11.0 individuals per hectare. Generally the highest densities of Myoxus glis were found in beech woods and in localities situated on the edges of the forests. Riassunto Densita delle popolazioni di Myoxus glis (L.) in alcuni biotopi forestali - Richiami udibili emessi dai ghiri sono stati utilizzati per stimare la densita di popolazione in alcuni habitat boschivi del Parco Nazionale Roztoczanski (Polonia). Si e cercato di stabilire la densita e di verificare in quali condizioni atmosferiche tale stima potesse essere piu attendibile. In base a osservazioni preliminari, si e stabilito che il ghiro emette piu richiami durante notti prive di vento che in quelle ventose e durante il mese di Agosto che non in Luglio. Le densita ottenute durante condizioni atmosferiche favorevoli (assenza di vento e di pioggia) erano comprese fra 1.0 e 11.0 ind./ha. Generalmente le densita piu elevate di Myoxus glis sono state trovate in faggete ed in localita situate al margine dei boschi.

Journal ArticleDOI
Anna Brangi1
TL;DR: A large overlap was found between the two species with some small differences: Other Vertebrates, Small Mammals and Other Vegetables were more used by the Red fox, while Fruits were moreUsed by the stone marten.
Abstract: Between 1989 and 1991, 284 scats of stone marten ( Martes foina ) and 642 scats of red fox ( Vulpes vulpes ) were collected in a 280 km² mountainous area in the northern Apennines. The scats were analyzed to identify differences between the two species' diets. The prey were grouped in 6 food categories: Fruits, Other Vegetables, Small Mammals, Other Vertebrates, Invertebrates and Garbage. Annual trophic niche was wider in the Red fox (0.62) than in the stone marten (0.53). We also found a large overlap between the two species with some small differences: Other Vertebrates, Small Mammals and Other Vegetables were more used by the Red fox, while Fruits were more used by the stone marten. Riassunto Variazioni stagionali della sovrapposizione di nicchia trofica della faina ( Martes foina ) e della volpe ( Vulpes vulpes ) in un'area montana degli Appennini settentrionali - Tra il 1989 e il 1991 sono state raccolte 284 feci di faina ( Martes foina ) e 642 feci di volpe ( Vulpes vulpes ) in un'area montuosa di 280 km² situata nell'Appennino settentrionale. Le feci sono state analizzate per evidenziare le eventuali differenze nella dieta delle due specie. Le singole prede sono state raggruppate in 6 categorie alimentari: Frutta, Altri Vegetali, Micromammiferi, Altri Vertebrati, Invertebrati, Rifiuti. L'ampiezza annuale della dieta e risultata maggiore nella Volpe (0,62) che non nella Faina (0,53). E stata trovata inoltre una larga sovrapposizione tra le due specie con alcune differenze nell'uso degli Altri Vertebrati, dei Micromammiferi e degli Altri Vegetali che e maggiore nella Volpe e della Frutta, maggiore nella Faina.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The present distribution and status of the Dormouse species found in Italy (Duyoniys nitedula, Elioniys quercinus, Muscardinus avellanarius and Myoxus glis) are described.
Abstract: With reference to the literature and original data, a description is given of the present distribution and status of the Dormouse species found in Italy (Duyoniys nitedula, Elioniys quercinus, Muscardinus avellanarius and Myoxus glis) Possible causes of reduction in numbers and distribution of the four Dormouse species are also discussed

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Interspecific phylogenetic relationships derived from chromosomal data are evaluated and the evolutionary importance of intraspecific karyotypes of Dryomys nitedula and Muscardinus avellanarius from Europe are discussed.
Abstract: A synopsis of cytogenetic studies performed on various species and populations of myoxids is presented. Interspecific phylogenetic relationships derived from chromosomal data are evaluated and the evolutionary importance of intraspecific karyotypic variation is discussed. New data on the karyotypes of Dryomys nitedula from Asia and Muscardinus avellanarius from Europe are presented and discussed with special emphasis on the contrasting pattern of chromosomal differentiation in Eliomys vs. Dryomys and other myoxids. A bibliography of myoxid cytogenetics and karyology is compiled. Riassunto Variazione cromosomica e sistematica dei Mioxidi - Viene presentata una sinossi degli studi citogenetici effettuati su varie specie e popolazioni di Mioxidi. Vengono valutate le relazioni filogenetiche interspecifiche derivate da dati cromosomici e viene discussa l'importanza evolutiva della variazione cariotipica intraspecifica. Vengono presentati nuovi dati sui cariotipi di Dryomys nitedula asiatico e di Muscardinus avellanurius europeo e discussi con particolare enfasi sul contrastante pattern di differenziamento cromosomico di Eliomys rispetto a Dryomys ed altri Mioxidi. Viene compilata una bibliografia su citogenetica e cariologia dei Mioxidi.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors used live traps to investigate the dispersal behavior of the Edible Dormouse (Myoxus glis L.) in a fragmented landscape in central Germany.
Abstract: This study contributes new evidence on the dispersal behaviour of the Edible Dormouse ( Myoxus glis L.) in a fragmented landscape in central Germany. Extensive investigations using the live-trap method show that the Edible Dormouse is able to cross treeless landscapes of at least 46 m. It is also shown that these movements are part of its normal behaviour. In the present study two dispersal periods per year were shown: (1) during spring some adult males moved, (2) during autumn several juvenile Dormice changed to other areas. Riassunto Comportamento dispersivo del Ghiro ( Myoxus glis ) in un ambiente frammentato della Germania centrale - Questa ricerca fornisce nuovi dati sul comportamento dispersivo del ghiro ( Myoxus glis ) in un ambiente frammentato della Germania centrale. Estese indagini mediante trappole per cattura di animali vivi hanno mostrato che il ghiro e capace di attraversare aree prive di alberi di almeno 46 m. E stato anche dimostrato che questi spostamenti sono parte del suo normale comportamento. Nel presente studio sono stati mostrati due importanti periodi di dispersione per anno: 1) durante la primavera si spostano alcuni maschi adulti; 2) durante l'autunno diversi giovani ghiri si spostano in altre aree.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Values are in agreement with the ancient origin of this family, that had its highest expansion and diversification during the Miocene.
Abstract: Genetic variation and divergence were analysed among 43 popu- lations representing the five western Palaearctic genera of the family Myoxidae: Myoxus, Myomimus, Muscardinus, Eliomys and Dryomys. Intraspecific and interspecific genetic divergence were evaluated by electrophoretic analysis of 3 8-42 gene loci and compared with data from fossil records. The mean values of heterozygosity per locus for each species ranged from 0.024 in Myomimus roachi to 0.062 in Dtyomys nitedula. The mean values of intraspecific genetic distance ranged from 0.04 in Dryomys nitedula to 0.081 in Eliomys melanurus. A comparison of the five genera, based on 38 gene loci indicated a high level of differentiation. Only two loci were found monomorphic and fixed for the same allele in the five genera: Ldh-2 and Got-2. The lowest mean value of genetic distance was observed between the genera Myoxus and Eliomys (D = 1.283). Muscardinus displayed a higher value of genetic distance in comparison with Myoxus and Eliomys (D = 1.629). The highest mean value of genetic distance was displayed by these three genera in comparison with Mj~omimus and Dryomys (D = 2.25 1). A high value of genetic distance was also observed between Myomimus and Dryomys: D = 1.811. These values are in agreement with the ancient origin of this family, that had its highest expansion and diversification during the Miocene.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: High risk ponds could be identified and protected selectively by testing precautions for keeping otters away from fish ponds in the Northern Waldviertel (Austria).
Abstract: Simultaneously with a rise of the otter ( Lutra lutra ) population in the Northern Waldviertel (Austria) the number of complaints from pond owners (carp breeding) about damage in their ponds is constantly increasing. In this study precautions (electric fences) for keeping otters away from fish ponds are tested. Different fencing systems are used, data about the maintenance effort (cutting vegetation, recharging battery) and the general effectiveness of the systems are sampled. Eight fences were installed in August 1992, so far (till November 1993) the otter was kept out of all eight ponds. Running the fences in winter is possible, although due to an increase in humidity the voltage in the fence decreases. In addition, it is tested if by offering an alternative food ("diversion ponds") the otter can be kept away from other close ponds. All damage reports of the past 9 years will be analysed to identify possible patterns (preferences for pond size, fish size, density of stocked fish; seasonal variations of damage). Thus, high risk ponds could be identified and protected selectively. Riassunto La lontra e gli allevamenti ittici: primi dati del progetto WWF in Austria - L'espansione della lontra ( Lutra lutra ) nella parte settentrionale di Waldviertel (Austria) ha coinciso con l'incremento dei danni procurati dalla specie agli allevamenti ittici (soprattutto di carpa) in bacini artificiali. In questo studio, sono discussi alcuni interventi (recinzione elettrificata dei bacini) per tenere lontana la lontra dagli allevamenti. Sono state valutate l'efficacia di differenti sistemi di recinzione e le condizioni piu idonee per il loro regolare funzionamento (taglio della vegetazione che interferisce con la recinzione, ricarica delle batterie). Nell'agosto 1992 sono state installate 8 recinzioni, per mezzo delle quali la lontra finora (novembre 1993) e stata tenuta lontana dagli allevamenti. In inverno, il sistema di elettrificazione ha un funzionamento ridotto, in quanto il voltaggio diminuisce in seguito all'aumento dell'umidita. E stata anche testata la possibilita di offrire alle lontre fonti alternative di cibo in bacini attigui (diversion ponds) a quelli in cui viene praticato l'allevamento intensivo del pesce. Un'analisi dei danni riscontrati negli ultimi 9 anni e in corso e permettera di acquisire informazioni utili (variazione stagionale dell'entita dei danni, preferenza di taglia dei pesci predati, scelta da parte della lontra dei bacini di allevamento in relazione all'abbondanza del pesce stoccato) per assicurare adeguata protezione agli allevamenti piu a rischio.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A working hypothesis of possible evolutionary relationships among myoxids and a new classification of Seleviniinae (including Selevinia , Chaetocauda , and Myomimus ) are proposed are proposed.
Abstract: This paper focuses on relationships among the living Palaearctic myoxid genera, excluding the African hystricomorphous graphiurines. Features of the dental occlusal pattern, skull, enamel ultrastructure of the lower incisors, muscles of mastication (in particular, the ptergoids), external male genital morphology, and auditory region are reviewed. A working hypothesis of possible evolutionary relationships among myoxids and a new classification of Seleviniinae (including Selevinia , Chaetocauda , and Myomimus ) are proposed. Most characters closely group Eliomys with Dryomys (= Dryomyinae) and Myoxus with Glirulus (= members of Glirinae). The Seleviniinae are considered most primitive and Muscardinus most advanced among living dormice. Riassunto Affinita tra i generi viventi di Mioxidi - Questo lavoro e incentrato sulle relazioni esistenti tra i generi paleartici viventi di Mioxidi, con esclusione dei Grafiurini Istricomorfi africani. Vengono riesaminati caratteri quali: pattern di occlusione dentale, cranio, ultrastruttura dello smalto degli incisivi inferiori, muscoli della masticazione (in particolare gli pterigoidei), morfologia genitale esterna maschile e regione auditiva. Vengono proposte una ipotesi di lavoro delle possibili relazioni evolutive tra i Mioxidi ed una nuova classificazione dei Seleviniinae (che includono Selevinia , Chaetocauda e Myomimus ). Molti caratteri raggruppano Eliomys con Dryomys (= Dryomyinae) e Myoxus con Glirulus (= Glirinae). I Seleviniinae sono considerati i piu primitivi e Muscardinus il piu avanzato tra i Mioxidi viventi.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a study was conducted in the Ticino valley (north-western Italy) taking into account the main factors affecting the survival of the otter (Lutra lutra ).
Abstract: This study was conducted in the Ticino valley (north-western Italy) taking into account the main factors affecting the survival of the otter ( Lutra lutra ). The concentration of PCBs and DDT in fish tissues did not exceed the critical level proposed by the National Academy of Sciences of USA for fishes preyed on by carnivores. The biological water quality, assessed by Extended Biotic Index, was fairly good for the entire course of the Ticino river. The availability of fish resources seemed to be suitable to satisfy the feeding requirements of otters. The biological water quality and the food supply were better than those recorded in rivers of central-southern Italy hosting the last strongholds of otters. The habitat suitability of the Ticino valley was assessed by an index calculated considering the availability of different type of habitats (suitable and unsuitable to the otter) and their importance for the species survival. The valley was divided into 1114 territorial units of 1 km² each where 26 different habitats were measured. The 16.7% of the study area showed a moderate/very good suitability and the 38.1% a low suitability. About 80 km of the Ticino river were continuously occupied by suitable habitats for otters. It appears that there are no particular contra-indications to advising for the reintroduction of the otter into the Ticino valley. Nevertheless, it would be necessary to combine this operation with a global policy of correct management and restoring of the riverine habitats. Riassunto Linee guida per lo studio di fattibilita della reintroduzione della lontra ( Lutra lutra ) in Italia: il progetto della Valle del Ticino (Italia nord-occidentale) - Lo studio e stato condotto nella Valle del Ticino (Italia nord-occidentale) prendendo in esame i principali fattori che influenzano la sopravvivenza della lontra ( Lutra lutra ). Le concentrazioni di PCB e DDT nei tessuti dei pesci non eccedono i limiti di accettabilita proposti dalla Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze degli Stati Uniti per i pesci predati da carnivori. La qualita biologica delle acque, valutata mediante l'indice biotico E.B.I. (Extended Biotic Index), e risultata abbastanza buona per l'intero corso del Ticino. Anche la disponibilita delle risorse ittiche sembra essere idonea a soddisfare le esigenze alimentari della lontra. I dati relativi alla qualita biologica delle acque e alla disponibilita di risorse trofiche evidenziano una situazione piu favorevole di quella riscontrata in fiumi dell'Italia centro-meridionale dove la specie e stabilmente presente. L'idoneita ambientale per la lontra della valle del Ticino e stata valutata attraverso la definizione di un indice che tiene conto della disponibilita dei diversi tipi di ambienti, favorevoli e sfavorevoli alla specie, e della loro relativa importanza per la sopravvivenza del mustelide. La valle e stata suddivisa in 1114 unita territoriali di 1 km² ciascuna, in cui sono state misurate 26 differenti categorie ambientali. I1 16,7% e il 38,1% del territorio mostrano rispettivamente valori di idoneita medio-alti e bassi. Circa 80 km del corso del Ticino sono interessati da una buona continuita di ambienti favorevoli alla specie. Lo studio di fattibilita della reintroduzione della lontra evidenzia che non esistono controindicazioni tali da sconsigliare l'intervento, che, comunque, dovrebbe essere supportato da una politica di corretta gestione e riqualificazione degli ambienti fluviali.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The evolution of myoxids in the Pliocene and Pleistocene is expressed by gradual size increase of their cheek teeth in this article, and no gradual change in the dental pattern is observed.
Abstract: The origin of recent species belonging to the genera Myoxus , Muscardinus , Glirulus , Eliomys , Dryomys and Myomimus is discussed. Evolution of myoxids in the Pliocene and Pleistocene is expressed by gradual size increase of their cheek teeth. No gradual change in the dental pattern is observed. Riassunto Modelli di evoluzione dei Mioxidi nel Pliocene e Pleistocene in Europa - Viene discussa l'origine delle specie recenti appartenenti ai generi Myoxus , Muscardinus , Glirulus , Eliomys , Dryomys e Myomimus . L'evoluzione dei Mioxidi nel Pliocene e nel Pleistocene e espressa da un graduale aumento delle dimensioni dei molari. Non e stato osservato alcun cambiamento graduale nel pattern dentale.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is likely that the highly unpredictable maritime climate found in Britain results in very variable annual recruitment rates, increasing the vulnerability of sinall populations in fragmented habitats, and a conservation strategy is being implemented.
Abstract: The dormouse is native to Britain, but has apparently suffered decline in both distribution and numbers over the past 100 years. Basic ecological data have been lacking, hindering understanding of the decline and preventing implementation of scientifically based conservation measures. Recent studies are reviewed which reveal that this species is a specialist arboreal feeder, critically dependent for food upon a sequence of flowers and fruits during the summer. Woodland management (or lack of it) and habitat fragmentation have resulted in habitats becoming sub-optimal, leading to piecemeal local extinctions. In addition, it is likely that the highly unpredictable maritime climate found in Britain results in very variable annual recruitment rates, increasing the vulnerability of sinall populations in fragmented habitats. With better understanding of the ecology of this species, a conservation strategy is being implemented. This aims to defend dormouse populations where they still occur and to attempt reintroductions to areas from which they have been lost.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Food habits of the polecat (Mustela putorius) were studied by the analysis of 50 scats collected in riverine habitats of northern Italy from 1985 to 1988, with Falconiformes, probably consumed as carrion, and Ralliformes wcrc recorded for the first time in the pole cat diet in Europe.
Abstract: Food habits of the polecat (Mustela putorius) were studied by the analysis of 50 scats collected in riverine habitats of northern Italy from 1985 to 1988. Data were expressed as percent frequency of occurrcncc (F%) and relative pcrcentage of frequency (Fr%). Rodents (Fr% = 48.4), mainly Apodemus sp. (Fr% = 25.0) and Clethrionomys glareolus (Fr% = 15.6), lagomorphs (Fr% = 23.4) and birds (Fr% = 12.5) wcrc the main components of the diet. Falconiformes, probably consumed as carrion, and Ralliformes wcrc recorded for the first time in the polecat diet in Europe. Fruit, amphibians and reptiles wcrc scarcely exploited by the polecat.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A cluster analysis showed high affinities between Myoxus and Eliomys, as well as Myomimus and Dryomys , reflecting possible phylogenetic relationships and evident interpopulational variability is existing.
Abstract: We examined the glans penis of 34 adult specimens belonging to five genera and six species of Myoxidae. Three measurements of phalli and 11 measurements of bacula were taken and nine ratios were calculated. The baculum of Myoxidae is simple and in all the species studied is fully expressed at the tip of the phallus and, excluding Muscardinus , lies beneath cavernous tissue. In Myoxus , the baculum is triangular, wide and flat and evident interpopulational variability is existing: North Italian specimens display shape differences in comparison with South Italian and Thracian populations. The baculum of Dryomys is relatively thick, wide on the base and narrow at the shaft. There are differences in size between Thracian and Israeli populations of Dryomys nitedula . The baculum of Muscardinus is short and thin, with a small base; the phallus is tubelike and shorter than the baculum. The baculum of Myomimus is very short and robust, with a relatively wide base; the phallus, in contrast to other species, has no pad-like structure. The baculum of Eliomys differs from that of Dryomys and resembles more that of Myoxus , being more curved, more triangular and flat in shape, with widening in the middle. There are marked differences between bacula of E. quercinus and E. melanurus . A cluster analysis showed high affinities between Myoxus and Eliomys , as well as Myomimus and Dryomys , reflecting possible phylogenetic relationships. Riassunto Falli e bacula di Mioxidi europei; descrizione e comparazione - E stato esaminato il glans penis di 34 esemplari adulti appartenenti a cinque generi e sei specie di Myoxidae. Sono state rilevate tre misurazioni sul fallo, undici sul baculum e nove rapporti. Il baculum dei Myoxidae e semplice e in tutte le specie studiate e situato nella parte terminale del fallo e, tranne che nel moscardino, giace sotto il tessuto cavernoso. Il baculum di Myoxus e triangolare, ampio ed appiattito; e presente una evidente variabilita tra popolazioni. Esemplari dell'Italia settentrionale mostrano differenze nella forma del baculum rispetto a popolazioni dell'Italia meridionale e della Tracia. I1 baculum di Dryomys e relativamente spesso, ampio alla base e sottile nella parte terminale. Esistono differenze nelle dimensioni tra popolazioni di Dryomys nitedula della Tracia e di Israele. II baculum di Muscardinus e corto, sottile, con una piccola base; il fallo e tubulare e piu corto del baculum. Il baculum di Myomimus e molto corto, robusto, con una base relativamente ampia; il fallo, contrariamente alle altre specie, e privo di protuberanze. Il baculum di Eliomys differisce da quello di Dryomys e ricorda piu quello di Myoxus , avendo una forma piu curvata, triangolare ed appiattita, con un allargamento nella parte mediana. Esistono marcate differenze tra il baculum di E. quercinus e quello di E. melanurus . Elevata affinita, che potrebbe indicare possibili rapporti filogenetici, tra Myoxus e Eliomys e tra Myomimus e Dryomys e stata osservata mediante cluster analysis.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a survey of the distribution of otters in Hungary revealed that this species is common in most parts of the country where there appear to be suitable aquatic habitats, however, there were a large number of apparently "good" habitats where no otters were found.
Abstract: A survey of the distribution of otters ( Lutra lutra L.) in Hungary revealed that this species is common in most parts of the country where there appear to be suitable aquatic habitats. However, there were a large number of apparently "good" habitats where no otters were found. On the other hand, in some places where, based on a qualitative assessment, otters should not have been present, we still found signs of them. The only strictly and consistently limiting factor was heavy chemical pollution of the water which could not be assayed during the survey but was analysed based on data provided by the water authorities. These observations led us to employ a quantitative method which takes into account 3 scalable and 5 non-scalable variables of the environment and their relationships which might influence the occurrence of otters. The technique was based on a non-parametric multiple regression method specifically developed for use on PCs. This so called logistic regression model is useful for investigating the relationships between a binary dependent variable and a set of categorical independent variables. We recorded the presence (1) or absence (0) of signs of otters as well as the water depth, steepness of the bank, density of the bank vegetation and the presence or absence of various disturbance factors, such as agricultural use of the water bank, obvious signs of pollution of the water, etc., at 369 sites in Hungary. The three former environmental variables were scaled, whereas the disturbance factors were each assigned a value of either 0 or 1 (0 = absent, 1 = present). The analysis has shown that this method can be used to characterise particular combinations of factors at which otters were most likely to occur and even predictions can be made on the probability of finding otters at particular places with a known combination of these environmental factors. Besides its theoretical importance, this method is a very useful tool to pinpoint sites of possible significance for the purposes of conservation of existing or potential otter habitats. Riassunto Modello predittivo dell'effetto dei fattori ambientali sulla presenza della Lontra ( Lutra lutra L.) in Ungheria - Un'indagine sulla distribuzione della lontra ( Lutra lutra L.) in Ungheria ha evidenziato che la specie e comune in buona parte del paese dove l'ambiente acquatico appare adatto. C'era comunque un largo numero di habitat apparentemente in buone condizioni dove la presenza della specie non era accertata. Al contrario, alcuni siti, che sulla base di una valutazione qualitativa sarebbero stati negativi per la lontra, rivelavano segni di presenza del mustelide. L'unico fattore che limitava fortemente la presenza della specie era l'elevato inquinamento chimico delle acque, come accertato dai dati raccolti dalle autorita competenti. Quanto sopra esposto ci ha portato all'impiego di un metodo quantitativo che tenesse conto delle variabili ambientali (3 valutate secondo una scala di punteggio e 5 sulla base della loro presenza/assenza) che potevano influenzare la presenza della specie. Il modello di analisi utilizzato, chiamato regressione logistica, e utile per esaminare le relazioni tra una variabile dipendente binaria e un gruppo di variabili indipendenti espresse secondo categorie. Per 369 siti esaminati in diversi corpi idrici e stata accertata la presenza (valore 1) o l'assenza (valore 0) della lontra e sono state stimate le seguenti variabili: profondita dell'acqua, pendenza delle rive, copertura vegetale riparia e la presenza o assenza di vari fattori legati alle attivita produttive, quali, ad esempio, l'uso agricolo dei terreni a ridosso delle rive dei corpi idrici e la presenza visibile di inquinamento. Le prime tre variabili erano valutate secondo una scala di punteggio, le altre invece avevano valore 1 quando presenti, 0 quando assenti (v. metodi). I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato che il modello di analisi dei dati puo essere utilizzato per caratterizzare combinazioni di fattori ambientali che molto probabilmente influenzano la presenza della lontra e per valutare la probabilita di ritrovamento del mustelide in siti caratterizzati da una combinazione nota di fattori. Tale modello, oltre ad essere importante dal punto di vista teorico, e particolarmente utile per individuare e proteggere ambienti realmente o potenzialmente favorevoli alla lontra.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: There are significative regional differences in predation between bioclimatic areas of the Italian peninsula and the contribution of studies on predation to knowledge of Myoxid distribution is discussed.
Abstract: The authors analyse available data on the impact of predators on Dormouse populations in Italy. Dormice are found in the diet of 2 snakes (Vipera berus and V. uspis). 2 diurnal birds of prey (Buleo buleo and Aquila chrysaetos), 6 owls (Tyto alba, Strix aluco, Asio otus, Athene noctua, Bubo bubo and Glaucidium pusserinum) and 9 mammals (Rattus rattus, Ursus arctos, Cunis lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Martes martes, M. foinu, Meles meles, Felis silveslris and Sus scrofa) in a variable percentage of the prey taken. Only Dryomys nitedula was never encountered as a prey item. The most common prey is Muscardinus avellanarius. There are significative regional differences in predation between bioclimatic areas of the Italian peninsula. The contribution of studies on predation to knowledge of Myoxid distribution is discussed. RIASSUNTO - Predazione di Mioxidi in ftalia - Sono analizzati i dati pubblicati sull'impatto dei predatori sulle popolazioni di Myoxidae in Italia. Myoxidae Sono stati riscontrati nelle diete di 2 serpenti (Vipera berus e V. aspis), 2 rapaci diurni (Butero buteo e Aquila chrysuetos), 6 notturni (Tyto ulba, Strix aluco, Asio otus, Athene noctua, Bubo bubo e Glaucidium passerinum) e 9 mammiferi (Rattus rattus, Ursus arctos, Canis lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Martes martes, M foina, Meles meles, Felis silveslris e Sus scrofu) in percentuale variabile nella comunita di prede. Solo Dryomys nitedula non e mai stato incontrato come preda. La specie piu coinunemente predata risulta Muscardinus avellanarius. Sono discusse le significative differenze di predazione per aree bioclimaticamente diverse e I'apporto dello studio delle predazioni alle conoscenze sulla distribuzione dei Myoxidae in Italia.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors conducted a survey on 6.4x5.5 km grid of the following species: Meles meles, Mustela ernzinea, mustela nivalis, Martes foina and Martes martes.
Abstract: The survey, conducted in 1991-93 on a study area of 1085 km2, has permitted to define the distribution maps according to 6.4x5.5 km grid of the following species: Meles meles, Mustela ernzinea, Mustela nivalis, Martes foina and Martes martes. Mustela putorius and Lutra lutra, recorded since 1960 and 1970 respectively, were not checked. From the analysis of 201 records (sightings, signs of presence, animals found dead and skins), we found that the badger, weasel and stone marten selected middle-low altitude (since 1000 m a.s.l.), the pine marten and stoat the middle-high altitude. The former species frequented mainly agricultural lands of bottom of the valley with built-up areas, the latter ones occurred mainly in forest habitat of secluded valleys (the pine marten), and in stony ground and alpine prairies (the stoat). The badger was the most diffuse species, the pine marten the least one. On a total of 46 grids of the study area, 32.6% presented three mustelid species, 17.4% five species. The badger and the stone marten were the species with the greatest overlapping range (61.7% of the grids), the weasel and the stoat with the smallest one (23.4% of the grids).

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Differences in the fundamental number and in heterochromosome morphology, have been observed by other authors, in different European populations, and this variability is analysed and discussed.
Abstract: Karyotype analysis was carried out on three species of dormice: Myoxus glis, 4 populations from Northern and Southern Italy and from Turkey; Dryomys nitedula , 4 populations from Northern and Southern Italy, from Israel and from Turkey; Myomimus roachi, 1 specimen from Turkey. Myoxus glis shows 2n=62; comparison of our specimens from different localities shows complete correspondence between karyotypes, both for the autosomes and the heterochromosomes. Diyomys nitedula shows 2n=48. All populations we studied, show the same karyotypic pattern, except for the NOR-bearing chromosomes. Myomimus roachi, here studied for the first time, shows 2n=44. All the autosomes are biarmed of decreasing size. The X-chromosome is a medium size metacentric, while the Y-chromosome is the smallest one. All the three species we studied, show one pair of NOR-bearing chromosomes, Ag-NORs always correspond to the secondary constriction. Differences in the fundamental number and in heterochromosome morphology, have been observed by other authors, in different European populations. This variability is analysed and discussed.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The present status of dormouse distribution patterns in the Czech Republic is reported, and M. avellunarius is the most common and wide-spread species, while D. nitedula has only a limited distribution within this country.
Abstract: The present status of dormouse distribution patterns in the Czech Republic is reported. In all, four species are presently found within our territory and distribution ranges are plotted on a 10x10 km grid. M. avellanarius is the most common and wide-spread species, while M. glis exhibits considerable regional variability in its distribution pattern. D. nitedula has only a limited distribution within our country. E. quercinus is the rarest of our species, its present mosaic of distribution seems to be a relict character. Riassunto Lo stato attuale dei Mioxidi nella Repubblica Ceca - Viene riportato il presente stato dei pattern di distribuzione dei Mioxidi nella Repubblica ceca. In tutto sul nostro territorio sono presenti quattro specie, le cui distribuzioni sono riportate su reticolo cartografico UTM 10x10 km. M. avellanarius e la specie piu comune e diffusa, mentre M. glis presenta una considerevole variabilita regionale nel suo pattern di distribuzione. Per quanto riguarda D. nitedula , questa specie ha una distribuzione limitata nel nostro territorio. E. quercinus e la specie piu rara e la sua distribuzione attuale a mosaico ha evidentemente un carattere relitto.