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Open AccessProceedings ArticleDOI

DPCube: Releasing Differentially Private Data Cubes for Health Information

DPCube, a component in the HIDE framework, is demonstrated for releasing differentially private data cubes (or multi-dimensional histograms) for sensitive data and can serve as a sanitized synopsis of the raw database and can support various Online Analytical Processing queries and learning tasks.
We propose to demonstrate DPCube, a component in our Health Information DE-identification (HIDE) framework, for releasing differentially private data cubes (or multidimensional histograms) for sensitive data. HIDE is a framework we developed for integrating heterogenous structured and unstructured health information and provides methods for privacy preserving data publishing. The DPCube component provides the differentially private multidimensional data cube release. The DPCube algorithm uses the differentially private access mechanisms as provided by HIDE and guarantees differential privacy for the released data. It utilizes an innovative two-step multidimensional partitioning technique to publish a generalized data cube or multi-dimensional histogram that achieve good utility while satisfying the privacy requirement. We demonstrate that the released data cubes can serve as a sanitized synopsis of the raw database and, together with an optional synthesized dataset based on the data cubes, can support various Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) queries and learning tasks.

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DPCube: Releasing Differentially Private Data
Cubes for Health Information
Yonghui Xiao
, James Gardner
, Li Xiong
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emory University
Atlanta, GA, USA
Digital Reasoning Systems, Inc.
Franklin, TN, USA
Abstract—We demonstrate DPCube, a component in our
Health Information DE-identification (HIDE) framework, for
releasing differentially private data cubes (or multi-dimensional
histograms) for sensitive data. HIDE is a framework we devel-
oped for integrating heterogenous structured and unstructured
health information and provides methods for privacy preserving
data publishing. The DPCube component uses differentially
private access mechanisms and an innovative 2-phase multidi-
mensional partitioning strategy to publish a multi-dimensional
data cube or histogram that achieves good utility while satisfying
differential privacy. We demonstrate that the released data cubes
can serve as a sanitized synopsis of the raw database and, together
with an optional synthesized dataset based on the data cubes, can
support various Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) queries
and learning tasks.
Recent studies and advisory reports [16], [14] have pointed
out that information sharing with appropriate privacy protec-
tion is one of the most critical challenges of our time to
help revolutionizing health care. The current HIPAA Privacy
Rule does not protect privacy as well as it should and an
entirely new approach to protecting privacy in health research
is needed.
Privacy preserving data analysis and data publishing [3],
[6], [4] has received considerable attention in recent years as
a promising approach for sharing information while preserving
data privacy. There are two models for privacy protection
[3]: the interactive model and the non-interactive model. In
the interactive model, a trusted curator (e.g. hospital) collects
data from record owners (e.g. patients) and provides an access
mechanism for data users (e.g. public health researchers) for
querying or analysis purposes. The result returned from the
access mechanism is perturbed by the mechanism to protect
privacy. In the non-interactive model, the curator publishes
a “sanitized” version of the data, simultaneously providing
utility for data users and privacy protection for the individuals
represented in the data.
Differential privacy [3], [4] is widely accepted as one of the
strongest known unconditional privacy guarantees. It requires
that the outcome of computations to be formally indistinguish-
able when run with and without any particular record in the
Fig. 1. HIDE Framework
Fig. 2. Differentially Private Datacube Release
dataset, as if it makes little difference whether an individual
is being opted in or out of the database. Non-interactive data
release with differential privacy has been recently studied with
hardness results obtained and it remains an open problem to
find efficient algorithms for many domains [5]. A few recent
works [12], [17], [10] considered the problem of releasing
data for general predicate counting queries. While promising,
the query strategies being used are data-oblivious in that they
are determined by the query workload, a wavelet matrix, or
a hierarchical matrix without taking into consideration the
underlying data. DPCube uses an adaptive query strategy
that explicitly exploits the underlying data indirectly observed
by a differentially private interface. Our viewpoint is that
more efficient and effective solutions could be achieved by
exploiting the characteristics of the underlying dataset.

We demonstrate DPCube, as a component in our Health
Information DE-identification (HIDE) framework, for non-
interactive release of differentially private data cubes (or multi-
dimensional histograms), and demonstrate its feasibility using
real medical data and use cases. Health Information DE-
identification (HIDE) [8], [7], [9] is an open-source software
and framework we have developed for integrating heteroge-
nous structured and unstructured data sources and provides
methods for privacy preserving data publishing. An overview
of the HIDE framework is shown in Figure 1. DPCube is
the component for releasing statistical data cubes (in addition
to the de-identified records) implementing and extending the
multidimensional partitioning techniques [18]. An overview
of DPCube is shown in Figure 2. An interactive differential
privacy interface is used to provide a differentially private
access to the raw database. The DPCube algorithm implements
a 2-phase partitioning strategy which accesses the data through
the interface and generates a differentially private equi-width
cell histogram and a v-optimal subcube histogram of the raw
database. Given a user-issued query, an estimation component
uses the histograms and computes an answer using inference or
estimation techniques [10], [18]. We demonstrate that the his-
tograms can serve as a sanitized synopsis of the raw database
and, together with an optional synthesized dataset based on the
histograms, are useful to support count queries and other types
of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) queries and learning
Contributions. We summarize the technical contributions of
the demonstrated system below. First, the DPCube component
provides a non-interactive mechanism for releasing differ-
entially private multi-dimensional data cubes. A common
interactive differential privacy mechanism is to add calibrated
noise to a query result determined by the privacy parameter
and the sensitivity of a query. The composability of differential
privacy [13] ensures privacy guarantees for a sequence of
differentially-private queries or computations with additive
privacy depletions in the worst case. Given an overall privacy
requirement or privacy budget, it has to be allocated to
subroutines or individual queries to ensure the overall pri-
vacy. This limits the applicability of an interactive differential
privacy interface, especially for health data sharing scenarios
where multiple users have to share a common privacy budget
for exploratory data analysis. In contrast, the non-interactive
approach uses a carefully designed query strategy to allocate
the privacy budget and access the raw database resulting in
released data cubes which can be then used to answer an
arbitrary large number of queries or for various data analysis
Second, DPCube implements and extends the novel multi-
dimensional partitioning strategy [18] which is crucial to the
utility of the resulting data cubes or the synthetic dataset. For
relational data, DPCube uses a two-phase algorithm that gen-
erates a most fine-grained equi-width cell (unit) histogram and
a v-optimal subcube histogram based on the cell histogram.
The multi-dimensional partitioning component incorporates a
uniformity measure that seeks to produce close to uniform
partitions so that approximation errors within partitions are
minimized. In data warehouse literature, a data cube consists
of a set of cuboids which can be viewed as the projection of a
fact table on a subset of dimensions, producing a set of cells
with associated aggregate measures. Using this terminology,
DPCube publishes a base cuboid and a generalized cuboid
where cells are grouped into sub-cubes or partitions and aims
to minimize the error for random predicate counting queries.
This differs from the recent work [2] which attempts to publish
a subset of cuboids to minimize the error for the complete set
of derived cuboids. Once the subcube histogram is generated,
the estimation component further boosts the accuracy by
applying estimation or inference techniques to answer a query
using the released histograms.
Finally, as DPCube is integrated into the HIDE software,
it gives practitioners an entire toolkit of privacy preserving
data publishing techniques on both structured and unstructured
data. The DPCube component can be applied to both struc-
tured data tables as well as the extracted patient-centric data
from the text.
The demonstration will show various components and new
features of HIDE (including more advanced extraction com-
ponents), with a particular focus on DPCube, and demonstrate
the utility of the released data cubes to several classes of
OLAP queries and learning tasks. The audience can freely
issue random count queries with different parameter settings,
observe the result, and compare it with the result from the
original database, the interactive mechanism, as well as other
alternative approaches. It will also show under-the-hood how
the partitions are generated for various datasets and combina-
tions of dimensions. The audience will also be able to see how
various fields are automatically extracted from text reports and
the data is then used to generate differentially private multi-
dimensional histogram views of the data.
Software Availability. HIDE including DPCube is
an open-source project and the software is available
for download ( More
information about the project is also available online
HIDE consists of three major layers: information extrac-
tion, data linking, and privacy preserving data publishing.
The privacy preserving data publishing layer can be further
classified into record and aggregate publishers. The record
publisher is used to publish de-identified (using HIPAA safe-
harbor method) or anonymized individual records with a given
privacy principle such as k-anonymity and l-diversity. The
aggregate publisher provides a differentially private interface
to the underlying data and is used by the DPCube algorithm as
described below for releasing statistical data with differential

A. Differentially Private Interface
DPCube uses a differentially private interface in HIDE sim-
ilar to PINQ [13], for any access to the original database such
that the released data guarantees differential privacy. HIDE
provides differentially private operators for database aggregate
queries such as count (NoisyCount) and sum (NoisySum)
which add Laplace noise to the original answer to enforce
differential privacy.
B. DPCube Partitioning
DPCube publishes statistical data of the original datasets
through multi-dimensional hypercubes or cuboids. An OLAP
cuboid is a multi-dimensional representation of a measure
for a set of dimensions that are a projection of a relational
table. Each dimension corresponds to an attribute and each
cell represents an aggregated measure (such as count and
sum). For example, a 3-dimensional cuboid for the census
data may have the dimensions Age, Education, and Income
and the measure P opulation Count. One cell of the cuboid
may correspond to (Age = 30, Education = “Bachelors”,
Income = 80K) with a population count of 5000. Our key
novelty is that we publish generalized cuboids where cells are
grouped into sub-cubes or partitions exploiting the underlying
distribution of the data. When the measure is population count
or frequency (relative count), the cube can be considered as a
multi-dimensional histogram.
DPCube uses an innovative two-phase partitioning strategy
as shown in Figure 2. First, a cell based partitioning based on
the domains (not the data) is used to generate a fine-grained
equi-width cell histogram. A differentially private data cube,
is created by adding Laplacian noise to the count of each
cell. Second, a multi-dimensional partitioning is performed on
, the differentially private cell histogram which gives an
approximation of the original data distribution.
The key step is the multi-dimensional partitioning. We
want to find the partitioning that maximizes the utility of the
released D
data cube. DPCube uses an innovative kd-tree like
partitioning strategy that seeks to produce close to uniform
partitions, essentially resulting in a v-optimal histogram [15].
It starts from the root node which covers the entire space. At
each step, a splitting dimension and a split value from the
range of the current partition on that dimension are chosen
heuristically to divide the space into subspaces. The algorithm
repeats until a pre-defined requirement (such as number of
data points in each partition) are met. In contrast to kd-
tree construction which desires a balanced tree, our main
goal is to generate uniform or close to uniform partitions
so that the approximation error when answering a query
with predicates smaller than the partitions is minimized. Thus
DPCube uses uniformity based heuristics to make the decision
whether and where to split the current partition. Concretely,
we do not split a partition if it is close to uniform and split
it otherwise. In addition to the variance-like metric defined
in [18], DPCube also implements information gain to favor
uniform or homogenous distributions in a similar way used in
a decision tree construction to favor the class homogeneity.
For comparison purposes, DPCube also includes an imple-
mentation of the hierarchical strategy used in [10], the kd-tree
strategy used in [11], and an implementation of the Wavelet
method [17]. Finally, to cope with the high dimensionality and
sparsity of the set-valued data such as symptoms, DPCube in-
cludes an implementation of the top-down partitioning strategy
proposed in [1].
C. DPCube Estimation
DPCube also includes an estimation component that further
boosts accuracy according to the released data cubes. In
addition to the proportional estimation using only the subcube
histogram assuming a uniform distribution within a partition
[18], we also adapted the inference technique in [10] origi-
nally designed for its hierarchical strategy to our two-phase
strategy. The basic idea is to apply probabilistic inference to
integrate multiple differentially private views (histograms) of
the original data to derive posterior distributions over the data
We plan to demonstrate the functionalities and utilities of
HIDE and DPCube and show the utility of the released data
cubes to several classes of OLAP queries and learning tasks.
Datasets. We will use the Adult dataset from the UCI
Machine Learning Repository (
containing census data. In addition, we plan to use sev-
eral medical datasets including the data from the Surveil-
lance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program
at NCI ( and the i2b2 datasets
( The SEER dataset con-
sists of a variety of cancer statistics. The i2b2 dataset consists
of example pathology reports that have been re-synthesized
with fake Protected Health Information (PHI). In addition,
we will use a large set of synthesized pathology reports (1
million reports) generated at the Department of Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine at the School of Medicine at UCLA to
demonstrate the performance of HIDE and DPCube.
Demonstrating Basic Functionality. We will demonstrate
loading structured and unstructured data into HIDE, de-
identifying and anonymizing the data, and releasing differ-
entially private data cubes using DPCube. We will use several
dimension combinations to demonstrate the data cubes gener-
ated by DPCube. Figure 3 shows a snapshot of the DPCube
interface for constructing the data cubes based on user input
parameters and the resulting cell and partition histograms
using a single dimension of Age. Using two dimensions, Age
and Income, the original data cube is shown in Figure 4. Figure
5 shows an example cell data cube with differential privacy
parameter α
= 0.05. Figure 6 shows an example partition
data cube with each horizontal plane being one partition.
Finally, we will show the estimated cell data cube using the
estimation techniques and compare it to the original cell data
cube. Figure 7 shows an example estimated cell data cube.
We will show the errors of the different data cubes during the

Fig. 3. DPCube Interface
Fig. 4. Original Data Fig. 5. Cell Data Cube
Applications and User Interactions. We will demonstrate the
utility of the released data cubes for several applications with
user interactions and inputs. We will first show the utility for
several classes of OLAP queries. Count queries are supported
directly by the released data. Sum queries sum(A) for an
attribute or dimension A can be computed as
Average queries avg(A) for an attribute or dimension A can
be computed as
. Through the user interface,
the conference audience can freely issue predicate queries
using different parameter settings and observe the result. The
interface will compare the result with those from the original
database as well as other alternative approaches. In addition to
showing the data cubes visually and the query results, we will
Fig. 6. Partition Data Cube Fig. 7. Estimated Cell Data Cube
also show the errors of the query results and compare them
with several other state-of-the-art approaches.
The released data cubes can be also used for learning tasks
such as construction of decision tree and record linkage. We
will use classification and record linkage [11] as examples to
illustrate the utility of the data cubes.
Under-the-hood. For interested audiences, the demo will show
under-the-hood how the partitions are generated for various
combinations of dimensions and parameters, illustrating the
effect of the data distributions and the impact of algorithmic
parameters such as the partitioning threshold, different parti-
tioning metrics and heuristics, and different allocation of the
overall privacy budget among the two phases.
This research was supported in part by NSF grant CNS-
1117763, a Cisco Research Award, and an Emory URC grant.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
their comments which helped improve the final version of this
demo paper.
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Frequently Asked Questions (11)
Q1. What are the contributions in "Dpcube: releasing differentially private data cubes for health information" ?

The authors demonstrate DPCube, a component in their Health Information DE-identification ( HIDE ) framework, for releasing differentially private data cubes ( or multi-dimensional histograms ) for sensitive data. HIDE is a framework the authors developed for integrating heterogenous structured and unstructured health information and provides methods for privacy preserving data publishing. The authors demonstrate that the released data cubes can serve as a sanitized synopsis of the raw database and, together with an optional synthesized dataset based on the data cubes, can support various Online Analytical Processing ( OLAP ) queries and learning tasks. 

The basic idea is to apply probabilistic inference to integrate multiple differentially private views (histograms) of the original data to derive posterior distributions over the data sets. 

a cell based partitioning based on the domains (not the data) is used to generate a fine-grained equi-width cell histogram. 

a multi-dimensional partitioning is performed on Dc, the differentially private cell histogram which gives an approximation of the original data distribution. 

The record publisher is used to publish de-identified (using HIPAA safeharbor method) or anonymized individual records with a given privacy principle such as k-anonymity and l-diversity. 

In contrast to kdtree construction which desires a balanced tree, their main goal is to generate uniform or close to uniform partitions so that the approximation error when answering a query with predicates smaller than the partitions is minimized. 

Through the user interface,the conference audience can freely issue predicate queries using different parameter settings and observe the result. 

In addition to the proportional estimation using only the subcube histogram assuming a uniform distribution within a partition [18], the authors also adapted the inference technique in [10] originally designed for its hierarchical strategy to their two-phase strategy. 

The authors will demonstrate loading structured and unstructured data into HIDE, deidentifying and anonymizing the data, and releasing differentially private data cubes using DPCube. 

In addition, the authors will use a large set of synthesized pathology reports (1 million reports) generated at the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the School of Medicine at UCLA to demonstrate the performance of HIDE and DPCube. 

In addition to the variance-like metric defined in [18], DPCube also implements information gain to favor uniform or homogenous distributions in a similar way used in a decision tree construction to favor the class homogeneity.