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Embedded code generation using the OSQP solver

A code generation software package that accepts a parametric description of a quadratic program (QP) as input and generates tailored C code that compiles into a fast and reliable optimization solver for the QP that can run on embedded platforms is introduced.
We introduce a code generation software package that accepts a parametric description of a quadratic program (QP) as input and generates tailored C code that compiles into a fast and reliable optimization solver for the QP that can run on embedded platforms. The generated code is based on OSQP, a novel open-source operator splitting solver for quadratic programming. Our software supports matrix factorization caching and warm starting, and allows updates of the problem parameters during runtime. The generated C code is library-free and has a very small compiled footprint. Examples arising in real-world applications show that the generated code outperforms state-of-the-art embedded and desktop QP solvers.

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Embedded Code Generation Using the OSQP Solver
Goran Banjac
, Bartolomeo Stellato
, Nicholas Moehle, Paul Goulart, Alberto Bemporad, and Stephen Boyd
Abstract We introduce a code generation software package
that accepts a parametric description of a quadratic program
(QP) as input and generates tailored C code that compiles
into a fast and reliable optimization solver for the QP that
can run on embedded platforms. The generated code is based
on OSQP, a novel open-source operator splitting solver for
quadratic programming. Our software supports matrix factor-
ization caching and warm starting, and allows updates of the
problem parameters during runtime. The generated C code is
library-free and has a very small compiled footprint. Examples
arising in real-world applications show that the generated code
outperforms state-of-the-art embedded and desktop QP solvers.
Convex optimization has become a standard tool across
many engineering fields. In recent years, these methods have
increasingly been applied on embedded systems where data
are processed in real time and on low-cost computational
platforms [1, Ch. 1], [2]. Current applications include, e.g.,
model predictive control (MPC) [3], real-time signal pro-
cessing [4], [5] and onboard trajectory planning in space
missions [6], [7].
Real-time applications of embedded optimization impose
special requirements on the solvers used [8]. First, embedded
solvers must be reliable even in the presence of poor quality
data, and should avoid exceptions caused by division by zero
or memory faults caused by dynamic memory allocation.
Second, the solver should be implementable on low-cost
embedded platforms with very limited memory resources. In
particular, solvers should have very small compiled footprint,
should consist only of basic algebraic operations, and should
not be linked to any external libraries, which also makes
the solver easily verifiable. Finally, real-time applications
typically require that the solver is fast and able to correctly
identify infeasible problems.
On the other hand, optimization problems arising in
embedded applications have certain features that can be
exploited when designing an embedded solver [8]. First,
embedded optimization is typically applied to the repeated
solution of parametrized problems in which the problem data,
G. Banjac and B. Stellato contributed equally to this work.
This work was supported by the European Commission research project
FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN under grant agreement no. 607957 (TEMPO).
G. Banjac, B. Stellato, and P. Goulart are with the Depart-
ment of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford
OX1 3PJ, UK. {goran.banjac, bartolomeo.stellato,
N. Moehle and S. Boyd are with the Department of Electrical En-
gineering, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305, USA. {moehle,
A. Bemporad is with the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, 55100
Lucca, Italy.
but not its dimensions or sparsity pattern, change between
problem instances. For such problems, the solver initializa-
tion and some part of its computations can be performed
offline during the solver design phase. Second, requirements
on the solution accuracy in embedded applications are often
moderate because of noise in the data and arbitrariness of
the objective function. Finally, in embedded applications one
can typically assume that problems are reasonably scaled.
As an example, the authors in [9] show that acceptable
control performance of an MPC controller is achievable
even when using a very low accuracy solver. This argument
supports the use of first-order optimization methods, which
are known to return solution of medium accuracy with
low computational cost. Although the performance of first-
order methods is known to depend strongly on problem
scaling, this dependency can be reduced significantly by
preconditioning the problem data [10].
A. Related work
In some cases the solution of a parametrized convex op-
timization problem can be precomputed offline using multi-
parametric programming techniques [11], [12]. However, the
memory required for storing such solutions grows exponen-
tially with the problem dimensions, making this approach
applicable only to small problems.
Over the last decade tools for generating custom online
solvers for parametric problems have attracted increasing
attention. CVXGEN [8] is a code generation software tool
for small-scale parametric quadratic programs (QPs). The
generated solver is fast and reliable, but its main disadvan-
tage is that the code size grows rapidly with the problem
dimensions. This issue is overcome in FORCES [13], [14]
where the code size of the compiled code is broadly constant
with respect to the problem dimensions. In HPMPC [15] tai-
lored solvers for MPC are combined with high-performance
optimized libraries for linear algebra. ECOS [16], [17] and
Bsocp [18] are embedded solvers for a wider class of second-
order cone programs (SOCPs). All of the aforementioned
solvers are based on primal-dual interior point methods that
are tailored for their specific problem classes. A known
limitation of these methods is that they cannot use the warm
starting technique, which is one of the dominant acceleration
factors in applications such as MPC [19].
In contrast, qpOASES [20] is based on a parametric active-
set method which can effectively use a priori information
to speed-up computation of a QP solution. On the other
hand, since qpOASES is based on dense linear algebra
it cannot exploit sparsity in the problem data. Moreover,

the computational complexity of active-set methods grows
exponentially with the number of constraints.
FiOrdOs [21] uses first-order gradient methods as the
basis for the embedded solvers it generates. In the case of
a general QP, the methods require a Lipschitz constant of
the gradient of the objective function in order to compute
the stepsize. Alternatively, FiOrdOs implements an adaptive
rule for the stepsize selection, but it requires a new matrix
factorization each time the stepsize is updated. QPgen [22]
uses optimal preconditioning of the problem data that can
improve performance of first-order methods considerably.
The main disadvantage of FiOrdOs and QPgen is their
inability to detect infeasible problems.
In this paper we introduce a software package that gener-
ates tailored C code that compiles into a solver for a user-
specified parametric QP. The generated code is based on
the open-source solver OSQP [23] which exploits sparsity
in the problem data, supports matrix factorization caching
and warm starting, and is able to detect infeasible problems.
B. Structure of the paper
In Section II we introduce an operator splitting method
which is the basis for the solvers generated. Two different
classes of parametric QPs are described in Section III. The
code generation software package is presented in Section IV.
In Section V we present numerical results on problems
arising in real-world applications. Section VI concludes the
We consider the following QP
P x + q
subject to l Ax u,
where x R
is the optimization variable. The objec-
tive function is defined by a positive semidefinite matrix
and a vector q R
, and the constraints by a
matrix A R
and vectors l {R −∞}
u {R +∞}
such that l u. Linear equality constraints
can be enforced by setting l
= u
A. Algorithm
The algorithm used in OSQP [23] is based on the alternat-
ing direction method of multipliers (ADMM) [24] and is de-
scribed in Algorithm 1. Scalars ρ > 0 and σ > 0 are penalty
parameters, α (0, 2) is a relaxation parameter, and Π is
the Euclidean projection onto the set {z R
|l z u}
which has a simple closed-form solution
Π(z) = max (min(z, u), l) ,
where the max and min operators are taken element-wise.
Note that steps 4 to 7 involve only scalar-vector multi-
plications, vector additions and the projection operator Π.
We describe in the next subsection how to solve the linear
system in step 3 efficiently.
Algorithm 1 OSQP solver
1: given initial values x
, z
, y
and parameters ρ, σ, α
2: repeat
3: solve
P + σI A
4: ˜z
5: x
+ (1 α)x
6: z
+ (1 α)z
7: y
+ ρ
+ (1 α)z
8: until termination conditions are satisfied
B. Solving the linear system
Since the coefficient matrix in Algorithm 1 line 3 does
not change between iterations of the algorithm, it must
be factorized only once. This factorization is then cached
and used in forward and backward solves in all subsequent
The coefficient matrix is quasi-definite, i.e., it can be
written as a 2-by-2 block-symmetric matrix where the (1, 1)-
block is positive definite, and the (2, 2)-block is negative
definite. It therefore always has a well defined LDL
factorization, with L being a lower triangular matrix with
unit diagonal elements and D a diagonal matrix with nonzero
diagonal elements [25]. For any sparse quasidefinite matrix
K, efficient algorithms can be used to compute a permutation
matrix P for which the factorization P KP
results in a sparse matrix factor L [26]. We use the open-
source approximate minimum degree (AMD) code [27] to
compute such a permutation matrix.
In order to perform the LDL
factorization of a sparse
matrix K (or permuted matrix P KP
) efficiently, the spar-
sity pattern for the factor L should be found before per-
forming any numerical operations. Determining this sparsity
pattern is known as symbolic factorization and requires only
the nonzero structure of the matrix K, and not its numerical
values. After the symbolic factorization finds the pattern
of nonzero elements of L, the numerical values of these
elements can be computed. This procedure is known as
numerical factorization. Note that if the non-zero entries of
the matrix K change, but the sparsity pattern and quasidefi-
niteness are preserved, then only the numerical factorization
step needs to be performed again and the memory required
to store the new factorization does not change.
We use the open-source SuiteSparse package [28] to per-
form symbolic and numerical factorizations. The computa-
tional complexity of factorization and forward and backward
solves with SuiteSparse, as well as the memory required for
storing the factor L, depend only on the number of nonzero
elements in K and not on its dimensions. The code is thus
efficient in terms of both the memory and computational
effort required to solve the linear system in Algorithm 1
with sparse matrices P and A.
Observe that the matrix P is not required to be positive
semidefinite for the linear system to be solvable. In particular,
as long as P + σI is positive definite, the LDL

tion of the matrix in Algorithm 1 will return a factor D
with nonzero diagonal elements, and exceptions caused by
division by zero cannot occur when solving the linear system.
This is critical in embedded applications in the presence of
poor quality data.
C. Termination criterion
The algorithm used in OSQP generates at each iteration k
a tuple
, z
, y
for which we define the primal and dual
residuals as
= Ax
= P x
+ q + A
If the problem P is solvable then the residuals converge to
zero vectors as k [24]. If the residuals are small,
we say that
, y
is an approximate primal-dual solution
of problem P. A reasonable termination criterion is that
the norms of the residuals r
and r
are smaller than
some tolerance levels ε
> 0 and ε
> 0, respectively.
Note that the tolerance levels are often chosen relative to
the scaling of the algorithm iterates; see [24, Sec. 3.3] for
Detection of infeasible problems has been historically
a weak point of first-order methods. An exception is the
algorithm in [10] that can detect infeasibility in conic prob-
lems, and the works in [29], [30] that detect infeasible QPs
under additional assumptions on the problem data. OSQP
can detect primal and dual infeasibility when the problem is
unsolvable. In particular, if the problem is primal infeasible,
the algorithm generates a certificate of infeasibility, i.e., a
vector v R
that satisfies
v = 0, u
+ l
< 0,
where v
= max(v, 0) and v
= min(v, 0). Likewise, if the
problem is dual infeasible the algorithm generates a vector
s R
that satisfies
P s = 0, q
s < 0, (As)
= 0 l
R, u
0 l
R, u
= +
0 u
R, l
= −∞
which is a certificate of dual infeasibility. We refer the reader
to [31] for details.
In many applications problem P is solved for varying data,
and is thus referred to as a parametric program. We make
a distinction between two cases depending on which of the
problem data are to be treated as parameters. We assume
throughout that the problem dimensions m and n, and the
sparsity patterns of P and A are fixed.
A. Vectors as parameters
If the vectors q, l and u in problem P are the only
parameters, then the coefficient matrix in Algorithm 1 does
not change across different instances of the parametric pro-
gram. The matrix can then be pre-factored offline and only
import osqp
# Create an OSQP object
m = osqp.OSQP()
# Solver initialization
m.setup(P, q, A, l, u, settings)
# Generate code
m.codegen(’code’, project_type=’Makefile’,
Listing 1. A simple Python script for generating the code for a given
parametric QP.
backward and forward solves are performed during code
execution. This enables a significant reduction of the code
footprint. If the diagonal matrix D
is stored instead of D,
then the resulting algorithm is division-free.
This important class of parametric programs arises, for in-
stance, in linear MPC [32], linear regression with (weighted)
regularization [33], [34] and portfolio optimization [1].
B. Matrices and vectors as parameters
If values in matrices P and A are updated, then the
coefficient matrix in Algorithm 1 must be refactored. We
assume, however, that the sparsity patterns of P and A are
fixed. In this case the symbolic factorization of the matrix
does not change and only numerical factorization needs to
be redone. This implies that no dynamic memory allocation
is performed during the code execution.
This class of problems arises, e.g., in nonlinear MPC, non-
linear moving horizon estimation (MHE) [32] and sequential
quadratic programming (SQP).
C. Warm starting
When a series of similar optimization problems is solved
the solutions across problem instances are often similar.
Since the algorithm’s running time depends largely on the
distance between the algorithm’s initial iterate and the prob-
lem’s set of optimizers, one can set a solution of the previous
problem instance as the initial iterate in the next instance.
This strategy is known as warm starting and often improves
running times of iterative optimization algorithms [19].
OSQP is an open-source operator splitting QP solver
written in the C language, with interfaces to high-level
languages including Matlab, Python and Julia.
Listing 1 shows a simple Python script that generates code
for a given problem family. To generate a solver, the end-user
must provide the problem data and (optionally) configure
the solver settings. The end-user has some flexibility to
customize the solver prior to code generation. For instance,
if the setting early_terminate is set to 1, then the
solver will terminate when one of the termination criteria
is satisfied, or when the maximum number of iterations is
reached, whichever happens first. Checking the termination

#include "osqp.h"
#include "workspace.h"
int main(int argc, char
argv) {
// Solve problem
return 0;
Listing 2. A simple C program that loads the problem data from header
file workspace.h and solves the problem.
Fig. 1. The tree structure of the generated code. The main program is
stored in example.c.
criteria in each iteration is computationally expensive since it
involves several matrix-vector multiplications, and may slow
down the code execution considerably. If the user instead
sets early_terminate to 0, then the algorithm will run
for the maximum number of iterations without checking
the termination criteria. Alternatively, one can check the
termination criteria every N iterations; this is specified
with the setting early_terminate_interval. For the
complete list of solver settings we refer the reader to [23].
To generate the code, the codegen method is called with
the name of a target directory where the generated code is to
be exported. Using the keyword argument project_type
the user can define the build environment, e.g., Makefiles or
several supported IDEs such as Eclipse, Apple Xcode or Mi-
crosoft Visual Studio. The keyword argument parameters
allows the user to specify which of the data are to be
parameters. The option vectors indicates that only vectors
q, l and u in problem P are parameters, while the option
matrices allows matrices P and A to be parameters as
A. Generated files
Figure 1 shows the tree structure of the gener-
ated code. Directories <dir_name>/src/osqp and
<dir_name>/include contain the solver source code
and headers. The generated code is self-contained, has
small footprint, does not perform dynamic memory al-
location, and is thus suitable for embedded applications.
CMakeLists.txt is a CMake configuration file that man-
ages the compilation process in a compiler- and platform-
independent manner [35].
The main program is stored in example.c whose content
is shown in Listing 2. The program loads the problem data
// Update linear cost
osqp_update_lin_cost(&workspace, &q_new);
// Update lower bound
osqp_update_lower_bound(&workspace, &l_new);
// Update upper bound
osqp_update_upper_bound(&workspace, &u_new);
Listing 3. Function calls for updating vectors of a parametric QP.
from the header file workspace.h, and solves the problem.
The problem data must be updated in order to solve a
different instance of a parametric problem. Listing 3 provides
illustrative function calls for updating vectors in problem P;
for the complete documentation we refer the reader to [23].
We benchmarked the generated solvers against the open-
source code generation tools CVXGEN [8], FiOrdOs [21],
the open-source solver qpOASES [20], and the commercial
solver GUROBI [36]. All the solvers were selected with
their default options. We performed benchmarks on an Apple
MacBook Pro 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 with 16GB RAM run-
ning Python 3.5. Code for all examples is available at [37].
A. Portfolio optimization
We consider a portfolio optimization problem [1, p. 185–
186], [17] where we want to maximize risk-adjusted return.
The problem is
maximize µ
x γ(x
subject to 1
x = 1, x 0,
where x R
represents the portfolio, µ R
is the
vector of expected returns, scalar γ > 0 is the risk-aversion
parameter, and Σ S
is the asset return covariance. A
common assumption is the k-factor risk model [38], where
the return covariance matrix is the sum of a diagonal matrix
and a matrix of rank k, i.e.,
Σ = D + FF
where F R
and D R
is diagonal with
nonnegative diagonal elements. Problem (1) can be written
in the standard form P with the linear cost q depending on
the parameter γ; see Appendix I for details.
In order to obtain Pareto optimal portfolios, one needs
to solve problem (1) for varying risk-aversion parameter γ.
Since the parameter appears only in the linear cost, one
does not need to perform any matrix factorization once the
code is generated. Moreover, seeing that the optimal solution
does not differ significantly with small changes in γ, we can
make use of warm starting and get a range of Pareto optimal
portfolios with minimal computational effort.
The data are generated as follows: k = dn/10e, F has half
of its elements set to zero, with the other half drawn from
N(0, 1), diagonal elements of D are drawn from U(0,
and the elements of µ are drawn from N(0, 1). We generate

100 200 300 400 500
Number of assets n
Time [s]
Fig. 2. Portfolio optimization example: the average computation times
required to solve 11 instances of problem (1).
Portfolio optimization example: Sizes of executable files generated by the
OSQP solver.
Assets n
Nonzeros in
P and A
Size of file
50 235 46
80 496 58
100 720 70
120 984 82
150 1455 102
200 2440 142
250 3675 190
300 5160 246
400 8880 382
500 13600 554
11 values of γ equally spaced on a logarithmic scale between
and 10
. For each solver and each dimension n we
solve the generated problem for the 11 values of γ and
average the execution time.
The results are shown in Figure 2. OSQP consistently
outperforms all the other methods. CVXGEN is not able
to generate the problem when n > 120 since the resulting
coefficient matrix has more than 4000 nonzero elements.
Note that CVXGEN, FiOrdOs and qpOASES exploit the
simple bounds on variable x, while OSQP and GUROBI use
the formulation P. Table I shows the sizes of executable files
generated by the OSQP solver, inclusive of problem data, as
a function of the number of assets. The size of the compiled
code for all the tested examples does not exceed 0.55 MB.
B. Sparse regressor selection
We seek a sparse solution of the regressor selection prob-
lem, which is in general a hard combinatorial problem [1,
Ch. 6.3]. Lasso [33] is a popular heuristic for enforcing
sparsity of the solution by adding an `
regularization term
in the objective. The problem is
kCx dk
+ γkxk
0 100 200 300 400
Number of parameters n
Time [s]
Fig. 3. Lasso example: the average computation times required to solve
21 instances of problem (2).
where x R
is the vector of parameters, C R
is the data matrix whose columns are potential regressors,
d R
is the vector of measurements that is to be fit by a
subset of regressors, and γ > 0 is the weighting parameter.
Problem (2) can be written in the standard form P with the
linear cost q depending on the parameter γ; see Appendix II
for details.
In order to find a sparse solution with a given degree
of sparsity, i.e., not more than k nonzero elements in x,
the above problem should be solved for varying weighting
parameter γ. As in Section V-A, we can exploit the fact that γ
enters only in the linear part of the cost function by caching
the matrix factorization and warm starting the solver.
The data are generated as follows: n varies from 10 to 400,
m = 10n, matrix C has 40% nonzero elements drawn from
N(0, 1), ˆx R
has half of the elements set to zero, and
the other half are drawn from N(0, 1/n). We then set d =
C ˆx + ε, where ε represents a vector of noise with elements
drawn from N(0, 1/4). We generate 21 values of γ equally
spaced on the logarithmic scale from 10
to 10
. For each
solver and each dimension n we solve the generated problem
for the 21 values of γ and average the execution time.
The results are shown in Figure 3. FiOrdOs does not
converge within 50, 000 iterations for this problem type and
CVXGEN is not able to generate code for n > 10. OSQP
clearly outperforms both GUROBI and qpOASES for all
dimensions considered. Note that qpOASES is not able to
find a solution in less than 10 seconds for n > 100.
This paper introduces a new code generation software
tool based on the OSQP solver. The generated code is very
efficient and robust. Moreover, it is general purpose and
does not require additional assumptions on problem data
beyond convexity. Numerical results show that the generated
code not only outperforms state-of-the-art embedded code-
generation tools but also desktop solvers.

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Frequently Asked Questions (17)
Q1. What are the contributions in "Embedded code generation using the osqp solver" ?

The authors introduce a code generation software package that accepts a parametric description of a quadratic program ( QP ) as input and generates tailored C code that compiles into a fast and reliable optimization solver for the QP that can run on embedded platforms. 

A common assumption is the k-factor risk model [38], where the return covariance matrix is the sum of a diagonal matrix and a matrix of rank k, i.e.,Σ = D + FFT ,where F ∈ Rn×k and D ∈ Rn×n is diagonal with nonnegative diagonal elements. 

In particular, as long as P + σI is positive definite, the LDLT factoriza-tion of the matrix in Algorithm 1 will return a factor D with nonzero diagonal elements, and exceptions caused by division by zero cannot occur when solving the linear system. 

The generated solver is fast and reliable, but its main disadvantage is that the code size grows rapidly with the problem dimensions. 

The coefficient matrix is quasi-definite, i.e., it can be written as a 2-by-2 block-symmetric matrix where the (1, 1)- block is positive definite, and the (2, 2)-block is negative definite. 

A known limitation of these methods is that they cannot use the warm starting technique, which is one of the dominant acceleration factors in applications such as MPC [19]. 

The algorithm used in OSQP [23] is based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) [24] and is described in Algorithm 1. 

All of the aforementioned solvers are based on primal-dual interior point methods that are tailored for their specific problem classes. 

Using the keyword argument project_type the user can define the build environment, e.g., Makefiles or several supported IDEs such as Eclipse, Apple Xcode or Microsoft Visual Studio. 

Checking the terminationcriteria in each iteration is computationally expensive since it involves several matrix-vector multiplications, and may slow down the code execution considerably. 

A reasonable termination criterion is that the norms of the residuals rkprim and r k dual are smaller than some tolerance levels εprim > 0 and εdual > 0, respectively. 

In order to find a sparse solution with a given degree of sparsity, i.e., not more than k nonzero elements in x, the above problem should be solved for varying weighting parameter γ. 

A simple Python script for generating the code for a given parametric QP.backward and forward solves are performed during code execution. 

This important class of parametric programs arises, for instance, in linear MPC [32], linear regression with (weighted) `1 regularization [33], [34] and portfolio optimization [1]. 

If the user instead sets early_terminate to 0, then the algorithm will run for the maximum number of iterations without checking the termination criteria. 

As in Section V-A, the authors can exploit the fact that γ enters only in the linear part of the cost function by caching the matrix factorization and warm starting the solver. 

FiOrdOs implements an adaptive rule for the stepsize selection, but it requires a new matrix factorization each time the stepsize is updated.