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The INTERSPEECH 2013 computational paralinguistics challenge: social signals, conflict, emotion, autism

The INTERSPEECH 2013 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge provides for the first time a unified test-bed for Social Signals such as laughter in speech and introduces conflict in group discussions as a new task and deals with autism and its manifestations in speech.
The INTERSPEECH 2013 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge provides for the first time a unified test-bed for Social Signals such as laughter in speech. It further introduces conflict in group discussions as a new task and deals with autism and its manifestations in speech. Finally, emotion is revisited as task, albeit with a broader range of overall twelve enacted emotional states. In this paper, we describe these four Sub-Challenges, their conditions, baselines, and a new feature set by the openSMILE toolkit, provided to the participants. Index Terms: Computational Paralinguistics, Challenge, Social Signals, Conflict, Emotion, Autism

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The INTERSPEECH 2013 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge:
Social Signals, Conflict, Emotion, Autism
orn Schuller
, Stefan Steidl
, Anton Batliner
, Alessandro Vinciarelli
, Klaus Scherer
Fabien Ringeval
, Mohamed Chetouani
, Felix Weninger
, Florian Eyben
, Erik Marchi
Marcello Mortillaro
, Hugues Salamin
, Anna Polychroniou
, Fabio Valente
, Samuel Kim
e de Gen
eve, Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Switzerland
unchen, Machine Intelligence & Signal Processing group, MMK, Germany
FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Pattern Recognition Lab, Germany
University of Glasgow, School of Computing Science, Scotland
IDIAP Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland
e de Fribourg, Document Image and Voice Analysis group, Switzerland
e Pierre et Marie Curie, ISIR, Paris, France
The INTERSPEECH 2013 Computational Paralinguistics Chal-
lenge provides for the first time a unified test-bed for Social
Signals such as laughter in speech. It further introduces conflict
in group discussions as a new task and deals with autism and its
manifestations in speech. Finally, emotion is revisited as task,
albeit with a broader range of overall twelve enacted emotional
states. In this paper, we describe these four Sub-Challenges, their
conditions, baselines, and a new feature set by the openSMILE
toolkit, provided to the participants.
Index Terms
: Computational Paralinguistics, Challenge, Social
Signals, Conflict, Emotion, Autism
1. Introduction
With the INTERSPEECH’s 2009 Emotion Challenge [
], 2010
Paralinguistic Challenge [
], 2011 Speaker State Challenge [
and the recent 2012 Speaker Trait Challenge [
] we organised
challenges and official exchange fora as exist for many more
‘traditional’ speech tasks, comparable to the NIST evaluations
(cf. e. g., [
]) or related audio and text processing disciplines
such as the MIREX [
], CLEF, and TREC challenges in the
field of Music and Text Information Retrieval [
]. The novel
Challenge for INTERSPEECH 2013 broadens the scope and
increases the number of tasks and new databases provided in
response to the increased participation [
]: In line with the
INTERSPEECH 2013’s theme “Speech in Life Sciences and
Human Societies”, we address the novel tasks social signals
] and conflict in communication [
] extending to dyadic
speech and speaker group analysis in realistic every-day condi-
tions. As our previous tasks, these have never been addressed in
such an open and strictly regulated comparison, but bear highest
application potential. Further due to the former popularity
This is a preliminary version. Baselines may be updated during
the ongoing Challenge. The research leading to these results has re-
ceived funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework
Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement No. 289021 (ASC-
Inclusion). The authors would further like to thank the sponsors of the
challenge, the HUMAINE Association and the Social Signal Processing
Network (SSPNet). The responsibility lies with the authors.
we revisit speech emotion and speech pathology with new
data. This includes as novelty the recognition of speakers with
autism spectrum condition by their acoustics [
] and
enacted emotion data taking into account potential differences
to naturalistic data [
]. We subsume these tasks under the
umbrella of Computational Paralinguistics [
] and introduce
TICS CHALLENGE (COMPARE). Due to space limitations, we
cannot elaborate on tasks and methodologies but have to con-
fine ourselves to the basics and ‘technicalities’ necessary for the
participants. Four Sub-Challenges are addressed:
In the Social Signal Sub-Challenge, non-linguistic events
such as laughter or sigh of a speaker have to be detected and
localised based on acoustics.
In the Conflict Sub-Challenge, group discussions have to be
automatically evaluated with the aim of recognising conflict.
In the Emotion Sub-Challenge, the emotion of a speaker
within a closed set has to be determined by a suited learning
algorithm and acoustic features.
In the Autism Sub-Challenge, the type of pathology of a
speaker has to be determined by a suited classification algorithm
and acoustic features.
The measures of competition will be Unweighted Average
Recall (UAR) and temporal deviation depending on the Sub-
Challenge. In addition, Area Under the receiver operating Curve
(AUC) and Correlation Coefficient (CC) will partially be given.
The transcription of the train and development sets will be known.
Contextual knowledge may be used, as the sequence of chunks
will be given. All Sub-Challenges allow contributors to find their
own features and machine learning algorithm. However, a novel
standard feature set will be provided per corpus that may be
used. Participants will have to stick to the definition of training,
development, and test sets. They may report on results obtained
on the development set, but have only ve trials to upload their
results on the test sets, whose labels are unknown to them. Each
participation will be accompanied by a paper presenting the
results that undergoes peer-review and has to be accepted for
the conference in order to participate in the Challenge. The
organisers preserve the right to re-evaluate the findings, but will
not participate themselves in the Challenge.

2. Challenge Corpora
2.1. SSPNet Vocalisation Corpus (SVC)
In the Social Signals Sub-Challenge, the “SSPNet Vocalization
Corpus” (SVC) serves for analyses and comparison. It is com-
posed of 2 763 audio clips (11 seconds length each) annotated
in terms of laughter and fillers. Laughter [
] can indi-
cate amusement, joy, scorn, or embarrassment. Fillers [
] are
vocalisations like “uhm”, “eh”, “ah”, etc.; they indicate attempts
to hold the floor. The corpus was extracted from a collection
of 60 phone calls involving 120 subjects (63 female, 57 male)
]. The participants of each call were fully unacquainted and
never met face-to-face before or during the experiment. The
calls revolved around the Winter Survival Task: The two par-
ticipants had to identify objects (out of a predefined list) that
increase the chances of survival in a polar environment. The
subjects were not given instructions on how to conduct the con-
versation, the only constraint was to discuss only one object
at a time. The conversations were recorded on both phones
(model Nokia N900) used during the call. The clips were ex-
tracted from the microphone recordings of the phones. Therefore
they contain the voice of one speaker only. Each clip lasts for
11 seconds and was selected in such a way that it contains at
least one laughter or filler event between
t = 1.5
seconds and
t = 9.5
seconds. Clips from the same speaker never overlap. In
contrast, clips from two subjects participating in the same call
may overlap (for example in the case of simultaneous laughter).
However, they do not contain the same audio data because they
are recorded with different microphones. Overall, the database
contains 3.0 k filler events and 1.2 k laughter events. Both types
of vocalisation can be considered fully spontaneous. The SVC
will serve to evaluate features and algorithms for the determina-
tion and localisation of speakers’ social signals in speech. By
that, the Social Signals Sub-Challenge for the first time intro-
duces a frame-wise detection and localisation task instead of
supra-segmental classification as in the other Sub-Challenges
and all previous Challenges. For the purpose of the Challenge,
the data were divided into speaker disjoint subsets for training,
development, and testing. For transparency, this was simply
done by using calls 1–35 (70 speakers) for training, calls 36–45
(20 speakers) for development, and calls 46–60 for testing. The
Challenge data are delivered with a manual segmentation of the
training and development data into ‘garbage’, ‘laughter’, and
‘filler’ segments, in the ‘master label file’ (MLF) format used by
the Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK) [
]. Further meta
data is not provided. The resulting partitioning by numbers of
utterances, number of vocalisation segments (filler, laughter) as
well as vocalisation and garbage frames (100 per second), is
shown in Table 1.
2.2. SSPNet Conflict Corpus (SC
In the Conflict Sub-Challenge, the “SSPNet Conflict Corpus”
) is used [
]. It contains 1 430 clips of 30 seconds extracted
from the Canal9 Corpus a collection of 45 Swiss political de-
bates (in French) including 138 subjects in total: 23 females
(1 moderator and 22 participants) and 133 males (3 moderators
and 120 participants). The clips have been annotated in terms
of conflict level by roughly 550 assessors recruited via Amazon
Mechanical Turk. Each clip is assigned a continuous conflict
score in the range [
], giving rise to a straightforward
regression task (‘Score’ task). A binary classification task is
created based on these labels, namely to classify into ‘high’ (
0) or ‘low’ (
0) level of conflict (‘Class’ task). As several sub-
Table 1: Partitioning of the SSPNet Vocalisation Corpus into
train, dev(elopment), and test sets: Numbers of utterances, vocal-
isation segments (laughter, filler), and vocalisation / ‘garbage’
: 79 572 after training set balancing by re-sampling.
# train dev test Σ
Σ 1 583 500 680 2 763
laughter 649 225 284 1 158
filler 1 710 556 722 2 988
laughter 59 294 25 750 23 994 109 038
filler 85 034 29 432 35 459 149 925
garbage 1 591 442
492 607 684 937 2 768 986
Σ 1 735 770 547 789 744 390 3 027 949
−10 −5 0 5 10
0 40 80
(a) train
−10 −5 0 5 10
0 10 20 30
(b) devel
−10 −5 0 5 10
0 20 40
(c) test
Figure 1: Level of conflict (
[10, +10]
) histograms for the
Challenge partitions of the SSPNet Conflict Corpus.
Table 2: Partitioning of the SSPNet Conflict Corpus into train,
dev(elopment), and test sets for binary classification (‘low’
[10, 0[, ‘high’ [0, +10]).
# train dev test Σ
low 471 127 226 824
high 322 113 171 606
Σ 793 240 397 1 430
jects occur in debates with different moderators, a truly speaker
independent partitioning is not possible on the data. Since all
participants except the moderators do not occur more than a
few times (most of them only once), the following strategy was
followed to reduce speaker dependence to a minimum. All broad-
casts with the female moderator (speaker # 50) were assigned
to the training set. The development set consists of all broad-
casts moderated by the (male) speaker # 153, and the test set
comprises the rest (male moderators). This also ensures that the
development and test sets are similar in case that the gender of
the moderator should have an influence. The resulting partition-
ing is shown in Table 2 along with the distribution of binary class
labels and continuous ratings (Figure 1) among the partitions. As
meta data, manual speaker segmentation, as well as role (partici-
pant / moderator) and gender of the subjects are provided for the
training and development sets. Participants are encouraged to
use the manual speaker segmentation for development of features
extraction, but for the test set an automatic speaker diarisation
system has to be used. Freely available alternatives for this task
comprise the LIUM [24]
and Alize LIA-RAL
2.3. Geneva Multimodal Emotion Portrayals (GEMEP)
For the Emotion Sub-Challenge we selected the “Geneva Mul-
timodal Emotion Portrayals” (GEMEP) [
]. It contains 1.2 k
instances of emotional speech from ten professional actors (five
2 en.html

Table 3: Partitioning of the GEMEP database into train,
dev(elopment), and test sets for 12-way classification by emo-
tion category, and binary classification by pos(itive) / neg(ative)
arousal (A) and valence (V).
: Mapped to ‘other’ and excluded
from evaluation in 12-class task.
: Mapped to ‘undefined’ and
excluded from evaluation in binary tasks.
# train dev test A V Σ
20 2 8 pos pos 30
amusement 40 20 30 pos pos 90
anxiety 40 20 30 neg neg 90
cold anger 42 12 36 neg neg 90
20 6 4 neg neg 30
despair 40 20 30 pos neg 90
20 2 8
elation 40 12 38 pos pos 90
hot anger 40 20 30 pos neg 90
interest 40 20 30 neg pos 90
panic fear 40 12 38 pos neg 90
pleasure 40 20 30 neg pos 90
pride 40 12 38 pos pos 90
relief 40 12 38 neg pos 90
sadness 40 12 38 neg neg 90
20 2 8 pos neg 30
20 6 4
20 6 4 neg pos 30
Σ 602 216 442 1 260
female) in 18 categories. In the Challenge task, these will need
to be classified into 12 categories (multi-class task). We further
provide results for the two dimensions arousal and valence (bi-
nary tasks) training on these binary targets and mapping from
the 12 categories after classification. The GEMEP database
contains prompted speech comprising sustained vowel phona-
tions, as well as two ‘nonsensical’ phrases with two different
intended sentence modalities, each expressed by each actor in
various degrees of regulation (emotional intensity) ranging from
‘high’ to ‘masked’ (hiding the true emotion). Given this layout,
a partitioning that is both text and speaker independent is not
feasible. Hence, the following strategy was followed: Vowels
and phrase #2 are used for training and development, subdivid-
ing by speaker ID, and phrase #1 is used for testing. Masked
regulation utterances are only contained in the test set in order to
alleviate potential model distortions. By the above partitioning,
we obtain text independence. Since six of the 18 emotional cate-
gories are extremely sparse (
30 instances in the entire GEMEP
database), we restrict the evaluation to the 12 most frequent ones
in the multi-class classification task. For the arousal / valence
tasks, mappings are only defined for selected categories such as
to obtain a balanced distribution of positive / negative arousal
and valence among the categories. Nevertheless, the remaining
data is given to the participants (with labels in 18 categories for
the training and development sets); it can be used, e. g., to train
‘background’ or ‘garbage’ models. The resulting partitioning is
shown in Table 3. As meta data, actor IDs, prompts, and intended
regulation are provided for the training and development sets.
2.4. Child Pathological Speech Database (CPSD)
The Autism Sub-Challenge is based upon the “Child Pathological
Speech Database” (CPSD) [
]. It provides speech as recorded
in two university departments of child and adolescent psychiatry,
located in Paris, France (Universit
e Pierre et Marie Curie/Piti
ere Hospital and Universit
e Ren
e Descartes/Necker Hos-
pital). The dataset used in the Sub-Challenge contains 2.5 k
instances of speech recordings from 99 children aged 6 to 18
Table 4: Partitioning of the Child Pathological Speech Database
into train, dev(elopment), and test sets for four-way classifica-
tion by diagnosis, and binary classification by typical / atypical
development. Diagnosis classes: TYPically developing, Perva-
sive Developmental Disorders (PDD), pervasive developmental
disorders Non-Otherwise Specified (NOS), and specific language
impairment such as DYSphasia.
# train dev test Σ
Typically developing
TYP 566 543 542 1651
Atypically developing
PDD 104 104 99 307
NOS 104 68 75 247
DYS 129 104 104 337
Σ 903 819 820 2542
years. 35 of these children show Pervasive Development Dis-
orders either of autism spectrum condition (PDD, 10 male, 2
female), specific language impairment such as dysphasia (DYS,
10 male, 3 female) or PDD Non-Otherwise Specified (NOS, 9
male, 1 female) according to the DSM-IV criteria. A monolin-
gual control group consists of 64 further children (TYP, 52 male,
12 female). The French speech includes prompted sentence imi-
tation of 26 sentences representing different modalities (declara-
tive, exclamatory, interrogative, and imperative) and four types
of intonations (descending, falling, floating, and rising). Two
evaluation tasks have been defined: a binary ‘Typicality’ task
(typically vs. atypically developing children), and a four-way
‘Diagnosis’ task (classifying into the above named categories).
Partitioning into training, development and test data is done by
order of speaker ID, stratified by age and gender of the children,
and speaker-independent; class distribution is given in Table 4.
As speaker meta data, age and gender of the children are given.
3. Challenge Features
For the baseline acoustic feature set used in this Challenge, we
slightly modified the acoustic feature set used for the INTER-
SPEECH 2012 Speaker Trait Challenge [
] the most effective
used in the series so far. Again, we use TUM’s open-source
openSMILE feature extractor [
] and provide extracted fea-
ture sets on a per-chunk level (except for SVC). Configuration
files for openSMILE will be provided together with the next
openSMILE public release. Voice quality features (jitter and
shimmer) were slightly improved, Viterbi smoothing for
added, and the exceptions which functionals are applied to which
LLD were simplified. The set includes energy, spectral, cepstral
(MFCC) and voicing related low-level descriptors (LLDs) as
well as a few LLDs including logarithmic harmonic-to-noise
ratio (HNR), spectral harmonicity, and psychoacoustic spectral
sharpness. Altogether, the 2013 COMPARE feature set contains
6 373 features. For the Social Signals Sub-Challenge that re-
quires localisation, a frame-wise feature set is derived from the
above. Taking into account space and memory requirements,
only a small set of descriptors are calculated per frame, following
a sliding window scheme to combine frame-wise LLDs and func-
tionals. In particular, frame-wise MFCCs 1–12 and logarithmic
energy are computed along with their first and second order delta
) regression coefficients as typically used in speech recogni-
tion. They are augmented by voicing probability, HNR, F0 and
zero-crossing rate, as well as their first order
s. Then, for each
frame-wise LLD the arithmetic mean and standard deviation
across the frame itself and eight of its neighbouring frames (four

before and four after) are calculated. This results in
47×3 = 141
descriptors per frame.
4. Challenge Baselines
As primary evaluation measure, we retain the choice of un-
weighted average recall as used since the first Challenge held
in 2009 [
]. The motivation to consider unweighted rather than
weighted average recall (‘conventional’ accuracy) is that it is
also meaningful for highly unbalanced distributions of instances
among classes, as is given in the Autism Sub-Challenge. Given
the nature of the Social Signals Sub-Challenge’s detection task,
we also consider the Area Under the Curve measure [
] for the
laughter and filler classes on frame level (100 frames per second);
the unweighted average (UAAUC) is the official competition
measure of this Sub-Challenge. For this reason, participants are
for the first time required to also submit posterior class probabili-
ties (‘confidences’) per frame in this Sub-Challenge. Besides, in
the Conflict Sub-Challenge, we additionally consider the Pearson
correlation coefficient as evaluation criterion for regression on
the ‘continuous valued’ original labels, following the 2010 Chal-
lenge which also featured a regression task [
]. A novelty of this
year’s Challenge is the provision of a ‘recipe’ for re-producing
the baseline classification and regression results on the devel-
opment set in an automated fashion, including pre-processing,
model training, model evaluation, and scoring by the competition
and further measures. For transparency and reproducibility, we
use open-source classifier implementations from the WEKA data
mining toolkit [
]. To provide a (somewhat) unified scheme
for tackling the various tasks in this Challenge, we restrict our-
selves to static classification (regression) for all tasks. To this
end, linear kernel Support Vector Machines (SVM) / Support
Vector Regression (SVR) are used, which are known to be robust
against overfitting. As training algorithm, we use Sequential
Minimal Optimisation (SMO). For each task, we choose the
SVM complexity parameter
C {10
, 10
, 10
, 1}
achieves best UAR on the development set. To obtain (pseudo)
class posteriors, logistic models are fitted to the SVM hyperplane
distance based on the training set. To cope with imbalanced
class distribution in the Autism Sub-Challenge, up-sampling is
applied. The under-represented categories (PDD, PDD-NOS,
SLI) in the four-way ‘Diagnosis’ task are upsampled by using
a factor of ve; in the binary ‘Typicality’ task a factor of two
is applied. Conversely, for the Social Signals Sub-Challenge,
down-sampling is used, where only 5 % of the ‘garbage’ frames
are kept. No re-sampling of the training set is done for the other
Sub-Challenges. The baseline recipe provided to the partici-
pants performs training set re-sampling in a reproducible way.
For evaluation on the test set, we re-train the models using the
training and development set, applying re-sampling as above.
Let us briefly summarise the baseline results as displayed in
Table 5. Due to the different nature of the tasks and evaluation
measures, we also present chance level baselines. For AUC
and CC, these are obtained as mean and standard deviation over
25 random trials on the development set, using random class
posteriors (AUC) or prediction of Gaussian random numbers
with mean and standard deviation of the training set labels (CC).
For UAR, they are defined as an equal class distribution (50 %
for 2, 25 % for 4, and 8.33 % for 12 classes). In the Social
Signals Sub-Challenge, detection of fillers seems slightly ‘easier’
than detection of laughter, and for both a somewhat acceptable
performance in terms of AUC (83.3 % baseline UAAUC on test)
is achieved yet, showing the challenge of vocalisation locali-
sation in naturalistic recordings of spontaneous speech. In the
Table 5: Challenge Baselines. C: Complexity parameter in
SVM/SVR training (tuned on development set). Devel: Result on
development set, by training on training set. Test: Result on test
set, by training on the training and development sets. Chance:
Expected measure by chance (cf. text). UAAUC: Unweighted
average of AUC for detection of the laughter and filler classes.
Official Challenge competition measures are highlighted.
[%] C Devel Test Chance
Social Signals Sub-Challenge
AUC [Laughter] 0.1 86.2 82.9 50.0 ± 0.18
AUC [Filler] 0.1 89.0 83.6 50.0 ± 0.21
UAAUC 87.6 83.3 50.0 ± 0.13
Conflict Sub-Challenge
CC [Score] 0.001 81.6 82.6 -0.8 ± 2.3
UAR [Class] 0.1 79.1 80.8 50.0
Emotion Sub-Challenge
UAR [Arousal] 0.01 82.4 75.0 50.0
UAR [Valence] 0.1 77.9 61.6 50.0
UAR [Category] 1.0 40.1 40.9 8.33
Autism Sub-Challenge
UAR [Typicality] 0.01 92.8 90.7 50.0
UAR [Diagnosis] 0.001 52.4 67.1 25.0
Conflict Sub-Challenge, it turns out that the simple baseline al-
ready delivers a remarkable performance (80.8 % baseline UAR
on test) on the binary classification task the baseline features
and classification do not respect the multi-party conversation
scenario (e. g., mean F0 is calculated on average across all par-
ticipants). In the Emotion Sub-Challenge, the baseline shows
Arousal to be easier to classify than Valence this is a well
known phenomenon when using acoustic features only. On the
test set, a performance drop is observed for the binary tasks. In
the 12-way Category task there is a large room for improvement
(40.9 % baseline UAR on test), indicating the challenge of clas-
sifying subtle emotional differences even in enacted emotional
speech. If the 12-way task is mapped to the binary tasks after
classification, results differ (not shown in Table 5) for Arousal
(74.4 % UAR on test) and Valence (64.0 % UAR on test). Finally,
in the Autism Sub-Challenge, the binary Typicality task can again
alternatively be solved by mapping from the 4-way task leading
to 92.6 % UAR on test (not shown in Table 5). Better algorithms
are clearly sought after for the Diagnosis task (67.1 % baseline
UAR on test). For all four challenges, the official competition
measure is UAAUC and UAR, respectively; these are given in
boldface in Table 5.
5. Conclusion
We introduced the INTERSPEECH 2013 Computational Paralin-
guistics Challenge. As for previous Challenges, we focused on
realistic settings including radio broadcast, and genuine patho-
logic speech the baseline results show the difficulty of the
investigated automatic recognition tasks. In contrast, however,
we also included a task based on enacting in studio conditions
for the first time. We have provided a baseline using a rather
‘brute force’ feature extraction and classification approach for
the sake of consistency across the Sub-Challenges; particularly,
for the Conflict Sub-Challenge, no information on speaker seg-
mentation is used or assessed in the baseline. Hence, it will be of
interest to see the performance of methods that are more tailored
to peculiarities of the presented tasks.

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Related Papers (5)
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Q1. What contributions have the authors mentioned in the paper "The interspeech 2013 computational paralinguistics challenge: social signals, conflict, emotion, autism∗" ?

The INTERSPEECH 2013 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge provides for the first time a unified test-bed for Social Signals such as laughter in speech. In this paper, the authors describe these four Sub-Challenges, their conditions, baselines, and a new feature set by the openSMILE toolkit, provided to the participants. It further introduces conflict in group discussions as a new task and deals with autism and its manifestations in speech. 

In particular, frame-wise MFCCs 1–12 and logarithmic energy are computed along with their first and second order delta (∆) regression coefficients as typically used in speech recognition. 

Taking into account space and memory requirements, only a small set of descriptors are calculated per frame, following a sliding window scheme to combine frame-wise LLDs and functionals. 

Participants are encouraged to use the manual speaker segmentation for development of features extraction, but for the test set an automatic speaker diarisation system has to be used. 

As primary evaluation measure, the authors retain the choice of unweighted average recall as used since the first Challenge held in 2009 [1]. 

Since six of the 18 emotional categories are extremely sparse (≤ 30 instances in the entire GEMEP database), the authors restrict the evaluation to the 12 most frequent ones in the multi-class classification task. 

Since six of the 18 emotional categories are extremely sparse (≤ 30 instances in the entire GEMEP database), the authors restrict the evaluation to the 12 most frequent ones in the multi-class classification task. 

Given the nature of the Social Signals Sub-Challenge’s detection task, the authors also consider the Area Under the Curve measure [28] for the laughter and filler classes on frame level (100 frames per second); the unweighted average (UAAUC) is the official competition measure of this Sub-Challenge. 

It contains 1 430 clips of 30 seconds extracted from the Canal9 Corpus – a collection of 45 Swiss political debates (in French) – including 138 subjects in total: 23 females (1 moderator and 22 participants) and 133 males (3 moderators and 120 participants). 

The motivation to consider unweighted rather than weighted average recall (‘conventional’ accuracy) is that it is also meaningful for highly unbalanced distributions of instances among classes, as is given in the Autism Sub-Challenge. 

Since all participants except the moderators do not occur more than a few times (most of them only once), the following strategy was followed to reduce speaker dependence to a minimum. 

The SVC will serve to evaluate features and algorithms for the determination and localisation of speakers’ social signals in speech. 

For all four challenges, the official competition measure is UAAUC and UAR, respectively; these are given in boldface in Table 5. 

It contains 1.2 k instances of emotional speech from ten professional actors (five1 

The two participants had to identify objects (out of a predefined list) that increase the chances of survival in a polar environment. 

The two participants had to identify objects (out of a predefined list) that increase the chances of survival in a polar environment.