scispace - formally typeset
Open AccessJournal ArticleDOI

The Tyranny of the Male Preserve

Christopher R. Matthews
- 01 Apr 2016 - 
- Vol. 30, Iss: 2, pp 312-333
In this article, a two-year ethnographic study of boxing is used to argue that the notion of the male preserve is still a useful conceptual, theoretical and political device especially when considered as produced by the tyranny of gender power through the dramatic representation and reification of behaviours symbolically linked to patriarchal narrations of manhood.
Within this paper I draw on short vignettes and quotes taken from a two-year ethnographic study of boxing to think through the continuing academic merit of the notion of the male preserve. This is an important task due to evidence of shifts in social patterns of gender that have developed since the idea was first proposed in the 1970s. In aligning theoretical contributions from Lefebvre and Butler to discussions of the male preserve, we are able to add nuance to our understanding of how such social spaces are engrained with and produced by the lingering grasp of patriarchal narratives. In particular, by situating the male preserve within shifting social processes, whereby certain men’s power is increasingly undermined, I highlight the production of space within which narratives connecting men to violence, aggression and physical power can be consumed, performed and reified in a relatively unrestricted form. This specific case study contributes to gender theory as an illustration of a way in which we might explore and understand social enclaves where certain people are able to lay claim to space and power. As such, I argue that the notion of the male preserve is still a useful conceptual, theoretical and political device especially when considered as produced by the tyranny of gender power through the dramatic representation and reification of behaviours symbolically linked to patriarchal narrations of manhood.

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Book Chapter

The Production of Space

Simon Sheikh
TL;DR: In this article, Jacobi describes the production of space poetry in the form of a poetry collection, called Imagine, Space Poetry, Copenhagen, 1996, unpaginated and unedited.
Journal ArticleDOI

Help seeking in men: When masculinity and self-compassion collide.

TL;DR: This paper found that self-compassion predicted more positive attitudes toward help-seeking for intercollegiate athletes but not the comparison group, while conformity to traditional masculinity norms predicted less favorable attitudes towards help seeking because of self-stigma.
Journal ArticleDOI

Understanding sports violence: revisiting foundational explorations

TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss the importance of attending to definitions of "violence" and present a return to a selection of important foundational works to unpack the fundamental meaning of 'violence'.

Masculinities and Sexualities of Elite Male Team Sport Athletes: An Ethnographic Examination

TL;DR: This article conducted a year-long ethnography with five elite-level male sports teams (Volleyball, Water Polo, Lacrosse, Basketball, and American Football) to examine how masculinities, and attitudes towards non-heterosexual athletes, are changing at the highest level of sport.
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Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977

TL;DR: The Eye of Power: A Discussion with Maoists as mentioned in this paper discusses the politics of health in the Eighteenth Century, the history of sexuality, and the Confession of the Flesh.
Book Chapter

The Production of Space

Simon Sheikh
TL;DR: In this article, Jacobi describes the production of space poetry in the form of a poetry collection, called Imagine, Space Poetry, Copenhagen, 1996, unpaginated and unedited.

Space, Place and Gender

Doreen Massey
TL;DR: Massey as discussed by the authors rastrea el desarrollo de ideas sobre la estructura social del espacio y el lugar, and the relacion of ambos con cuestiones de genero and ciertos debates dentro del feminismo.

Bodies that matter

Judith Butler
TL;DR: The concept of "sex" is itself troubled terrain, formed through a series of contestations over what ought to be decisive criterion for distinguishing between the several sexes; the concept of sex has a history that is covered over by the figure of the site or surface of inscription as mentioned in this paper.