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Are renewable energy sources costly? 

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Renewable energy sources have experienced a rapid decline in costs over the last two decades, making them cost-competitive with fossil fuel technologies in many cases . While the initial installation costs may be higher, renewable energy sources provide cheap and clean energy in the long run . The costs of renewable energy technologies are highly sensitive to financing terms, but power companies are willing to invest in them due to clean and sustainability concerns . Minimizing the total cost of providing renewable energy suggests that the marginal costs of individual renewable energy sources should be equal . Additionally, the marginal cost of renewable energy suggests that energy conservation will be an economical way to transition to renewable energy . Public policy may be needed to accelerate the renewable energy transition and combat the effects of climate change .

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The paper discusses that the costs of renewable energy sources are dependent on factors such as interest rates, scales, and production sites. It suggests that minimizing the total cost of providing renewable energy requires equal marginal costs for individual sources. Therefore, some renewable energy sources may be more expensive than others, but their costs can be balanced by developing other sources that are currently more feasible.
The paper does not directly answer the question about whether renewable energy sources are costly. The paper focuses on the financing and decision-making processes for power companies investing in renewable energy generation.
Open accessPosted Content
01 Jan 2017
The paper discusses that the costs of renewable energy sources are dependent on factors such as interest rates, scales, and production sites. It suggests that minimizing the total cost of providing renewable energy requires equal marginal costs for individual sources. Therefore, some renewable energy sources may be more expensive than others, but overall costs can be minimized through proper planning and integration.
The paper states that renewable energy technologies, except concentrated solar and offshore wind, have lower levelized costs of electricity compared to fossil fuel technologies at lower capital costs and discount rates of 10% or lower.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2014
1 Citations
According to the paper, renewable energy sources can be expensive to install initially, but they can provide cheap and clean energy for many years, making them financially affordable in the long run.

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