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Average price in power purchase agreement (PPA) with power-to-X? 

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The average price in a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with power-to-X can vary based on the specific terms negotiated between the Generation Companies (GENCOs) and Independent System Operator (ISO) . PPAs play a crucial role in hedging risks and ensuring returns on investment costs in the competitive power market . Renewable energy strategies, including PPAs, are essential for sustainable development and can enhance the value of initiatives seeking sustainability benefits . These agreements aim to deliver green energy efficiently to organizations interested in sustainability benefits . Assessing the value of credit risk in PPAs can be complex, as they are typically uncollateralized, posing a risk to both parties involved . Therefore, the average price in a PPA with power-to-X will depend on various factors negotiated in the agreement, market conditions, and the specific context of the deal.

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