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Can biological nitrogen fixation help improve silage? 

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Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) plays a crucial role in enhancing silage production by providing a sustainable source of nitrogen for plant growth. BNF involves the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can utilize, contributing significantly to soil fertility and crop productivity . Effective inoculation with elite strains of nitrogen-fixing bacteria can improve BNF in legumes, leading to increased nitrogen availability for silage crops . Additionally, optimizing nitrogen fertigation strategies can further enhance silage production by ensuring efficient nutrient uptake and utilization by the plants . By harnessing the potential of BNF through proper inoculation techniques and nutrient management, silage quality and yield can be significantly improved, highlighting the importance of biological nitrogen fixation in silage production.

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Eudes François, Alicja Ziemienowicz 
25 Jul 2019
1 Citations
Biological nitrogen fixation can enhance silage quality by transforming plant mitochondria to express nitrogenase enzymes, enabling crops to fix atmospheric nitrogen, potentially improving silage production.
Biological nitrogen fixation can enhance silage production by providing atmospheric nitrogen inputs and disease control benefits, potentially improving crop productivity in silage systems.
Biological nitrogen fixation was not addressed in the paper. The study focused on nitrogen fertigation frequency and irrigation water amounts to enhance nitrogen use efficiency and crude protein in silage corn.
Biological nitrogen fixation can enhance silage production by providing a sustainable source of nitrogen for plant growth, ultimately improving crop productivity and soil fertility.

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How bacteria fix nitrogen?5 answersNitrogen-fixing bacteria play a crucial role in converting atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into a usable form for plants. These bacteria have evolved the ability to fix nitrogen through the activity of the enzyme nitrogenase, which reduces N2 to ammonia (NH3). This process is mainly carried out by molybdenum-dependent nitrogenase in archaea and eubacteria. Diazotrophic bacteria, including endophytic diazotrophic bacteria, are capable of fixing nitrogen and providing it to plants. They can colonize the interior tissues of plants and provide various benefits, including nitrogen fixation, production of plant growth hormones, nutrient uptake facilitation, and increased tolerance to stresses. Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixers, such as Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Cyanobacteria, and Beijerinckia, also contribute to nitrogen fixation in the soil. These bacteria utilize nitrates present in the soil and have the ability to fix nitrogen, reducing nitrogen-based greenhouse gas emissions and N leaching to groundwater.
What are the implications of nitrogen fixation in agro-ecosystems for food security?5 answersNitrogen fixation in agro-ecosystems has significant implications for food security. Excess nitrogen intake and low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) have disrupted nitrogen cycles, leading to environmental impacts. Balancing nitrogen flows throughout the food system is crucial for resilience and robustness. Identifying hotspots in the value chain and quantifying nitrogen use, NUE, and environmental impact potential are essential for addressing nitrogen-related issues. Legumes play a vital role in minimizing costs and enhancing soil fertility through nitrogen fixation. Improving crop productivity through nitrogen fixation can help meet the increasing food demands of a growing population. Optimizing contributions from nitrogen fixation in agro-ecosystems can enhance food security in tropical environments. Overall, understanding and managing nitrogen fixation in agro-ecosystems is crucial for sustainable food production and ensuring food security for the future.
How nitrogen fixation works?5 answersNitrogen fixation is the process by which molecular nitrogen (N2) in the atmosphere is converted into biologically available forms of nitrogen. This process is essential for the maintenance of life and primary productivity on Earth. Nitrogen fixation can be carried out by various types of bacteria, including heterotrophs, cyanobacteria, and chemo-autotrophs. It involves the reduction of N2 to ammonia (NH3) with the help of an enzyme called nitrogenase, which is composed of two metalloproteins. The reduction of N2 to NH3 is energetically costly and requires significant quantities of ATP and reducing powers. In the case of legumes, nitrogen fixation occurs through a symbiotic relationship with rhizobia bacteria, which invade the plant's root nodules. The process of nitrogen fixation is influenced by various factors, including physical, chemical, and ecological factors. Understanding nitrogen fixation is important for sustainable agriculture and ecosystem management.

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