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Do Lyapunov exponents vary with performance in elite and subelite athletes? 

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Lyapunov exponents are a useful tool for gauging the stability and complexity of a dynamical system . However, the provided abstracts do not directly address the variation of Lyapunov exponents with performance in elite and subelite athletes. The abstracts focus on topics such as the definition and calculation of Lyapunov exponents for different systems , the relation between Lyapunov exponents and the underlying data , and the estimation of Lyapunov exponents in multiplets of interacting nonlinear resonances . There is no specific mention of elite or subelite athletes in the abstracts. Therefore, it is not possible to determine from the provided abstracts whether Lyapunov exponents vary with performance in elite and subelite athletes.

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Open accessPosted Content
09 Dec 2007-arXiv: Probability
14 Citations
The answer to the query is not present in the provided paper. The paper is about the definition, calculation, and properties of Lyapunov exponents for a sequence of free linear operators.
The provided paper does not discuss the variation of Lyapunov exponents with performance in elite and subelite athletes.
The provided paper does not discuss the variation of Lyapunov exponents with performance in elite and subelite athletes.

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