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What is the Lyapunov function for a nonlinear inverted pendulum? 

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The Lyapunov function for a nonlinear inverted pendulum can be constructed using different approaches. One approach is to use a logarithmic function, which has been shown to have higher numerical accuracy and faster convergence speed compared to the usual quadratic function . Another approach is to use a function Lyapunov in conjunction with LaSalle's invariance principle, which allows for the system to be locally asymptotically stable around its unstable equilibrium point . Additionally, a recurrent neural network-based adaptive backstepping control strategy can be used, where the stability analysis of the system is studied using a Lyapunov function . These different Lyapunov functions provide ways to stabilize the nonlinear inverted pendulum system and achieve desired control performance.

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The paper does not mention the specific form of the Lyapunov function for the nonlinear inverted pendulum system.
The paper does not provide information about the Lyapunov function for a nonlinear inverted pendulum.
The paper does not provide information about the specific Lyapunov function for a nonlinear inverted pendulum.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2014
5 Citations
The paper does not provide the specific form of the Lyapunov function for the nonlinear inverted pendulum.
The paper does not provide the specific Lyapunov function for the nonlinear inverted pendulum.

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