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Do ornamental plants contribute to the Reduction of Soil Erosion? 

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Ornamental plants play a significant role in reducing soil erosion by enhancing slope stability and soil anti-scourability. They contribute to erosion control through their root morphology, development, and biomass. Different herbaceous plants, such as Lolium multiflorum Lam., have been shown to effectively resist slope flow erosion, with root traits like root mass density and root length density positively impacting soil anti-scourability. Research also indicates that roots, rather than shoots, are crucial in preventing soil erosion, with smaller root traits like root hairs potentially influencing erosion mitigation. Additionally, ornamental plants like Amaranthus tricolor L. have been found to efficiently reduce heavy metal loads in contaminated soils, further improving soil health and reducing metal toxicity. Therefore, ornamental plants indeed contribute significantly to the reduction of soil erosion through various mechanisms.

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Shrub-grass and grass planted slopes effectively reduce soil erosion by delaying runoff and retaining sediment, indicating that ornamental plants can contribute to soil erosion reduction.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Ornamental plants contribute to reducing soil erosion by enhancing slope stability through root morphology, biomass, and growth, especially during heavy rainfall periods in urban and suburban areas.

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