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SummaryIntravenous amino acids, by increasing extracellular amino acid concentration, transiently stimulate protein synthesis and suppress protein breakdown.
High protein intake increases the serum concentrations of most amino acids.
Ingestion of only small amounts of amino acids, combined with carbohydrates, can transiently increase muscle protein anabolism, but it has yet to be determined if these transient responses translate into an appreciable increase in muscle mass over a prolonged training period.
Physical activity and amino acids are additive in effect also in elderly individuals, and timing of training and protein intake is crucial, in that early intake of amino acids is advantageous with regards to stimulation of protein synthesis.
In strength athletes, amino acid supplementation has been proposed to increase the availability of essential amino acids, enhance anabolic processes promoting tissue accretion, and accelerate the rate of recovery during training.
Crystalline amino acids can be used to improve amino acid balance and reduce excessive intake of protein which should improve feed efficiency.
The results of this study suggest that high amino acids density throughout life optimized live weight and growth, whereas reductions in amino acids density reduced growth and live weight.
More importantly, administration of exogenous amino acids produces a significant increase in protein synthesis in these patients that is also equivalent to that in healthy elderly people.
Infusion of essential amino acids may result in enhancement of protein synthesis.
Therefore, it can be assumed that the additional intake of limiting amino acids would allow the sparing of muscle proteins.

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5 answers
Lactate responses to incremental exercise vary based on different conditions. Obese animals show faster blood lactate accumulation during exercise, linked to decreased exercise performance due to altered muscle and liver protein metabolism. Physiological systems exhibit distinct dynamics during incremental exercise, with changes in lactate and oxygen uptake parameters at specific intensity levels, suggesting a three-phase system with varying dynamics. In non-incline treadmill tests, maximal incremental exercise significantly increases blood lactate and glycemia levels, indicating metabolic responses to exercise intensity. Eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage leads to higher blood lactate concentrations during subsequent dynamic exercise, possibly due to increased glycogenolysis from Type II muscle fiber recruitment. Oxygenation responses at different body sites during ramp exercise show breakpoints related to traditional thresholds like maximal lactate steady state, suggesting complex but interconnected physiological events.
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4 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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4 answers
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4 answers
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4 answers
The increase in heart rate during exercise is primarily due to a combination of neural and hormonal control mechanisms. Initially, at the onset of exercise, there is a reduction in parasympathetic neural activity, leading to an increase in heart rate. Subsequently, sympathetic neural drive is heightened, further elevating the heart rate. This response is mediated by the withdrawal of vagal tone, increased sympathetic tone, and the action of circulating catecholamines. Additionally, genetic studies have shown that the acute and long-term heart rate response to exercise is heritable, with various genes associated with heart rate increase and recovery during exercise. Therefore, the increase in heart rate during exercise is a complex interplay of neural, hormonal, and genetic factors.
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5 answers
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4 answers
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