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How do Design-Build and Design-Bid-Build construction methods differ in terms of long-term maintenance and durability of projects? 

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Design-Build (DB) and Design-Bid-Build (DBB) construction methods differ in their impact on long-term maintenance and durability of projects. DB emphasizes early exploration of sustainable solutions due to long maintenance responsibilities, fostering innovation in infrastructure projects . On the other hand, DBB, a traditional method, focuses on selecting the lowest priced bidder, potentially limiting innovation and long-term performance considerations . Research on highway projects reveals that DBB procurement methods may not adequately prioritize long-term evaluation criteria related to sustainability and performance, with only around 11% of criteria focusing on long-term aspects . In contrast, DB approaches like DBM can influence project-level innovation positively, showcasing how different delivery systems impact project outcomes and processes .

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Design-Build allows for early contractor involvement, potentially enhancing long-term maintenance and durability, while Design-Bid-Build focuses on low-bid award based on completed documents, potentially impacting long-term outcomes.
Design-Build procurement focuses more on long-term performance criteria (11%) compared to Design-Bid-Build. Design-Build emphasizes design aspects (65%) over materials and technology for project longevity.
Design-Build projects tend to perform better in long-term maintenance and durability compared to Design-Bid-Build projects, as per previous studies, but this research focuses on procurement strategies.
Book ChapterDOI
19 May 2022
Design-Bid-Build (DBB) involves separate contracts for design and construction, focusing on lowest price selection, potentially impacting long-term maintenance and durability compared to Design-Build.
Design-Build contracts promote early exploration of sustainable solutions for long-term benefits, enhancing maintenance and durability compared to Design-Bid-Build contracts.

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