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Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Nirmal Fernando, Yi Hong, Emanuele Viterbo 
09 Jun 2013
9 Citations
In addition, we show that, in the presence of phase noise, self-het OFDM using the proposed pairing scheme outperforms the conventional OFDM schemes with superheterodyne receiver structures.
Consequently, the correct pairing of experimentally obtained and numerically derived natural frequencies and mode shapes is important.
The main result of this paper is a rigorous proof that the numeric comparison mode for device pairing in Bluetooth version 2.1 is secure, under appropriate assumptions regarding the cryptographic functions used.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Lukas Malina, Jan Hajny, Vaclav Zeman 
09 Jul 2015
9 Citations
Further, we show optimization techniques that can reduce expensive pairing operations in pairing-based schemes.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Chang-An Zhao, Fangguo Zhang, Dongqing Xie 
15 Citations
Based on the ηT pairing, we propose a generalization of the Ateil pairing, which we call the Ateili pairing.
The results clearly indicate a collective behavior of the isovector pairing vibrations and do not support any appreciable collectivity in the isoscalar channel.

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What neural networks can be used to steel or copy confidential information?
5 answers
Neural networks can be utilized to steal or copy confidential information by mimicking the outputs of existing networks without requiring knowledge of their internal structures or training data. This can be achieved by training a student network to replicate the outputs of a mentor network using a large dataset of random samples. To protect against such attacks, it is recommended to provide only the classification results without confidence values associated with the softmax layer. Additionally, lightweight networks like DSCNN have been proposed for confidential information analysis, aiming to balance accuracy and speed while simplifying convolutions for efficient processing on low-resource devices. Neural networks can also be employed in cryptographic systems for secure key exchange to prevent unauthorized access to confidential information.
Webaid roadside assistance related literature 2021?
5 answers
In the realm of roadside assistance literature in 2021, various studies have contributed valuable insights. One notable study by Nandy et al. (2021) introduced an authentication scheme for VANETs, highlighting critical design flaws that impact vehicle privacy and security. On a different note, Milad et al. (2021) developed a web-based expert system, ESTAMPSYS, to address flexible pavement issues in tropical regions, showcasing the effectiveness of expert knowledge sharing in engineering education. Additionally, Maibach and Heiningen (Year) presented a novel design for a reinforcing tube and elastic material body in vehicle collision prevention, emphasizing stability and lightweight construction. These diverse studies collectively contribute to the advancement of roadside assistance literature in 2021, covering topics ranging from vehicular security to pavement maintenance and collision prevention.
How to find out how steganography is being used in practice?
5 answers
Steganography, the art of concealing messages within carriers like images or audio files, is utilized in practice for covert communication channels. It involves hiding data to communicate discreetly, with only intended recipients aware of the hidden message. Steganography has historical roots in concealing messages from adversaries and has evolved with advancements in computational power and security awareness, making it a preferred method for data concealment over watermarking and cryptography. This technique is applied across various multimedia carriers, including images, audio, and video files, to either embed or detect hidden information using different tools and methods. In the realm of modern conflicts, steganography plays a role in information operations aimed at influencing society, politics, and economics through information and communication technologies.
How does RecA protein identify and bind to homologous regions in genomic sequences?
5 answers
RecA protein identifies and binds to homologous regions in genomic sequences through a series of intricate processes. Initially, RecA forms a presynaptic filament by binding to a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). This filament undergoes a rapid homology test involving approximately 8 contiguous bases, rejecting most non-homologous interactions. The homology testing process is governed by kinetics, with mismatch-insensitive interactions triggering a slower testing stage. RecA's ability to establish allelic pairing after a double-strand break in E. coli is highly accurate, requiring testing of at least 50 contiguous base pairs. The recognition size for homologous sequences is estimated to be around five or six nucleotides, primarily occurring during the association step. This detailed structure/function model of homology recognition reconciles quick searching with the formation of stable strand exchange products.
How to improve customer experience?
5 answers
To enhance customer experience, various strategies can be implemented based on the insights provided in the research papers. Firstly, optimizing call center functionality through machine learning can significantly improve performance. Secondly, focusing on website design, security, and customer service can positively influence customer experience in online shopping platforms. Additionally, leveraging artificial intelligence tools to understand customer preferences and enhance engagement can lead to better customer retention. Moreover, involving consumers actively in the supply chain process through crowdsourcing strategies and sustainable purchase options can further enhance customer experience and contribute to stock management and retail sustainability. By combining these approaches, organizations can create a more personalized, efficient, and engaging customer experience.
What is the research direction in the quantum cryptography in single-photon QKD?
5 answers
The current research direction in quantum cryptography, particularly in single-photon Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), focuses on optimizing the coherence and security of quantum communication networks. Researchers are exploring the use of semiconductor quantum dots as on-demand single-photon sources with high purity and indistinguishability, enabling the generation of high-quality single photons with controllable photon number coherence (PNC). By leveraging two-photon excitation and stimulation pulses, these quantum dot-based sources offer tunable coherence in emitted photon-number states, enhancing security benefits for quantum cryptographic protocols. The emphasis lies on identifying optimal optical pumping schemes and excitation methods to tailor photon sources for secure quantum communication tasks, guiding future developments in solid-state and quantum information science.
How does knowledge in a strand affect in choosing a strand?
4 answers
Knowledge of strand structures plays a crucial role in choosing a strand. In the context of shape decomposition, the visibility of points within a shape is utilized to detect strand structures effectively, especially in shapes with significant deformation or noise. In cryptographic protocols, representing choice in the strand space model involves various taxonomy of choice primitives, including deterministic and non-deterministic choices, which impact the paths a protocol can take. This taxonomy allows for explicit and implicit choices, finite and infinite branching, affecting the execution flow of the protocol. Furthermore, in the context of analyzing layups of strands, determining the strand dimension involves analyzing pixel images to define candidate strands, showcasing how knowledge of specific strands is essential in the measurement process.
What is the relationship between collaborative work and learner engagement in the context of language learning?
5 answers
Collaborative writing tasks in language learning significantly impact learner engagement. Learner engagement, encompassing cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions, plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of collaborative tasks. When students have control over task content, they exhibit higher levels of engagement, leading to improved text quality. However, the choice of partners in collaborative tasks can influence emotional engagement, with student-selected pairs showing elevated enjoyment levels. Additionally, the dynamics of collaborative writing groups can lead to changes in engagement levels, from active collaborators to disengaged individuals, highlighting the importance of considering individual and contextual factors in promoting engagement. Implementing authentic collaborative tasks in online language learning environments can further enhance student engagement cognitively, agentically, behaviorally, and emotionally.
What are the negative impact of Blockchain in terms of Privacy for Software Developers?
5 answers
Blockchain technology, while offering numerous benefits, poses challenges regarding privacy for software developers. The transparency of blockchain systems can lead to privacy concerns, especially when handling sensitive data. Despite the decentralized nature of blockchain, the requirement for all transaction records to be visible to all nodes increases the risk of privacy breaches. Developers often struggle with implementing privacy-preserving technologies due to their complexity, hindering the full adoption of privacy frameworks in blockchain software. To address these issues, there is a need to bridge the gap between developers and privacy technologies, making it easier to integrate privacy features into blockchain applications. Enhancing privacy tools and simplifying their implementation can help mitigate the negative impact of blockchain on privacy for software developers.
What are the negative impact of Internet of Things (IoT) in terms of Resource Constraints for Software Developers?
5 answers
The Internet of Things (IoT) poses challenges in terms of resource constraints for software developers. IoT devices, being resource-constrained, face limitations in computing capability, communication power, bandwidth, and battery capacity. This constraint makes implementing conventional cryptographic techniques difficult due to high power consumption requirements, leaving IoT systems vulnerable to attacks. Moreover, the development of IoT systems supported by blockchain and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) introduces energy consumption and computational overhead concerns, necessitating efficient resource allocation strategies like the Branching Dueling Q-Network Resource Allocation (BDQ-RA) algorithm to optimize energy consumption and computational efficiency. These challenges highlight the importance of addressing resource limitations in IoT development to ensure system security and efficiency.
What is the technical definition of blockchain?
4 answers
A blockchain is a decentralized, secure, and immutable digital ledger technology that stores transactions in a network of interconnected nodes. It consists of a chain of blocks, each containing time-stamped records that are cryptographically secured, making it practically impossible to alter previously recorded information. The distributed nature of blockchain ensures that each node maintains a copy of the ledger, enhancing security and preventing unauthorized modifications without a consensus. Blockchain technology utilizes encryption techniques like AES, DES, and Bluefish to safeguard data and resist fraud and hacking attempts. This innovative technology operates as a peer-to-peer network without centralized control, enabling secure and reliable processing of transactions.