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How do you remove corrosion from plastic chrome? 

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It is concluded that the primary damage mechanisms are the deposition of corrosion products consecutively disturbed by impinging particles and localized plastic deformation.
Corrosion considerations and the associated reduction in the cost of corrosion inhibitors give an added adge for the use of PTFE plastic.
It seems that impinging particles remove the semi-protective layer of FeCO3 on the carbon steel surface, resulting in continuous exposure of fresh metal surface to the corrosive environment, and a higher corrosion rate.
Also, the coating has potentially lower or equivalent production cost when compared to chrome.
The results show that both sols could improve the magnesia-chrome bricks corrosion resistance in impregnation.
They believe the most environmentally sound method for surpassing the high anti-corrosion standards set by toxic inhibitors such as lead and chrome based pigments is through the gains provided by non-toxic corrosion inhibitor synergisms.
The technique developed here shows promise as an alternative to chrome passivation for corrosion protection of metals.
The damaged surface corrosion has been found to be a consequence of corrosion-induced delamination of the coating, which enhances the propagation of corrosion from the damaged site.
Silica coatings developed by this method show promise as an alternative to chrome passivation for corrosion protection.
In addition, the ability of the hybrid lacquer to prevent corrosion was comparable to the protection offered by chrome treatment.
The coating process is more environmentally friendly than the chrome plating process.
The HVOF coating is considered to be an excellent replacement for chrome plating.
The Fine CrC–NiCr coatings have demonstrated superior performance to hard chrome with regard to mechanical and tribological properties, and they can be proposed as an alternative to hard chrome coatings.

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