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Knowledge of the channel can be used to further improve the communication.
emphasize the effectiveness of this communication channel.
The author's research findings show the importance of this information and indicate how the choices of the media for channel communication should be made.
Consequently, there is a need for a better understanding of how and by how much multiple channels can improve communication.
Small examples show how channel communication is convenient for creating compact and comprehensive models.
The findings show that there is a relationship between culture and channel communication in international channels.
Through this experience, we confirmed that our system have the potential to succeed for a novel communication channel.

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What is communication channel?4 answersA communication channel is an abstract structure facilitating message exchange between processes or systems. It can be a physical medium or a logical space for public announcements. Various forms of communication channels exist, such as those used in programming languages like OCCAM, in messaging systems for formatting and routing messages, and in healthcare for women to contact breast cancer screening programs. Claude Shannon's information theory introduced the concept of a communication channel to understand information sharing between a source and a receiver, applicable across diverse fields like image segmentation and virtual scene illumination. Additionally, Multiple Channel Logic addresses the complexities of public announcements, agent beliefs, and truthfulness in communication channels.
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5 answers
Literature reviews in 3GPP network communication research encompass various models. These include propagation models for planning and dimensioning processes, channel models for evaluating wireless channel parameters and system performance, and mobility models for assessing client mobility in wireless networks. Specifically, the 3GPP standardization body plays a crucial role in defining application scenarios for Device-to-Device (D2D) communications in 5G networks, focusing on energy-efficient strategies like minimizing active interfaces and optimizing data rates. Additionally, comparisons between different channel models, such as the 3GPP TR 38.900 Release 14 model and the NYUSIM model developed by New York University, highlight the importance of accurate simulations for realistic urban environments.